Ask For Rain

Verse 1

In the wilderness where the water is

We’re crying out Lord for You to hear

Fill our cups Lord until we overflow

We need you right now



We ask for rain, for your favor Lord

We ask for rain

Shower down from heaven, for our seasons to change

We ask for rain

We ask for rain, for your favor Lord

We ask for rain

Shower down from heaven, for Your seasons to change

We ask for rain


Oh Lord we’re praying for overflow

Let it rain, let it rain

Just speak the word and the rain will fall on us

We need rain


Shower down, overflow, favor Lord

We ask for rain

(With expectancy in our hearts Jesus)

Shower down, overflow, favor Lord

We ask for rain

(Shower down)

Shower down, overflow, favor Lord

We ask for rain

(Revive us again by the power of Your hand Lord we need You)

Shower down, overflow, favor Lord

We ask for rain

(Rejuvenate us and purify, Lord we need you to survive, oh)

Shower down, overflow, favor Lord

We ask for rain

(With our eyes set on You, waiting for You to move)

Shower down, overflow, favor Lord

We ask for rain

(That is our prayer to You Jesus

So we’re asking You to please send the rain)

Rain, rain, rain

repeat out


Oh God, please God

We need You

And we know that You’ll never leave or forsake us

Hey, hey, rain

On our lives

On our family

In our homes

My God shall supply every one of my needs

So I’m looking to the hills from whence cometh my help

We need a manifestation

We need You, We need You

Oh Lord, eyes have not seen

Nor ear heard all of the things that You have prepared for us

Oh, rain, oh rain, hey yeah

Hey, hey, hey, hey yeah

And we receive it by faith

It’s already done

Oh, oh rain, yea

Ask For Rain Video

Ask For Rain Song Meaning

Ask For Rain by Gene Moore is a powerful gospel song that speaks to the hearts of believers who are longing for a fresh outpouring of God’s grace and favor. The song is a call to prayer for the rain of God’s blessings to fall on the lives of believers, bringing revival, renewal, and refreshing to the soul.

Inspiration and Story Behind Ask For Rain

Gene Moore is a Christian singer, songwriter, and worship leader who has been ministering through music for several years. His music is known for its powerful lyrics and soulful sound that draws listeners into a deeper relationship with God.

In an interview, Gene Moore shared the inspiration behind the song Ask For Rain. He said that the song was birthed out of a season of drought in his life. He felt like he was in a spiritual wilderness, and nothing seemed to be going right. He was struggling with doubts, fears, and uncertainties, and he knew that he needed a fresh outpouring of God’s grace and favor.

In that moment, Gene Moore turned to the Bible and found the story of Elijah in 1 Kings 18. Elijah was a prophet of God who had prayed for rain during a severe drought in Israel. He had faith that God would answer his prayer, and he kept praying until he saw a cloud the size of a man’s hand rising from the sea. That cloud brought the much-needed rain to the land, and it was a sign of God’s favor and provision.

Gene Moore was inspired by Elijah’s faith and persistence in prayer, and he wrote the song Ask For Rain as a declaration of his own faith and trust in God. The song is a reminder that even in the midst of a spiritual drought, believers can turn to God in prayer and ask for His rain of blessings to fall on their lives.

Meaning of Ask For Rain

The lyrics of Ask For Rain are filled with powerful imagery and biblical references that speak to the heart of the Christian faith. The song begins with the line, “In the wilderness where the water is, we’re crying out Lord for You to hear.” This line speaks to the experience of many believers who feel like they are wandering in a spiritual wilderness, searching for the living water that only God can provide.

The chorus of the song is a call to prayer for the rain of God’s favor and blessings to fall on believers’ lives. It says, “We ask for rain, for Your favor Lord, shower down from heaven, for our seasons to change.” This line is a reminder that God is the source of all blessings and that believers can ask Him for anything they need.

The bridge of the song is a powerful declaration of faith in God’s ability to answer prayer. It says, “Just speak the word and the rain will fall on us, we need rain.” This line is a reminder that God’s word has the power to bring about change in our lives, and all we need to do is trust Him and believe that He will answer our prayers.

The Vamp of the song is a powerful declaration of faith and expectancy. It says, “Shower down, overflow, favor Lord, we ask for rain.” This line is a reminder that believers can approach God with confidence and expect Him to answer their prayers.

Bible Verses References in Ask For Rain

The song Ask For Rain is filled with biblical references that speak to the heart of the Christian faith. Here are some of the verses that the song references:

1. James 5:17-18 – Elijah was a man with a nature like ours, and he prayed fervently that it might not rain, and for three years and six months it did not rain on the earth. Then he prayed again, and heaven gave rain, and the earth bore its fruit.

2. Psalm 68:9 – You, O God, sent a plentiful rain, whereby you confirmed your inheritance when it was weary.

3. Zechariah 10:1 – Ask rain from the Lord in the season of the spring rain, from the Lord who makes the storm clouds, and he will give them showers of rain, to everyone the vegetation in the field.

4. Joel 2:23 – Be glad, O children of Zion, and rejoice in the Lord your God, for he has given the early rain for your vindication; he has poured down for you abundant rain, the early and the latter rain, as before.

Practical Application of Ask For Rain

The song Ask For Rain is a powerful reminder of the importance of prayer in the life of a believer. It is a call to faith, trust, and expectancy, and it encourages believers to seek God’s favor and blessings in their lives.

As Christians, we all go through seasons of drought and wilderness, where we feel like we are wandering aimlessly, searching for something that we cannot find. In those moments, it is important to turn to God in prayer and ask Him to bring rain to our lives.

We can ask God for rain in different areas of our lives, such as our relationships, our finances, our health, and our spiritual growth. We can ask Him to pour out His grace and favor on us, to renew our minds and hearts, and to bring revival to our souls.

When we ask God for rain, we must do so with faith and expectancy, knowing that He is a faithful God who hears our prayers and answers them according to His will. We must also be willing to persevere in prayer, like Elijah did, and trust that God will bring the rain in His perfect timing.

In conclusion, Ask For Rain by Gene Moore is a powerful gospel song that speaks to the hearts of believers who are longing for a fresh outpouring of God’s grace and favor. The song is a call to prayer for the rain of God’s blessings to fall on the lives of believers, bringing revival, renewal, and refreshing to the soul. As Christians, we can take inspiration from the song and seek God’s favor and blessings in our lives, knowing that He is a faithful God who hears our prayers and answers them according to His will.

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