God Turn It Around

Verse 1

I’m praying God come

And turn this thing around

God turn it around

God turn it around

God turn it around

Verse 2

I’m calling on the name

That changes everything

God turn it around

God turn it around

God turn it around


All of my hope

Is in the name

The name of Jesus

Breakthrough will come

Come in the name

The name of Jesus

Verse 1

I’m praying God come

And turn this thing around

God turn it around

God turn it around

God turn it around

Verse 2

I’m calling on the name

That changes everything

God turn it around

God turn it around

God turn it around


Cause’ all of my hope

Is in the name

The name of Jesus

Breakthrough will come

Come in the name

The name of Jesus


God turn it around

God turn it around

God turn it around


He is healing someone

He is saving someone

God is doing something

Right now

Right now

He is moving mountains

Making a way for someone

God is doing something

Right now

Right now


All of my hope

Is in the name

The name of Jesus

Breakthrough will come

Come in the name

The name of Jesus


God turn it around

Turn it around oh



God turn it around

Turn it around

Turn it around

God Turn It Around Video

God Turn It Around Song Meaning

God Turn It Around: A Song of Hope and Faith


In the realm of Christian music, there are countless songs that uplift and inspire believers. One such song is “God Turn It Around” by Church of the City and Jon Reddick. This powerful anthem of hope and faith resonates with listeners, reminding them of the transformative power of God in their lives.

Key Messages of the Song

“God Turn It Around” is a prayerful plea to God to intervene and bring about a turnaround in a situation. The key messages of the song can be understood chronologically through its lines:

Verse 1: “I’m praying God come, And turn this thing around”

The song begins with a heartfelt prayer, acknowledging the need for divine intervention. It expresses the human longing for God to step in and bring about a change in a specific circumstance.

Chorus: “All of my hope, Is in the name, The name of Jesus, Breakthrough will come, Come in the name, The name of Jesus”

The chorus emphasizes the source of hope and salvation – the name of Jesus. It declares that breakthrough and transformation can only come through Him. The repetition of the name of Jesus underscores the power and authority associated with it.

Verse 2: “I’m calling on the name, That changes everything”

The second verse reinforces the belief in the power of the name of Jesus. It encourages believers to call upon His name, recognizing that it has the ability to bring about profound change in every aspect of life.

Bridge: “He is healing someone, He is saving someone, God is doing something, Right now, Right now”

The bridge celebrates the present activity of God in the lives of His people. It declares that God is actively working, bringing healing and salvation to those who call upon Him. This section emphasizes the immediacy of God’s intervention and invites listeners to have faith in His current work.

Meaning and Inspiration of the Song

“God Turn It Around” is a song that encapsulates the struggles and hopes of believers. It speaks to the universal desire for God to step in and bring transformation in difficult circumstances. The song is inspired by a deep faith in the power of God to turn things around, to bring healing and restoration where there was brokenness.

The inspiration behind the song may vary from person to person, but it is rooted in the biblical understanding of God’s character and His ability to bring about change. The song serves as a reminder that even in the midst of challenging situations, believers can find hope and faith in God’s promises.

Critically Analyzing the Song’s Biblical Foundation

To evaluate the biblical foundation of “God Turn It Around,” it is important to examine the key messages of the song in light of scripture. The song’s emphasis on the name of Jesus and the belief in His power to bring breakthrough aligns with biblical teachings.

The Bible teaches that there is power in the name of Jesus. In Acts 4:12, it says, “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.” This verse affirms the central message of the song, which declares that breakthrough and salvation can only come through Jesus.

Additionally, the concept of God turning things around is prevalent throughout the Bible. In Romans 8:28, it states, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” This verse reassures believers that God is able to bring about a turnaround in any situation, using even the most challenging circumstances for their ultimate good.

Furthermore, the theme of God’s active involvement in the present is also biblical. Psalm 46:1 declares, “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.” The bridge of the song echoes this truth, affirming that God is actively working in the lives of His people.


“God Turn It Around” by Church of the City and Jon Reddick is a song that resonates with believers, offering hope and faith in the power of God to bring about transformation. Its key messages center around the name of Jesus, the belief in His ability to bring breakthrough, and the assurance of God’s active involvement in the present. The song’s biblical foundation aligns with the teachings of scripture, emphasizing the power and sovereignty of God. As believers listen to this song, they are reminded to place their hope and trust in God, knowing that He is able to turn things around in their lives.

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