Jeso (Jesus)

Jeso (Jesus), Jeso (Jesus) 

Jeso (Jesus), Jeso (Jesus) 

Zita rinesimba (The powerful name) 

Jeso Jeso Jeso 

Handiende kun’anga (I don’t consult with doctors) 

Kana kutsvaga mishonga (or depend upon their remedies) 

Ndodana zita raniko? (Whose name do I call?) 

Zita rajeso (The name of Jesus) 

Kubva pasi peGungwa 

(From the depths of the seas) 

Kusvika kushiri dzedenga 

(To the birds of the skies) 

Zita rajeso (The name of Jesus) 

Jeso Jeso (Jeso)

Zita rajeso (The name of Jesus) 

Wakandiona ndisina mota 

(When you see me with no car) 

Mwana wamwai usambondishora 

(Do not look down upon me ) 

Ndina Jesus ndakakwana 

(With JHesus I am fullfilled)

Namwari ndinopombonoka 

(Because of God I’m free) 

Je Jeso (Jeso) 

Jeso Jeso

Zita rajeso (The name of Jesus) 

Wombera maoko uchiti yeahh 

(Clap your hands and shout yeahh) 

Tamba nemakumbo uchiti yeahh 

(Dance and shout yeahh)

Kana uchiti unoda Jesus (If You love Jesus) 

Kana uchiti unoda Jesu (If You love Jesus) 

Wombera maoko uchiti yeahh 

(Clap your hands and shout yeahh) 

Tamba nemakumbo uchiti yeahh 

(Dance and shout yeahh)

Jeso (Jesus) Video

Jeso (Jesus) Song Meaning

Title: Jeso (Jesus) by ZimPraise + Jonah Chivasain: An Uplifting Anthem of Faith


Jeso (Jesus) is a powerful and uplifting song performed by ZimPraise, a renowned gospel music group from Zimbabwe, in collaboration with Jonah Chivasain. This captivating praise and worship song exalts the name of Jesus and celebrates the unfailing power and authority found in Him. With its catchy melody and heartfelt lyrics, Jeso has touched the hearts of many believers across the world.

Meaning and Message

The song Jeso (Jesus) carries a profound message of faith, hope, and trust in the name of Jesus. It emphasizes the power and authority vested in the name of Jesus Christ, which is able to bring healing, deliverance, and breakthroughs in every area of life. The lyrics express the unwavering belief in Jesus as the ultimate source of salvation, strength, and victory.

Inspiration and Story Behind the Song

While specific information regarding the inspiration and story behind Jeso (Jesus) is limited, it is evident that the song was birthed out of a deep desire to exalt the name of Jesus and declare His power and authority. The song’s lyrics reflect a personal encounter with Jesus and the transformative impact of His name on the singer’s life. It is through the powerful name of Jesus that the songwriter finds hope, healing, and freedom.

Biblical References

Jeso (Jesus) is deeply rooted in biblical truths and draws inspiration from various scriptures. Here are a few Bible verses that resonate with the message of the song:

1. Acts 4:12 – “And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” This verse affirms the uniqueness and power of the name of Jesus as the only means of salvation.

2. Philippians 2:9-11 – “Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” These verses highlight the supreme authority and Lordship of Jesus Christ.

3. Mark 16:17-18 – “And these signs will accompany those who believe: in my name they will cast out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up serpents with their hands; and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt them; they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will recover.” This passage emphasizes the power and miracles that can be experienced through the name of Jesus.

4. Psalm 116:13 – “I will lift up the cup of salvation and call on the name of the Lord.” This verse encourages believers to call upon the name of the Lord, acknowledging His power and salvation.

The lyrics of Jeso (Jesus) beautifully capture the essence of these biblical truths, reminding listeners of the authority and power found in the name of Jesus.

Analysis of the Song

Jeso (Jesus) is a vibrant and energetic song that combines contemporary African gospel music styles with a powerful message. The song commences with a repetitive chant of “Jeso (Jesus)” that immediately captures the listener’s attention and sets the tone for worship and celebration.

The lyrics emphasize the power and authority of Jesus’ name and the singer’s reliance on Him. The song invites believers to clap their hands, dance, and proclaim the name of Jesus with joy and exuberance. It serves as a reminder to believers that their strength and victory lie in Jesus alone.

The collaboration between ZimPraise and Jonah Chivasain brings a dynamic and diverse vocal range to the song, enhancing its impact and creating a memorable musical experience. The infectious melody and rhythmic beats further contribute to the song’s appeal and make it suitable for congregational worship and personal devotion.


Jeso (Jesus) by ZimPraise + Jonah Chivasain is a powerful anthem of faith that exalts the name of Jesus. The song’s lyrics convey a deep belief in the power and authority of Jesus’ name, emphasizing His ability to bring salvation, healing, and breakthroughs. With its catchy melody and uplifting message, Jeso has become a favorite among believers, inspiring them to worship and trust in the name of Jesus.

As listeners engage with the song, they are reminded of the biblical truths that affirm the uniqueness and supremacy of Jesus’ name. Jeso (Jesus) serves as a reminder that Jesus is the source of strength, hope, and victory for all who call upon His name.

So, let us join in the celebration and proclaim the powerful name of Jesus – Jeso!

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