Faithless Heart

At times the woman deep inside me
Wanders far from home,
And in my mind I live a life
That chills me to the bone.
A heart, running for arms out of reach,
But who is the stranger my longing seeks?
I don’t know.
But it scares me through and through,
‘Cause I’ve a man at home
Who needs me to be true.

Oh, faithless heart,
Be far away from me.
Playing games inside my head
That no one else can see.
Oh, faithless heart,
You tempt me to the core,
But you can’t have a hold on me,
So don’t come around anymore.

(The feelings here, God, the feelings here.)

God, you know my feelings here
Could wipe my world away,
Ravaging the promises
A stronger heart once made,
So hold me, I’m falling so fast,
And tell me that the fighting inside will pass
As I walk away,
And find the strength to choose
The man who waits for me
With a heart that’s true.

Oh, faithless heart, (faithless heart….)
Be far away from me.
Playing games inside my head
That only I can see.
Oh, faithless heart, (faithless heart….)
You tempt me to the core,
But you can’t have a hold on me,
So don’t come around anymore.

Faithless heart!

Oh, faithless heart, (faithless heart….)
Be far away from me.
Playing games inside my head
That nobody else can see.
Oh, faithless heart, (faithless heart….)
You tempt me to the core,
But you can’t have a hold on me,
So don’t come around anymore.

Well, you can’t have a hold on me.
So don’t come around.

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Faithless Heart Song Meaning

Title: Faithless Heart by Amy Grant: A Song of Temptation and Redemption

Faithless Heart is a compelling and deeply introspective song by renowned Christian artist Amy Grant. Released in 1985 as part of her album “Unguarded,” this emotionally charged ballad explores the struggle between a faithful commitment to one’s loved ones and the temptations that can lead one astray.

Meaning and Inspiration:
Faithless Heart explores the inner turmoil of a person caught between the commitment to a faithful relationship and the allure of temptation. The song captures the struggle that many individuals face when their hearts are pulled in different directions, torn between staying true to their loved ones and succumbing to desires that threaten their commitment.

Amy Grant’s inspiration for this song might have come from personal experiences or observations of relationships and the challenges they face. The lyrics convey a sense of vulnerability and honesty, reflecting the internal battle between loyalty and temptation that many people can relate to.

Biblical References:
The song Faithless Heart resonates with several biblical themes and teachings. Let’s explore some verses that align with the message of the song:

1. Proverbs 4:23 (NIV):
“Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.”

This verse reminds us of the importance of guarding our hearts against the temptations that can lead us astray. It emphasizes the need to prioritize our commitments and relationships, protecting them from the influences that may threaten their sanctity.

2. 1 Corinthians 10:13 (NIV):
“No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.”

This verse offers comfort and hope to those facing temptations. It reminds us that we are not alone in our struggles and that God provides us with the strength to resist temptation. The song Faithless Heart echoes this sentiment, acknowledging the presence of temptation but also emphasizing the need to overcome it through faith.

3. James 1:14-15 (NIV):
“But each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed. Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin, and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death.”

These verses from the book of James highlight the progression of temptation and the consequences of giving in to it. The song Faithless Heart recognizes the danger of succumbing to temptation and the potential destruction it can cause, urging the listener to resist and choose faithfulness instead.

The Message of Faithless Heart:
Faithless Heart is a poignant reminder of the struggles faced by individuals in relationships. It acknowledges the allure of temptation and the internal battle that can arise when faced with conflicting desires. The song serves as a cautionary tale, urging listeners to guard their hearts and choose faithfulness over momentary pleasures.

The lyrics of Faithless Heart convey a deep sense of vulnerability and honesty. They depict the internal dialogue of someone torn between the love and commitment they have and the desires that threaten to pull them away. The emotional depth of the song resonates with listeners, allowing them to reflect on their own struggles and seek guidance in navigating the challenges of temptation.

Creative Subheadings:

1. The Temptation Within: Exploring the Inner Conflict
2. Amy Grant’s Personal Journey: The Inspiration Behind Faithless Heart
3. Biblical Teachings: Guarding the Heart and Resisting Temptation
4. The Progression of Temptation: From Desire to Destruction
5. Choosing Faithfulness: Finding Strength in God’s Promises

Faithless Heart by Amy Grant is a powerful song that delves into the complex emotions and struggles faced by individuals in relationships. It conveys a universal message of the temptation that can lead one astray and the importance of choosing faithfulness. Drawing from biblical references, the song encourages listeners to guard their hearts and seek strength in God to resist the allure of temptation. With its emotional depth and relatable themes, Faithless Heart continues to resonate with audiences, reminding us of the power of commitment, faith, and redemption.

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