Hold On to Christmas

Light the fire and trim the tree
It won’t be long ’til Christmas Eve
So close your eyes and make believe
That dreams really do come true

Manger scenes and mistletoe
Christmas cards from friends we know
They’ll disappear like melted snow
At least for another year

Watching children as they play
Makes you wish that Christmas would stay

All year long just for
Dreamers like me
And those who believe
The joy of the season would stay
All year long like a December snow
That just won’t let go
Let’s hold on to Christmas this year

Long ago and far away
Love was born on Christmas day
A cattle stall, a bed of hay
A star shining in the sky

Even as the shepherds prayed
Heaven knew that Christmas would stay


All year long like a December snow
That just won’t let go
Let’s hold on to Christmas this year

Hold On to Christmas Video

Hold On to Christmas Song Meaning

Hold On to Christmas: A Song of Hope and Joy

Christmas is a time of joy and hope. It’s a time when we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world. It’s a time when we gather with our loved ones, exchange gifts, and share in the festive spirit of the season. But Christmas is more than just a holiday; it’s a state of mind. It’s a reminder of the love and grace of God and the hope that we have in Him. This is the message that the song “Hold On to Christmas” by 4Him conveys.

The Meaning Behind the Song

The song “Hold On to Christmas” is a beautiful reminder to hold on to the joy and hope that Christmas brings, not just during the holiday season but throughout the year. It’s a call to cherish the memories of Christmas and to keep the spirit of giving alive in our hearts. The lyrics encourage us to remember the birth of Jesus Christ and to celebrate the love and grace that He brings.

The song talks about the fleeting nature of Christmas and how quickly it passes. The decorations come down, the presents are opened, and the holiday cheer fades away. But the message of Christmas remains. The song reminds us that even though the season may end, the hope and joy that it brings can last all year long.

The Inspiration and Story Behind the Song

“Hold On to Christmas” was written by Mark Harris, Andy Chrisman, Marty Magehee, and Kirk Sullivan, who were members of the Christian band 4Him. The song was released as part of their Christmas album “The Season of Love” in 1993.

The inspiration behind the song was to capture the essence of Christmas and to remind people of the joy and hope that it brings. The band wanted to create a song that would resonate with people and inspire them to hold on to the spirit of Christmas throughout the year.

The band members themselves were inspired by their own experiences of Christmas. They wanted to capture the magic of the season and convey the message of hope and joy that they felt during this time of the year.

Bible Verses References in the Song

The song “Hold On to Christmas” is rooted in the message of the Bible. It references several verses that speak to the hope and joy that Christmas brings. Here are a few examples:

“For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.” – Luke 2:11

“And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.” – Luke 2:10

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” – John 3:16

The song also references the idea of holding on to the memories of Christmas and cherishing the love and grace that it brings. This echoes the message of 1 Corinthians 13:13, which states, “And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love.”

Practical Application to Christian Living

The song “Hold On to Christmas” has a practical application to Christian living. It reminds us to hold on to the message of Christmas throughout the year and to keep the spirit of giving alive in our hearts. Here are a few practical ways that we can apply the message of the song to our daily lives:

1. Remember the message of Christmas. The birth of Jesus Christ is the ultimate message of hope and love. We can keep this message in our hearts all year by reading the Bible, praying, and sharing the gospel with others.

2. Cherish the memories of Christmas. The song encourages us to hold on to the memories of Christmas and to keep the spirit of giving alive in our hearts. We can do this by continuing to give to others, even after the holiday season has passed.

3. Spread joy and hope. The message of Christmas is one of joy and hope. We can spread this message to others by being kind, generous, and compassionate. We can bring joy to those around us by sharing our blessings and showing them the love of Christ.


The song “Hold On to Christmas” by 4Him is a beautiful reminder to hold on to the joy and hope that Christmas brings. It’s a call to cherish the memories of Christmas and to keep the spirit of giving alive in our hearts. The song is rooted in the message of the Bible and reminds us of the love and grace of God. As Christians, we can apply the message of the song to our daily lives by remembering the message of Christmas, cherishing the memories of the season, and spreading joy and hope to those around us.

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