Same God


You’re God on the mountain

God in the valley

You’re God above everything

You are God

You’re God on the mountain

God in the valley

You’re God above everything

You are God

So I’m here to worship, Oba mimo oh

So am here to worship Oga Ogo

So I’m here to worship,Oba mimo oh

So am here to worship Oga Ogo


Same God, same God, In the water

Same God, same God, In the fire

Same God, same God, On the mountain

Same God, same God, In the valley

(repeat * 4)

You’re God on the mountain

God in the valley

You’re God above everything

You are God

You’re God on the mountain

God in the valley

You’re God above everything

You are God

So I’m here to worship, Oba mimo oh

So am here to worship Oga Ogo

So I’m here to worship,Oba mimo oh

So am here to worship Oga Ogo

You’re God on the mountain

God in the valley

You’re God above everything

You are God

You’re God on the mountain

God in the valley

You’re God above everything

You are God

So I’m here to worship,Oba mimo oh

So am here to worship Oga Ogo

So I’m here to worship, Oba mimo oh

So am here to worship Oga Ogo

So I’m here to worship, Oba mimo oh

Same God Video

Same God Song Meaning

Same God – An Uplifting Worship Song


Same God is a powerful worship song by Segun John. With its catchy tune and heartfelt lyrics, it has quickly become a favorite among believers. This song reminds us of the unwavering faithfulness of God, no matter the circumstances we find ourselves in.

Key Messages:

The main key messages of the song Same God can be found in the chorus and the repeated lines throughout the song. Let’s analyze these messages chronologically from the lines:

1. “You’re God on the mountain, God in the valley”:
This line emphasizes the omnipresence of God. It reminds us that God is not limited to specific locations or situations. Whether we are on the mountaintop, experiencing success and joy, or in the valley, facing trials and difficulties, God is present and in control. This message reassures us that we are never alone, and God’s power is not limited by our circumstances.

2. “You’re God above everything”:
This line highlights the sovereignty of God. It acknowledges that God reigns supreme over all creation. There is no power, no authority, and no situation that can surpass the greatness and authority of God. It reminds us that God is in control of everything, and we can trust Him with our lives.

3. “So I’m here to worship, Oba mimo oh”:
This line expresses the singer’s desire and purpose to worship God. It signifies a heartfelt surrender and acknowledgment of God’s worthiness of praise. It reflects the understanding that worship is not limited to a specific time or place but is a lifestyle that should be lived out daily. The mention of “Oba mimo” (meaning Holy King) portrays a reverence and recognition of God’s holiness.

4. “So am here to worship Oga Ogo”:
This line reaffirms the singer’s commitment to worship God. “Oga Ogo” is a Nigerian phrase that can be translated as “The King of Glory.” It further emphasizes God’s majesty and glory, highlighting the reason for worship.

Meaning of the Song:

The song Same God conveys a powerful message of trust and faith in God’s unwavering nature. It encourages believers to worship God regardless of their circumstances, recognizing His presence, sovereignty, and worthiness of praise. The lyrics remind us that God is consistently the same, whether we are experiencing success or facing challenges. It encourages us to place our trust in God, knowing that He is always with us and in control.

Inspiration or Song Story:

While there is limited information available about the specific inspiration or story behind the song Same God by Segun John, it is evident that the lyrics were crafted to inspire and uplift believers in their faith journey. The song’s message resonates with many who have faced various trials and tribulations, reminding them of God’s faithfulness and unchanging nature.

Biblical Analysis:

To determine if the song Same God aligns with biblical teachings, let’s examine the lyrics and compare them with relevant biblical references:

1. “You’re God on the mountain, God in the valley”:
The idea of God being present in both the mountain and the valley is consistent with biblical teachings. In Psalm 139:7-10, David declares, “Where shall I go from your Spirit? Or where shall I flee from your presence? If I ascend to heaven, you are there! If I make my bed in Sheol, you are there! If I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there your hand shall lead me, and your right hand shall hold me.” This verse affirms that God is omnipresent and can be found in every situation we encounter.

2. “You’re God above everything”:
The assertion that God is above everything is supported by numerous biblical passages. In Psalm 97:9, it is written, “For you, O Lord, are most high over all the earth; you are exalted far above all gods.” This verse emphasizes God’s sovereignty and supremacy over all creation.

3. “So I’m here to worship, Oba mimo oh” & “So am here to worship Oga Ogo”:
The call to worship God and the recognition of His holiness and glory align with biblical teachings. In Psalm 95:6, it is written, “Oh come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the Lord, our Maker!” This verse encourages believers to come before God in worship and reverence. Additionally, in Psalm 29:2, it says, “Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name; worship the Lord in the splendor of holiness.” This verse emphasizes the need to worship God for His holiness and glory.


Same God by Segun John is a powerful worship song that conveys a message of trust and faith in God’s unchanging nature. Through its lyrics, the song reminds us of God’s omnipresence, sovereignty, and worthiness of praise. It encourages believers to worship God in every circumstance, knowing that He is always with us. From a biblical perspective, the song aligns with key teachings and emphasizes the truth found in Scripture. As we sing along to Same God, may it strengthen our faith and deepen our relationship with the unchanging God who is with us in all situations.

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