
I want to look behind your eyes
And gently brush the hair back from your face
‘Cause baby I just realized
Seeing you there in that light
It’s better to be kind than right
And I’m about to bridge this kiss between us

Cause baby I’m ready to dig in
Ready for more than skin on skin
This is where love begins
So I say
I’m gonna tell you you’re my man
Cause it makes you happy
And I wanna rush to hold your hand
You know it makes me happy
I’m gonna love you the best I can
Cause I know it makes you happy

I know I’ve made some big mistakes
I’ve learned the hardest lessons that way
So adios to foolish pride
I’ve got nothin’ left to hide
I stand here open wide
And everything inside of me is sayin’

Baby I’m ready to dig in
Ready for more than skin on skin
This is where love begins
So I say
I’m gonna tell you you’re my man
Cause it makes you happy
And I wanna rush to hold your hand
It makes me feel happy
I’m gonna love you best I can
Cause I know it makes you happy
And I wanna see you happy

Happy Video

Happy Song Meaning

Title: Finding Happiness in Amy Grant’s Song “Happy”


Amy Grant’s song “Happy” is a beautiful expression of love, joy, and contentment. With its uplifting melody and heartfelt lyrics, it resonates with listeners, reminding them of the importance of love, gratitude, and finding happiness in life.

I. The Meaning of “Happy”:

1.1 Understanding the Lyrics:
The song “Happy” embraces the idea that true happiness is found in selfless love and genuine connection with others. Amy Grant’s lyrics convey the desire to make someone else happy, as it brings personal fulfillment and joy. The song encourages us to let go of pride and selfishness, choosing instead to prioritize the happiness of our loved ones.

1.2 Exploring the Theme:
The theme of happiness is central to the song. It emphasizes the importance of choosing kindness and love over being right, acknowledging that true happiness comes from within and is ultimately derived from serving and caring for others. The lyrics express a commitment to love and support, even in the face of past mistakes or failures.

II. The Inspiration and Story Behind “Happy”:

2.1 Amy Grant’s Perspective:
Though the specific inspiration behind the song remains unknown, it is evident that Amy Grant drew from her own experiences and observations of life and relationships. In many of her songs, Grant shares her personal journey and the values that have shaped her faith. It is likely that her own pursuit of happiness and understanding of love influenced the creation of “Happy.”

2.2 Love as a Source of Happiness:
The inspiration for “Happy” could stem from the belief that love is the ultimate source of happiness. Grant may have witnessed the power of love in her own relationships or observed how acts of kindness and selflessness can transform lives. This understanding likely influenced the lyrics and overall message of the song.

III. Biblical References:

3.1 The Importance of Kindness:
The Bible consistently emphasizes the value of kindness and love. In Ephesians 4:32, it states, “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” The lyrics of “Happy” echo this sentiment, urging listeners to prioritize kindness and forgiveness in their relationships.

3.2 Serving Others:
The concept of serving others is also deeply rooted in biblical teachings. In Galatians 5:13, it says, “You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love.” “Happy” encourages listeners to go beyond their own needs and desires, seeking to bring happiness to others through selfless acts of love and support.

3.3 Finding Joy in Love:
The Bible teaches that love is the foundation of true joy and happiness. In 1 Peter 4:8, it states, “Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.” This verse echoes the theme of “Happy,” emphasizing the power of love to heal and bring happiness in relationships.


Amy Grant’s song “Happy” serves as a reminder of the importance of love, kindness, and selflessness in our pursuit of happiness. By prioritizing the happiness of others, we find fulfillment and joy within ourselves. The lyrics resonate with biblical teachings, which encourage us to love one another deeply, serve others humbly, and find joy in the power of love. Let us embrace the message of “Happy” and strive to bring happiness to those around us, knowing that true happiness lies in selfless acts of love and kindness.

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