Trust in You

You did not create me to worry
You did not create me to fear
But You created me to worship daily
So I’m a leave it all right here

You did not create me to worry
You did not create me to fear
But You created me to worship daily
So I’m a leave it all right here

My hands are raised because I surrender
Your will is what’s best for me
I worship You because You’re Jehovah Jireh
I bow before the King of Kings

No more crying no more complaining
I believe Your word is true
Lord You promised never to leave me lonely
So this is what I’m going to do

I will trust in You Lord
I will trust in You Lord
I will put my trust in You

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Trust in You Song Meaning


Trust in You – You did Not Create Me To Worry is a soul-lifting and inspiring gospel song by Anthony Brown. The song is a call to believers to trust in God and surrender all their worries and fears to Him. The lyrics of the song inspire hope and encourage believers to have faith in God’s promises.

Meaning of the Song

Trust in You – You did Not Create Me To Worry is a song that emphasizes the importance of trusting in God. The song reminds believers that God did not create them to worry or fear, but to worship Him daily. The lyrics encourage believers to surrender their challenges and worries to God, knowing that He is in control of everything. The song is a reminder that God is faithful and will always come through for His people.

Inspiration and Story Behind the Song

The inspiration behind Trust in You – You did Not Create Me To Worry is the Bible verse Matthew 6:25-27. The verse says, “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?”

Anthony Brown was inspired by this Bible verse to write the song as a reminder to believers that God is in control and that they should trust Him with their worries and fears. The song was also inspired by personal experiences of challenges and struggles that Anthony Brown went through in his life. He realized that worrying and being anxious did not solve anything, but trusting in God brought peace and comfort.

Bible Verse References in the Song

Trust in You – You did Not Create Me To Worry is filled with Bible verse references that encourage believers to trust in God. Here are some of the verses referenced in the song:

– “Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.” – 1 Peter 5:7
– “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” – Philippians 4:6-7
– “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight.” – Proverbs 3:5-6
– “The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in Him, and He helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song, I praise Him.” – Psalm 28:7

Practical Application to Christian Living

Trust in You – You did Not Create Me To Worry is a powerful song with a practical application to Christian living. The song reminds believers to trust in God and surrender their worries and fears to Him. Here are some practical applications of the song to Christian living:

1. Trust in God: The song is a reminder to believers to trust in God and lean on Him for strength and comfort. Trusting in God helps believers to have peace and confidence in the face of challenges and difficulties.

2. Surrender all worries and fears to God: The song encourages believers to surrender all their worries and fears to God. It is a call to let go of all burdens and trust that God will take care of everything.

3. Have faith in God’s promises: The song reminds believers to have faith in God’s promises. God is faithful and will always come through for His people. It is important to hold on to God’s promises and trust that He will fulfill them.

4. Worship God daily: The song reminds believers that they were created to worship God daily. Worship helps believers to focus on God and reminds them of His goodness and faithfulness.


Trust in You – You did Not Create Me To Worry is a powerful song that encourages believers to trust in God and surrender all their worries and fears to Him. The song is a reminder that God is in control and that He is faithful to His promises. As believers, we are called to trust in God, surrender all our worries and fears to Him, and have faith in His promises. We are also called to worship God daily and remind ourselves of His goodness and faithfulness.

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