
There are two of me
One does the right thing,
One cannot see.
Standing back to back,
Who is the strong one
In the last act?
Every path I take,
Roads I go down,
Choices I make,
Take me right between
Patches of light and
Darkness in me.

Oh, we have to keep
A watch on our shadows–
Every move
They secretly make.
We try to be
So close to heaven,
But then our shadows,
They run away.
They pull away.


And the shadows prove,
Falling behind,
Tracing each move, oh,
When I do some wrong,
There is no hiding;
Shadows are long.

So we have to keep
A watch on our shadows–
Every move (Every move)
They secret make, yeah, yeah,
We try to be
So close to heaven, (Mmmm….)
But then our shadows,
Pull us away.
They pull away….

We have to keep
A watch on our shadows–
Every move (Ooooh….)
They secretly make, yeah,
We try to be
So close to heaven,
But then our shadows,
They pull us away.

Oh, we have to keep
A watch on our shadows–
Every move (oooh….) they secretly make, yeah,
We try to be
So close to heaven,
But then our shadows
Pull us away.
Pull us away.

Pull us away.

(Ha, hu ha, oh no, cha cha.
Oh no, gotta keep our watch.
Keepin’ it under my shadow.
Oh no, gotta keep our watch.
On my shadow.
Oh no, gotta keep our watch.
Keepin’ it under my shadow.
Oh no, gotta keep our watch.
Keepin’ it under my shadow.
Oh no, gotta keep our watch.
Keepin’ it under my shadow.
Oh no, gotta keep our watch.
On my shadow.
Oh no, gotta keep our watch.
Keepin’ it under my shadow.
Oh no, gotta keep our watch.
Keepin’ it under my shadow.
Oh no, gotta keep our watch.
Keepin’ it under my shadow.
Oh no, gotta keep our watch.
On my shadow.
Oh no, gotta keep our watch.
Keepin’ it under my shadow.
Oh no, gotta keep our watch.
Keepin’ it under my shadow.
Oh no, gotta keep our watch.
Keepin’ it under my shadow.
Oh no, gotta keep our watch.
On my shadow.
Oh no, gotta keep our watch.
Keepin’ it under my shadow.
Oh no, gotta keep our watch.
Keepin’ it under my shadow.)

Shadows Video

Shadows Song Meaning

Title: Shadows by Amy Grant: A Reflection on the Battle between Light and Darkness


Shadows by Amy Grant is a powerful and introspective song that delves into the internal struggle we all face between good and evil, light and darkness. With heartfelt lyrics and a captivating melody, this song speaks to the universal human experience of wrestling with our own shadows.

I. Unveiling the Meaning of Shadows:

The song Shadows by Amy Grant portrays the conflict within ourselves, the struggle between doing what is right and succumbing to our sinful nature. The lyrics paint a vivid picture of two opposing forces within us, represented by our shadows. One side strives to do what is good and pleasing to God, while the other side is entangled in darkness and seeks to lead us astray.

The shadows symbolize the hidden parts of our lives, the areas where our flaws and weaknesses reside. Amy Grant beautifully captures the tension between our desire to be close to heaven, to live a life of righteousness, and the pull of our shadows, which constantly threaten to lead us away from God’s path.

The song serves as a reminder that we must be vigilant in watching our shadows, recognizing the patterns and behaviors that can lead us astray. By keeping a watchful eye on our own weaknesses and shortcomings, we can strive to align ourselves with the light and overcome the darkness that lurks within us.

II. The Inspiration behind Shadows:

While the exact inspiration behind Shadows may be known only to Amy Grant herself, the song resonates with many individuals who have experienced the internal struggle between good and evil. It reflects the universal human experience of wrestling with our own shadows and the constant battle to live a life that is pleasing to God.

Amy Grant’s own journey as a Christian artist and her commitment to sharing her faith through music likely played a significant role in the creation of this song. As a songwriter, she has often drawn from her personal experiences and struggles to create music that speaks to the hearts of her listeners. Shadows is no exception, as it touches on a theme that is both deeply personal and relatable to many.

III. Biblical References in Shadows:

1. 1 John 1:5-7 – “This is the message we have heard from him and proclaim to you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. If we say we have fellowship with him while we walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin.”

This verse highlights the contrast between light and darkness, emphasizing the importance of walking in the light of God’s truth. Shadows echoes this sentiment, reminding us of the need to watch our shadows and strive to align ourselves with the light of God’s presence.

2. Ephesians 5:8 – “For at one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light.”

In Ephesians, the apostle Paul encourages believers to embrace their new identity as children of light. Shadows reflects this biblical truth by acknowledging the battle between our old nature (represented by the darkness within us) and our new nature in Christ (represented by the light). The song serves as a call to walk as children of light and overcome the darkness that seeks to hold us captive.

IV. Analyzing Shadows: Themes and Emotional Impact

1. Self-Reflection and Awareness:

Shadows invites us to reflect on our own lives and confront the hidden parts of ourselves. It prompts us to acknowledge the presence of our shadows and the impact they have on our thoughts, actions, and relationships. By fostering self-awareness, the song encourages personal growth and spiritual development.

2. Internal Struggle and Redemption:

The internal struggle depicted in Shadows resonates with our universal need for redemption. The lyrics capture the tension between our desire to do what is right and the constant pull of our shadows. This struggle is a reminder of the ongoing battle between our sinful nature and the transforming power of God’s grace. The song offers hope by pointing us towards the path of redemption and reminding us of our ability to overcome through Christ.

3. Emotional Impact:

Amy Grant’s heartfelt delivery and the emotive melody of Shadows create a profound emotional impact on listeners. The vulnerability expressed in the lyrics allows listeners to connect with their own struggles and find solace in the shared human experience. The song’s introspective nature encourages us to engage with our emotions and seek healing and restoration.


Shadows by Amy Grant is a song that resonates with the inner battle we all face between light and darkness. Its powerful lyrics, combined with Amy Grant’s emotive delivery, invite listeners to reflect on their own shadows and strive to align themselves with the light of God’s truth. Through its themes of self-reflection, internal struggle, and redemption, Shadows offers hope and encouragement in the midst of our human frailty. May this song remind us to keep a watchful eye on our shadows and seek to walk in the light of God’s love and grace.

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