Brand New Start

When I think of all of the things He’s doin’ for me,
It makes me stand in wonder at what He’s making me to be.
Tryin’ to walk through straight, but getting turned around,
Always makin’ the Master take a backseat and wait around.

But I praise the Lord for giving me a brand new start each day,
And I praise His blessed name for guiding me all along the way.
If He didn’t, I wouldn’t even try.

Well maybe you can’t see a change, you know these things can take time.
But now that I’ve found Jesus, well He’s given me peace of mind.
Now ev’ry day’s just a chance to grow close to Him,
I may not win all the battles, but it’s a victory in Him.

Well I praise the Lord for giving me a brand new start each day,
And I praise His blessed name for guiding me all along the way.
If He didn’t, I would surely die.

Brand New Start Video

Brand New Start Song Meaning

Title: Brand New Start by Amy Grant: A Song of Redemption and Renewal


“Brand New Start” is a captivating Christian song by renowned artist Amy Grant. The lyrics of this song reflect the theme of redemption, renewal, and the transformative power of Christ in our lives.

I. The Meaning of the Song:

1.1 Redemption and Forgiveness:
The song “Brand New Start” speaks about the grace and love of God, which offers us a fresh beginning each day. It portrays the idea that no matter our past mistakes, we have the opportunity to start afresh through the redemptive power of Christ. The lyrics express gratitude for this chance at a new beginning and acknowledge God’s forgiveness and mercy.

1.2 Growth and Transformation:
The song also highlights the ongoing journey of growth and transformation in a Christian’s life. It acknowledges that change takes time and effort but emphasizes the importance of walking closer to God each day. As believers, we strive to become more like Christ, and this song reminds us that with God’s guidance, we can overcome obstacles and continue to grow spiritually.

II. Inspiration and Story Behind the Song:

The specific inspiration or story behind “Brand New Start” is not widely known. However, the lyrics and themes of the song align with the foundational principles of the Christian faith, which emphasize the concepts of redemption, forgiveness, and spiritual growth.

III. Bible Verses Related to the Song:

3.1 Lamentations 3:22-23 (NIV):
“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”

This verse reflects the core message of “Brand New Start.” It reminds us that God’s love and mercy are constant, and His faithfulness allows us to experience a fresh start every day.

3.2 2 Corinthians 5:17 (NIV):
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!”

This verse speaks directly to the transformative power of Christ in our lives. Through faith in Him, we become new creations, leaving behind our old ways and embracing a renewed life.

3.3 Philippians 3:13-14 (NIV):
“Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”

These verses encourage believers to let go of past mistakes and focus on the journey ahead. They remind us that, with God’s help, we can press on toward our spiritual goals and strive for the prize of eternal life in Christ Jesus.

IV. Analysis of the Song Lyrics:

4.1 Verse 1:
“When I think of all of the things He’s doin’ for me, It makes me stand in wonder at what He’s making me to be.”

This opening verse expresses the songwriter’s awe and gratitude for the work that God is doing in their life. It captures the sense of marvel at the transformation taking place through God’s grace and guidance.

4.2 Verse 2:
“Tryin’ to walk through straight, but getting turned around, Always makin’ the Master take a backseat and wait around.”

These lines reveal the human struggle to stay on the right path and the tendency to prioritize worldly matters over our relationship with God. The songwriter acknowledges their imperfections and the times when they have not put God first in their life.

4.3 Chorus:
“But I praise the Lord for giving me a brand new start each day, And I praise His blessed name for guiding me all along the way. If He didn’t, I wouldn’t even try.”

The chorus emphasizes the songwriter’s gratitude for God’s continuous grace and guidance. It acknowledges that without God’s intervention and support, the journey of faith would be impossible.

4.4 Verse 3:
“Well maybe you can’t see a change, you know these things can take time. But now that I’ve found Jesus, well He’s given me peace of mind.”

In this verse, the songwriter acknowledges that spiritual growth and transformation are gradual processes that may not always be visible to others. However, through the discovery of Jesus Christ, they have found peace and assurance in their heart.

4.5 Bridge:
“Now ev’ry day’s just a chance to grow close to Him, I may not win all the battles, but it’s a victory in Him.”

The bridge of the song emphasizes the daily opportunity to draw closer to God and highlights the understanding that victory is found in Christ, regardless of the challenges faced along the way.

V. Conclusion:

“Brand New Start” by Amy Grant is a powerful Christian song that resonates with believers seeking redemption, renewal, and spiritual growth. The lyrics of the song celebrate the grace and forgiveness offered by God, reminding us of His faithfulness and the opportunity for a fresh start each day. Through its heartfelt message, this song encourages us to persevere in our journey of faith, knowing that God is continuously guiding and transforming us.

As we reflect on the lyrics of “Brand New Start,” let us be encouraged to embrace the new beginnings that God offers, to let go of our past mistakes, and to press on toward the goal of becoming more like Christ. May this song inspire us to seek a closer relationship with God and to trust in His transformative power in our lives.

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