We Are One

Let us draw near to each other
We are one, we are one
We are all sisters and brothers
Telling stories of our Father’s love

Verse 1
You’ve got a place at the table
A family where you belong
So open your arms if you’re able
Welcome home, welcome home

Let us draw near to each other
We are one, we are one
We are all sisters and brothers
At the feast of our Father’s love

Verse 2
We can come weary and burdened
With the weight of the world on our backs
We can hand it all over to Jesus
Find our rest, find our rest

So let us draw near to each other
We are one, we are one
We are all sisters and brothers
Living free in our Father’s love

Verse 3
Travelers, misfits and exiles
Don’t grow cold in the dark of night
Gather for hope and for comfort
In His light, in His light

Let us draw near to each other
We are one, we are one
We are all sisters and brothers
Warming hands by the fire of His love

We are one, one, one
By His love, love, love
We are one, one, one
By His love, love, love

Verse 4
Shaped by the hands of the Potter
No two pieces alike
When we build a shelter together
We will shine, we will shine

Let us draw near to each other
We are one (We are one)
We are one (We are one)
We are all sisters and brothers (Oh, oh)
Telling stories of our Father’s love
Let us draw near to each other
We are one (We are one)
We are one (We are one)
We are all sisters and brothers
Telling stories of our Father’s love (Father’s love)
We’ll tell the stories of our Father’s love (Father’s love)
We’ll tell the stories of our Father’s love

We Are One Video

We Are One Song Meaning

Title: We Are One – Embracing Unity and God’s Love

“We Are One” is an inspiring song by renowned Christian artist Amy Grant. This heartfelt anthem calls us to come together as a united family, reflecting the love of God and embracing the power of unity. The song emphasizes the importance of drawing near to one another, recognizing our shared identity as brothers and sisters in Christ.

1. The Meaning Behind “We Are One”:
“We Are One” speaks to the deep longing within each of us to belong and connect with others. It highlights the truth that as followers of Christ, we are not meant to journey alone. Instead, we are called to embrace our unity and demonstrate the love of God through our relationships with one another.

The song encourages us to draw near to each other, emphasizing the importance of community and the power of unity. By coming together, we can find solace, support, and encouragement in our shared faith. As we connect with others, we can better reflect God’s love and embody the unity that Christ prayed for in John 17:21: “that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you.”

2. The Inspiration Behind “We Are One”:
While specific details about the inspiration behind “We Are One” may not be readily available, it is evident that the song draws upon biblical teachings and the core principles of Christianity. Amy Grant, known for her deep faith and impactful music, has often centered her songs around themes of love, faith, and unity.

“We Are One” likely stems from a desire to remind believers of the importance of unity and the power that lies in coming together as the body of Christ. It serves as a call to action, encouraging listeners to embrace their shared identity as children of God and to extend love and grace to one another.

3. Relevant Bible Verses:
The message of unity and love in “We Are One” aligns with numerous biblical teachings. Here are a few key verses that resonate with the song’s themes:

a. Romans 12:5 – “so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.”
This verse highlights the concept of unity within the body of Christ. Just as each part of our physical body serves a unique purpose, so too do believers in the church. We are called to recognize our interconnectedness and work together as one.

b. Ephesians 4:3 – “Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.”
Unity is not something that happens effortlessly; it requires intentional effort and a commitment to peace. This verse reminds us to prioritize unity and actively work towards maintaining it.

c. Colossians 3:14 – “And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.”
Love is the unifying force that holds all other virtues together. In our relationships with fellow believers, love should be the cornerstone, binding us together in perfect unity.

d. 1 Peter 3:8 – “Finally, all of you, be like-minded, be sympathetic, love one another, be compassionate and humble.”
This verse encourages believers to cultivate a spirit of unity by being like-minded, sympathetic, loving, compassionate, and humble towards one another. These qualities foster an environment of love and understanding within the body of Christ.

4. Conclusion:
“We Are One” by Amy Grant is a powerful anthem that calls us to embrace the unity we have as believers in Christ. It reminds us to draw near to one another, demonstrating God’s love through our relationships and interactions. The song’s message aligns with biblical teachings on unity, love, and the importance of community.

As we strive to live out the message of “We Are One,” let us remember the words of Jesus in John 13:35: “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples if you love one another.” May we strive to be a reflection of God’s love and unity in our relationships, recognizing that we are all one family, united in Christ.

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