You Can’t Make Old Friends

What will I do when you are gone?
Who’s gonna tell me the truth?
Who’s gonna finish the stories I start
The way you always do?

When somebody knocks at the door
Someone new walks in
I will smile and shake their hands
But you can’t make old friends

You can’t make old friends
Can’t make old friends
It was you and me, since way back when
But you can’t make old friends

How will I sing when you are gone?
‘Cause it won’t sound the same
Who will join in on those harmony parts
When I call your name?

You can’t make old friends
Can’t make old friends
It was you and me, since way back when
But you can’t make old friends

When saint peter opens the gate
And you come walking in
I will be there just waiting for you
‘Cause you can’t make old friends

When I am out on the stage all alone
And I hear the music begin
We all know the show must go on
But you can’t make old friends

You can’t make old friends
Can’t make old friends
And you and me, will be young again
You can’t make old friends
You and me, will be together again
‘Cause we both know, we will still be old friends
You can’t make old friends
Not the way we have always been

You Can’t Make Old Friends Video

You Can’t Make Old Friends Song Meaning

“You Can’t Make Old Friends” by The Nelons is a heartfelt song that explores the significance of long-lasting friendships and the impact they have on our lives. With its poignant lyrics and beautiful melodies, the song resonates with listeners who understand the value of true friendship. In this blog post, we will delve into the main key messages of the song, analyze its biblical foundation, and discuss the possible inspiration behind its creation.

Key Messages of the Song

The song “You Can’t Make Old Friends” conveys several key messages that unfold throughout its lyrics. Let’s explore these messages chronologically:

1. The Importance of Authentic Friendships: The opening lines of the song highlight the significance of true friendships that stand the test of time. The lyrics ask, “What will I do when you are gone? Who’s gonna tell me the truth?” These questions emphasize the role of friends in providing support, honesty, and comfort in our lives.

2. Nostalgia and Shared Memories: As the song progresses, it reflects on the memories and experiences shared with old friends. The lines “Who’s gonna finish the stories I start the way you always do?” evoke a sense of longing for the familiarity and depth that come with long-term friendships.

3. Inevitable Change: The lyrics acknowledge the reality of change and the transient nature of life. The line “When somebody knocks at the door, someone new walks in” suggests that new people may come into our lives, but they can never replace the connection and history we have with old friends.

4. Cherishing the Past: The song emphasizes the need to cherish and appreciate the moments spent with old friends. It recognizes that while new friendships may form, they cannot replicate the comfort and understanding that come from shared experiences over many years.

5. The Unbreakable Bond: The chorus of the song repeats the phrase “You can’t make old friends” to reinforce the idea that the depth of connection and understanding between old friends cannot be replicated or replaced. It is a unique bond that withstands the test of time.

Meaning and Inspiration

The song “You Can’t Make Old Friends” is a poignant reflection on the importance of lifelong friendships. It celebrates the depth of connection and shared experiences that can only be found with those who have journeyed through life together. The lyrics capture the bittersweet emotions evoked by the passing of time and the inevitable changes that come with it.

While the exact inspiration for the song is not readily available, it is clear that the songwriter(s) drew from personal experiences and observations of the power of enduring friendships. The emotional resonance of the lyrics suggests that the song may have been inspired by a specific relationship or a collective understanding of the value of lifelong friendships.

Biblical Analysis

The song “You Can’t Make Old Friends” aligns with several biblical principles that emphasize the significance of friendships and relationships. The Bible speaks extensively about the importance of cultivating authentic connections and cherishing the bonds formed over time.

1. Proverbs 17:17: “A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity.” This verse highlights the enduring nature of true friendships, emphasizing that they are there for support, love, and encouragement during both good and challenging times.

2. Ecclesiastes 4:9-10: “Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up.” This passage emphasizes the strength and benefit of having companionship and support from a trusted friend.

3. Proverbs 27:9: “Perfume and incense bring joy to the heart, and the pleasantness of a friend springs from their heartfelt advice.” This verse underscores the value of honest and heartfelt advice that can only be given by a trusted friend who knows us well.

The song’s message aligns with these biblical principles by emphasizing the importance of authentic friendships that stand the test of time. It acknowledges the unique bond formed between old friends and the comfort and support they provide.


“You Can’t Make Old Friends” by The Nelons is a touching song that reminds us of the value of lifelong friendships. Its lyrics capture the depth of connection, shared memories, and understanding that can only be found with those who have journeyed through life together. The song’s biblical foundation aligns with the scriptural emphasis on genuine relationships and cherishing the bonds formed over time. Whether inspired by personal experiences or a collective understanding of the power of enduring friendships, this song resonates with listeners who recognize the significance of true friendship in their lives.

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