Let Your Love

I can hear You calling
In a whisper you say so much
In a dream I’m falling
But I awaken within Your love and…

I find You waiting
I find You, arms stretching open
My will is breaking
Lord, I’ve had enough…
I’m giving it up

So let Your love
Take my heart make it strong
Take my life from now on
I’m running out of hope
Running out of strength
So let Your love take over me

I have been unchanging
I have seen my world spinning by
Only You can save me
From the foolishness of my pride, so…

Come find me waiting
Come find me, heart reaching upward
My will is fading
Lord, I’ve had enough…
I’m giving me up

Chorus (2 times)

In a dream I’m falling
Come find me waiting
Come and make me strong
Come and lead me on
Come set my heart free
Come and take me over


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Let Your Love Song Meaning

Title: Let Your Love by Avalon: A Song of Surrender and Hope


Let Your Love is a heartfelt Christian song by Avalon that resonates with believers seeking strength, hope, and surrender in their faith journey. With its powerful lyrics and melodious tune, this song invites listeners to experience the transformative love of God and find solace in His presence. In this article, we will delve deeper into the meaning of Let Your Love, explore its inspiration and story behind it, and highlight Bible verses that align with the message of the song.

1. Exploring the Meaning of Let Your Love:

Let Your Love is a plea to God, asking Him to take control and transform the singer’s heart and life. The song expresses a desire to surrender to God’s love, acknowledging the limitations of human willpower and the need for divine intervention. It speaks of reaching a point of desperation, where relying on one’s own strength is no longer enough, and only God’s love can bring true healing and restoration.

2. The Inspiration and Story Behind Let Your Love:

While the specific inspiration and story behind Let Your Love may be known only to the songwriters and the members of Avalon, the overall theme and message of the song resonate with many believers. The lyrics capture the universal experience of struggling with personal limitations and realizing the need for God’s love and intervention.

The song may have been influenced by personal experiences, moments of deep introspection, or even the challenges faced by the band members in their own lives. Regardless of the specific inspiration, Let Your Love speaks to the longing in every heart to surrender to a higher power and find solace in the love of God.

3. Bible Verses Related to Let Your Love:

The lyrics of Let Your Love align with several Bible verses that emphasize the transformative power of God’s love and the importance of surrendering to Him. Here are a few relevant Bible references:

a) Romans 12:2 (NIV) – “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”

This verse reminds us that true transformation comes from surrendering to God and allowing Him to renew our minds. Let Your Love echoes this sentiment, acknowledging the limitations of human will and seeking divine transformation.

b) Psalm 51:10 (NIV) – “Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.”

The plea in Let Your Love to “take my heart, make it strong” reflects the desire for God to create a pure heart within us, free from the burdens of sin and doubt. This verse from Psalms captures the same longing for spiritual renewal and transformation.

c) Isaiah 40:31 (NIV) – “but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”

The song’s chorus, “So let Your love take my heart, make it strong, take my life from now on,” resonates with the biblical promise of finding strength and hope in God. Isaiah 40:31 reinforces the idea that when we place our hope in the Lord, He renews our strength and empowers us to face life’s challenges.

4. Let Your Love: A Song of Surrender and Hope:

Let Your Love embodies the Christian journey of surrendering one’s life to God and finding hope and strength in His love. The song’s powerful lyrics, combined with Avalon’s melodious vocals, create an uplifting and inspiring musical experience.

The plea to “let Your love take over me” reflects a longing for divine intervention and a recognition of the limitations of human efforts. It encourages listeners to release their burdens, trust in God’s love, and allow Him to transform their hearts and lives.

5. Conclusion:

Let Your Love by Avalon is a beautiful Christian song that speaks to the hearts of believers seeking surrender, hope, and transformation. Its lyrics capture the universal longing for divine love and intervention, resonating with those who have experienced the limitations of human strength.

The song’s message aligns with various Bible verses that emphasize the transformative power of God’s love and the significance of surrendering to Him. Let Your Love invites listeners to let go of their own will and trust in God’s love to bring healing, renewal, and strength.

May the lyrics of Let Your Love remind us that in our moments of desperation and weakness, God’s love is there to lift us up, renew our spirits, and lead us to a place of hope and surrender. Let us embrace this invitation to let God’s love take over our lives and experience the transformative power of His grace.

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