
Nikuabudu Lyrics:

Vs 1:

Moyo wangu wakutamani ewe Baba

Mwili wangu wa kulilia 

Kama vile ayala atamanivyo maji akiona kiu (x2)


Nikuabudu Bwana, Nikuabudu

Ndio tamaa yangu milele Bwana


Nikuabudu Bwana, Nikuabudu

Ndio tamaa yangu milele Yesu


Vs 2:

Ninapo fadhaika nitakimbia hekaluni mwako

Na nitaimimina nafsi yangu mbele zako Bwana

Kwani upendo wako ni wimbo wa kunituliza

Jina lako tegemeo tena ngome iliyo imara…

Vs 3:

Hapa chini ya mbawa zako sala ni moja

Kwamba kwa macho haya yangu

Niuone utukufu wako

Tenda miujiza, tenda maajabu

Kwani fadhili zako ni bora kuliko uhai


Amen amen amen…

This song is from Psalm 42:

“As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God.

My soul thirsts for God, for the living God”

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Nikuabudu Song Meaning

Title: Nikuabudu by Alice Kimanzi: Worship Lyrics and Inspirational Meaning


“Nikuabudu” is a powerful worship song by Kenyan gospel artist Alice Kimanzi. This uplifting and soulful song captures the essence of worship and the deep longing for a personal relationship with God. Inspired by Psalm 42:1, the lyrics express a heartfelt desire to worship and seek God’s presence continually.

Meaning and Inspiration

The song “Nikuabudu” connects with believers on a spiritual level, expressing a longing for a deeper connection with God. The lyrics beautifully depict the thirst and hunger for God’s presence, using the analogy of a deer panting for streams of water. Just as the deer’s survival depends on water, our souls long for the living God.

The word “Nikuabudu” translates to “I worship you” in English, and it encapsulates the core message of the song. It encourages believers to approach God with reverence, pouring out their hearts in worship, adoration, and surrender.

The story behind the song

While there isn’t specific information available regarding the story behind “Nikuabudu” by Alice Kimanzi, the song’s lyrics and emotive delivery speak volumes about the artist’s personal journey with God. It is evident that the song is born out of a deep desire to worship and seek God’s presence in every season of life.

Biblical References

The lyrics of “Nikuabudu” resonate with several Bible verses, capturing the essence of worship and the yearning for God’s presence. Here are a few related scriptures:

1. Psalm 42:1-2 (NIV): “As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God.”

This verse directly inspired the song’s lyrics, emphasizing the longing for God’s presence and the thirst to worship Him.

2. Psalm 63:1 (NIV): “You, God, are my God, earnestly I seek you; I thirst for you, my whole being longs for you, in a dry and parched land where there is no water.”

This verse echoes the sentiment conveyed in the song, expressing a fervent desire to seek and worship God.

3. Psalm 84:2 (NIV): “My soul yearns, even faints, for the courts of the Lord; my heart and my flesh cry out for the living God.”

The lyrics of “Nikuabudu” echo the theme of longing for God’s presence and the desire to worship Him wholeheartedly.

The lyrics of “Nikuabudu” and its connection to these Bible verses serve as a reminder of the importance of worship in the life of a believer. It encourages listeners to approach God with a sincere heart and an attitude of reverence.

Analysis of the Lyrics

Verse 1:
The opening lines of “Nikuabudu” express a deep longing for God’s presence. The lyrics depict the heart’s yearning for God, comparing it to a deer’s desperate thirst for water. This imagery beautifully portrays the intensity of the desire to worship and seek God continually.

The chorus serves as a declaration of the songwriter’s commitment to worship God. It emphasizes that worshiping God is not just a temporary desire but a lifelong pursuit. The repetition of the phrase “Nikuabudu Bwana” reinforces the central theme of the song and invites listeners to join in heartfelt worship.

Verse 2:
In the second verse, the lyrics convey a message of surrender and reliance on God. It speaks of running to God’s sanctuary in times of trouble and pouring out one’s soul before Him. The mention of God’s love as a soothing song that brings comfort showcases the songwriter’s trust in God’s faithfulness.

Verse 3:
The third verse emphasizes the importance of prayer and seeking God’s glory. The lyrics express a desire to witness God’s miracles and wonders, acknowledging that His loving-kindness surpasses anything else in life. It is a humble plea to experience the power and presence of God.

The bridge section of the song consists of the repetitive word “Amen,” which signifies agreement and affirmation. This word of agreement is a fitting conclusion to a song that expresses a heartfelt desire to worship and seek God.


Alice Kimanzi’s “Nikuabudu” is a beautiful worship song that resonates with believers who long for a deeper connection with God. Inspired by the analogy of a deer thirsting for water, the lyrics convey a heartfelt desire to worship and seek God’s presence continually. The song’s meaning and inspiration are rooted in Psalm 42:1 and other related Bible verses, emphasizing the importance of worship and the yearning for God’s presence in the life of a believer.

Through its powerful lyrics and soulful delivery, “Nikuabudu” invites listeners to pour out their hearts in worship and surrender to God. It encourages believers to seek God’s presence and experience His miracles and wonders. As we unite in worship and adoration, may our souls find solace and fulfillment in the living God. Amen.

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