We Are Blessed

Verse 1
We are loved at the end of our rope
When we’re less there is more of the Lord
In the fight for our souls we must learn to let go
And abandon who we are

Verse 2
We are loved when we feel all is lost
When the shadows are cast on the cross
Only then can we know the embrace of the one
Who’s carried us along

Chorus 1
We are blessed
We are blessed
We are blessed
We are blessed

Verse 3
We are loved when we feel most content
With who we are nothing more nothing less
We’ll inherit the earth declaring Your worth
And bring glory to Your name

Misc 1
We’re blessed we’re loved
Our hearts our souls
We now rejoice rejoice

Misc 2
Oh oh oh

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We Are Blessed Song Meaning

We Are Blessed by All Sons and Daughters: A Song of Gratitude and Faith

The song “We Are Blessed” by All Sons and Daughters is a beautiful expression of gratitude and faith in God’s abundant blessings. In this blog post, we will explore the main key messages of the song, its meaning, and the biblical references that support its message.

I. Main Key Messages of the Song:
The song “We Are Blessed” contains powerful messages that highlight the blessings and goodness of God in our lives. Let’s break down the key messages of the song chronologically from the lines:

1. “We are loved at the end of our rope, When we’re less there is more of the Lord”:
The opening lines of the song emphasize God’s love for us even in our weakest moments. It reminds us that when we feel like we have nothing left to give, God’s love and grace abound. It is in our moments of weakness that we can experience the fullness of God’s strength.

2. “We are loved when we feel all is lost, When the shadows are cast on the cross”:
This line recognizes that there are times in our lives when we may feel lost or surrounded by darkness. However, even in those moments, God’s love remains steadfast. The reference to the cross reminds us of the ultimate sacrifice Jesus made for us, demonstrating the depth of God’s love.

3. “We are loved when we feel most content, With who we are nothing more, nothing less”:
These lyrics speak to the importance of finding contentment in who we are, embracing our true selves. It encourages us to recognize that God’s love for us is not based on our accomplishments or possessions but on our identity as His children.

4. “We’ll inherit the earth declaring Your worth, And bring glory to Your name”:
In this line, the song reminds us of our purpose as believers. We are called to be stewards of the earth and to proclaim God’s worthiness. Our lives should bring glory to His name and reflect His goodness to the world.

II. The Meaning and Inspiration of the Song:
The song “We Are Blessed” celebrates the everyday blessings in our lives and reminds us of God’s constant love and care. While the specific inspiration for the song is not known, it resonates with many individuals who find beauty and meaning in the simplicity of life. It encourages gratitude for the small joys and acknowledges the presence of God in even the mundane aspects of our lives.

The song reminds us that blessings are not solely dependent on our circumstances but are rooted in our relationship with God. It invites us to shift our focus from what we lack to the abundance of blessings that surround us. By acknowledging God’s love and faithfulness, we can find contentment and joy in every season of life.

III. Biblical Analysis of the Song:
To determine if the song “We Are Blessed” aligns with biblical principles, let’s examine some key biblical references that support its message:

1. Matthew 5:3-12 (The Beatitudes):
The Beatitudes in Matthew’s Gospel present a series of blessings declared by Jesus. They affirm the blessedness of the poor in spirit, those who mourn, the meek, those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, the merciful, the pure in heart, the peacemakers, and those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake. These blessings reflect the idea that God’s favor and blessings are not dependent on worldly success or possessions but on the state of our hearts and our commitment to following Him.

2. Psalm 103:2-5:
This psalm reminds us to bless the Lord and not forget His benefits. It lists various blessings bestowed upon us by God, including forgiveness of sins, healing, redemption, and the renewal of our strength. The song “We Are Blessed” echoes this sentiment by encouraging us to recognize and declare God’s worthiness and the blessings He bestows upon us.

3. Philippians 4:11-13:
In this passage, the apostle Paul expresses contentment in all circumstances, whether in abundance or in need, through Christ who strengthens him. The song’s message of finding contentment with who we are and recognizing that God’s love is not dependent on external factors aligns with Paul’s teachings.

4. 1 Timothy 6:6-8:
The apostle Paul reminds Timothy that godliness with contentment is great gain. He emphasizes that true wealth is found in being satisfied with what we have and not pursuing worldly riches. The song’s emphasis on finding contentment in who we are and recognizing the blessings in our lives echoes this biblical principle.

The song “We Are Blessed” by All Sons and Daughters is a powerful reminder of God’s love, faithfulness, and the abundance of blessings in our lives. It encourages a shift in perspective from focusing on what we lack to recognizing the blessings that surround us. The song’s messages align with biblical principles of finding contentment in God, acknowledging His blessings, and living a life that brings glory to His name. May this song inspire us to cultivate an attitude of gratitude and to embrace the everyday blessings that God graciously bestows upon us.

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