How excellent is your Name o Lord

How excellent is your Name, o Lord
How excellent is your Name, o Lord
How excellent is your Name
How excellent is your Name
How excellent is your Name, o Lord

When I consider the heavens
The work of Your fingers
The moon and the stars You have ordained
What is a man that You are mindful of him
How excellent is Your name

Halleluyah, Halleluyah

How powerful is your Name, o Lord
How powerful is your Name, o Lord
How powerful is your Name
How powerful is your Name
How powerful is your Name, o Lord

How majesty is your Name, o Lord
How majesty is your Name, o Lord
How majesty is your Name
How majesty is your Name
How majesty is your Name, o Lord

How excellent is your Name o Lord Video

How excellent is your Name o Lord Song Meaning

How Excellent is Your Name o Lord by Benjamin Dube: A Song of Praise and Worship

“How Excellent is Your Name o Lord” is a beautiful song of praise and worship by Benjamin Dube, one of the most popular gospel musicians in South Africa. The song is a powerful declaration of God’s greatness, majesty, and glory, and it invites all believers to join in singing praises to the Creator of the universe. We will also discuss how this song can inspire and encourage us in our Christian walk.

The Meaning of How Excellent is Your Name o Lord

The central theme of “How Excellent is Your Name o Lord” is the greatness of God. The lyrics of the song express the awe and wonder that we feel when we contemplate the wonders of creation and the majesty of the Creator. The opening lines of the song set the tone for the rest of the lyrics:

“How excellent is your Name, o Lord
How excellent is your Name, o Lord
How excellent is your Name
How excellent is your Name
How excellent is your Name, o Lord”

These words are a poetic way of expressing the idea that God’s name is worthy of all honor, glory, and praise. The repetition of the phrase “How excellent is your Name” emphasizes the importance and significance of God’s name. The phrase “o Lord” is also significant, as it acknowledges God’s sovereignty and authority over all things.

The rest of the song continues in the same vein, with lyrics that extol God’s power, majesty, and love. The second verse of the song highlights the wonder of creation and the role that God played in bringing it into being:

“When I consider the heavens
The work of Your fingers
The moon and the stars You have ordained
What is a man that You are mindful of him
How excellent is Your name”

These words echo the sentiments of Psalm 8:3-4, which says: “When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them?” The song acknowledges that God’s power and creativity are evident in the beauty and complexity of the natural world.

The third verse of the song focuses on God’s power and sovereignty:

“How powerful is Your Name, o Lord
How powerful is Your Name, o Lord
How powerful is Your Name
How powerful is Your Name
How powerful is Your Name, o Lord”

These words remind us that God is not only great and majestic, but also all-powerful. The phrase “How powerful is Your Name” suggests that God’s name has the ability to accomplish great things, and that we should trust in His power and authority.

The fourth and final verse of the song emphasizes God’s majesty and holiness:

“How majesty is Your Name, o Lord
How majesty is Your Name, o Lord
How majesty is Your Name
How majesty is Your Name
How majesty is Your Name, o Lord”

These words remind us that God is not only great and powerful, but also holy and worthy of our reverence and worship. The repetition of the phrase “How majesty is Your Name” emphasizes the importance of acknowledging God’s holiness and giving Him the honor and respect that He deserves.

The Inspiration and Story Behind How Excellent is Your Name o Lord

Although there is little information available about the inspiration and story behind “How Excellent is Your Name o Lord,” it is clear that the song is a heartfelt expression of praise and worship. Benjamin Dube is known for his powerful and emotive performances, and this song is no exception. The song’s simple yet profound lyrics have resonated with audiences around the world and have become a staple of Christian worship services.

Biblical References in How Excellent is Your Name o Lord

As we have seen, “How Excellent is Your Name o Lord” draws heavily on biblical themes and imagery. The song references several passages from the Bible, including Psalm 8, which speaks of the wonder of creation and the role that humanity plays in God’s plan. Other biblical references in the song include:

– Psalm 148:3-5, which speaks of the heavens and the earth praising God’s name
– Isaiah 40:26, which speaks of God’s power and creativity in creating the stars
– Psalm 111:9, which speaks of God’s holiness and majesty

These biblical references help to anchor the song in the rich tradition of Christian worship and give it a sense of depth and meaning.

Practical Application of How Excellent is Your Name o Lord

So how can we apply the message of “How Excellent is Your Name o Lord” to our Christian walk? First and foremost, the song reminds us of the importance of praising and worshiping God. As we sing the song’s lyrics, we are reminded of God’s greatness and are inspired to offer Him our heartfelt praise and adoration.

Secondly, the song encourages us to contemplate the wonders of God’s creation and to marvel at His power and creativity. When we take the time to appreciate the beauty of the natural world, we are reminded of God’s goodness and are filled with a sense of awe and wonder.

Finally, the song reminds us of the importance of acknowledging God’s sovereignty and holiness. When we recognize God’s authority over all things and give Him the honor and respect that He deserves, we are able to live in a way that is pleasing to Him and that brings glory to His name.

In conclusion, “How Excellent is Your Name o Lord” is a powerful and inspiring song of praise and worship. Its simple yet profound lyrics remind us of God’s greatness, power, and holiness, and inspire us to offer Him our heartfelt praise and adoration. May this song continue to encourage and inspire us in our Christian walk, and may we always remember to give glory to God, whose Name is truly excellent.

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