Hey Now

Hey now, I will be praying for you
Hey now, you’re gonna pray for me
‘Cause what we have been through together
Is changing us now, can change us forever
Hey now, I’m gonna pray for you
Hey now, you’re gonna pray for me
And it’s gonna be different, yeah
It’s gonna be better, yeah
It’s gonna be Jesus and all of us in this together

Hey now, I’m gonna pray for you
Hey now, you’re gonna pray for me
‘Cause what we have been through together
Is changing us now, can change us forever
Hey now, I’m gonna pray for you
Hey now, you’re gonna pray for me
And it’s gonna be different, yeah
It’s gonna be better, yeah
It’s gonna be Jesus and all of us in this together
Hey! Hey! Hey! Now
I’m gonna pray for you
Hey now, you’re gonna pray for me
And it’s gonna be different, yeah
It’s gonna be better, yeah
It’s gonna be Jesus and all of us in this together
Hey! Hey! Hey! Now, Hey now, Hey now…

Hey! Hey! Hey! Now
I’m gonna pray for you
Hey now, you’re gonna pray for me
And it’s gonna be different, yeah
It’s gonna be better, yeah
It’s gonna be Jesus and all of us in this together
Hey! Hey! Hey! Now, Hey now, Hey now…

Hey Now Video

Hey Now Song Meaning

Title: Hey Now by Amy Grant: A Song of Prayer and Unity

Hey Now, a heartfelt song by Amy Grant, resonates with Christians across the globe. Its captivating melody and powerful lyrics invite us to a spirit of unity and prayer. In this article, we will explore the meaning of the song, delve into its inspiration and background, examine relevant Bible verses, and conclude with practical applications for Christian living.

I. The Meaning of Hey Now:
Hey Now serves as a call to prayer and support for one another. The repetition of the phrase “I’m gonna pray for you, you’re gonna pray for me” emphasizes the importance of intercession among believers. It encourages us to lift one another up in prayer, recognizing that we are all in need of spiritual support and guidance.

II. Inspiration and Story Behind Hey Now:
While specific information about the inspiration behind Hey Now is not readily available, we can assume that Amy Grant drew from her own experiences and observations as a Christian. Throughout her career, Grant has consistently used her music to convey messages of faith, love, and unity. Hey Now likely emerged from a desire to encourage believers to stand together in prayer and support.

III. Biblical References in Hey Now:
1. 1 Thessalonians 5:17-18 – “Pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” Hey Now echoes the call to continuous prayer, highlighting its significance in our relationship with God and each other.

2. James 5:16 – “Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.” Hey Now emphasizes the importance of confessing our struggles and praying for one another’s healing, recognizing the power that comes from united prayer.

3. Matthew 18:19-20 – “Again I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.” Hey Now underscores the concept of agreement in prayer and the assurance that God is present when believers come together.

IV. Practical Application for Christian Living:
1. Embrace the Power of Prayer: Hey Now reminds us of the transformative power of prayer. Make it a habit to pray for others regularly, seeking God’s guidance, healing, and blessings in their lives. Recognize that prayer is a vital tool for spiritual growth and fostering unity within the body of Christ.

2. Cultivate Genuine Relationships: The lyrics of Hey Now emphasize the importance of supporting one another. Take time to build authentic connections with fellow believers, encouraging and uplifting them in their faith journey. Be willing to share your struggles, allowing others to pray for you and provide support when needed.

3. Foster Unity in the Church: Hey Now encourages believers to stand together in prayer and support. Actively participate in your local church community, engaging in corporate prayer and supporting one another’s spiritual growth. Seek opportunities to bridge divides, promote understanding, and foster unity among believers.

4. Be a Catalyst for Change: Let Hey Now inspire you to be a catalyst for positive change within your community. Reach out to those in need, both within and outside the church, offering prayers, encouragement, and practical support. By embodying the spirit of unity and prayer, you can make a real difference in the lives of others.

Hey Now by Amy Grant captures the essence of Christian unity and the power of prayer. Its memorable lyrics encourage believers to lift one another up in prayer, fostering a sense of support and community. By embracing the message of this song and applying its principles to our daily lives, we can strengthen our relationships with God and fellow believers, creating a more unified and impactful body of Christ. Let us respond to the call of Hey Now and commit to praying for one another, knowing that our collective prayers can bring transformation and healing.

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