
I’ve seen the writing on the wall
I’ve seen the best of things
I’ve seen my kingdoms rise and fall
I’ve seen the wound in everyone I know

All of these things and still I hold on tight
To the altars I keep building to the sky
To the coffers and my failed attempts to fly

I’ve held the promises of man
Drank from that water deep
And I’ve held beauty in my hands
I kissed her mouth and watch her turn to sand

All of these things and still I hold on tight
To the altars I keep building to the sky
To the coffers and my failed attempts to fly away

How long, how long
Must we hold on, hold on
Before grace and gravity collide?

Hold, hold on tight….
To the altars I keep building to the sky
To the coffers and my failed attempts to fly away
And still You say, you’re mine, you’re mine

Collide Video

Collide Song Meaning

Title: Collide by Bebo Norman: A Song of Grace and Redemption

We’ll delve into the inspiration and story behind the song, as well as its connection to biblical references. With its heartfelt lyrics and captivating melody, “Collide” has touched the hearts of many believers and serves as a reminder of God’s grace and redemption.

Understanding the Meaning:
“Collide” is a song that speaks to the human struggle of holding onto worldly desires and ambitions while longing for a deeper connection with God. It acknowledges the fleeting nature of earthly pursuits and urges listeners to find solace and fulfillment in surrendering to God’s will.

The Inspiration Behind the Song:
While specific details about the inspiration behind “Collide” are not widely known, it is clear that Bebo Norman drew from his own experiences and observations as a Christian artist. The song resonates with the universal struggle faced by believers who strive to live in the world but not be of the world.

Exploring the Lyrics:
The lyrics of “Collide” beautifully capture the tension between the temporal and the eternal, highlighting the futility of chasing worldly success and the need for spiritual surrender. Let’s examine some of the key verses:

“I’ve seen the writing on the wall
I’ve seen the best of things
I’ve seen my kingdoms rise and fall
I’ve seen the wound in everyone I know”

These lines describe the disillusionment that comes from realizing the emptiness of worldly pursuits. They suggest that even the most impressive achievements and possessions are ultimately fleeting and unsatisfying.

“All of these things and still I hold on tight
To the altars I keep building to the sky
To the coffers and my failed attempts to fly”

Here, the lyrics convey a sense of clinging onto worldly desires and ambitions, even in the face of their inevitable disappointment. The altars symbolize the idols and false gods we construct in our lives, while the coffers represent our material wealth and possessions. The failed attempts to fly allude to our futile efforts to find true fulfillment through worldly means.

“How long, how long
Must we hold on, hold on
Before grace and gravity collide?
Hold, hold on tight
To the altars I keep building to the sky
To the coffers and my failed attempts to fly away
And still You say, you’re mine, you’re mine”

These lines express a plea for God’s grace to intersect with our lives, bringing us closer to Him and freeing us from the empty pursuit of worldly desires. Despite our failings and misguided pursuits, God continues to affirm His love and ownership over us.

Biblical References:
“Collide” echoes several biblical passages that address the struggle between the temporal and the eternal, as well as the need for surrender to God’s will. Let’s explore a few related verses:

1. Matthew 16:26 (NIV):
“What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul?”

This verse speaks directly to the theme of “Collide,” emphasizing the fleeting nature of worldly success compared to the eternal significance of our souls. It prompts us to reflect on the true value of our pursuits.

2. James 4:4 (NIV):
“You adulterous people, don’t you know that friendship with the world means enmity against God? Therefore, anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God.”

This verse highlights the tension between our desire for worldly success and our commitment to follow God. It urges us to prioritize our relationship with Him over any earthly pursuits.

3. Psalm 37:4 (NIV):
“Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.”

This verse reminds us that true fulfillment and contentment can only be found in delighting in God. When we align our desires with His will, He promises to fulfill them in ways that far surpass the temporary satisfaction offered by the world.

“Collide” by Bebo Norman is a powerful song that resonates with believers who yearn for a deeper connection with God amidst the distractions and temptations of the world. Its lyrics beautifully capture the universal struggle of holding onto worldly pursuits while recognizing their emptiness. Through its heartfelt message and relatable lyrics, “Collide” serves as a reminder of God’s grace, redemption, and the need for surrender to His will. May this song inspire us all to seek true fulfillment in our relationship with God rather than in the fleeting achievements of the world.

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