No Return

I want to journey back
Before I turned away
From sweet todays of innocence and youth
I long to travel back
To life within these walls
Back to the simplicity of a father’s love
And a brother’s company

There is no return
The past is blown away
I am too far gone
Your tears are much too late

There is no return
I’m spent and none remains
The vine is withered brown
The walls have given way

Nothing could undo what you’ve done to me

What I’ve done to you

Life is nothing more than a tally of debt
What if death is the only answer left?

(The Elder Son makes his way to his father’s bedside, stick in hand. The Father is awake but lies motionless.)

THE ELDER SON I stagger on the edge
I stumble in the dark
I can’t control my thoughts
I cannot change my heart
Still I remember what you taught me
Vengeance is not ours but God’s
But who will pay the price for what’s been taken from me
And what I could take from you?
God in heaven, stop me now

Save us now

Before I desecrate the earth

What have I done?

God in heaven, free me now
From this bitterness and hate

Change me now

I will find my way back into your heart
I am better than this
Give me another chance to become more like you

No Return Video

No Return Song Meaning

Title: No Return by Brian Doerksen: A Journey of Redemption and Forgiveness

“No Return” is a powerful song by Brian Doerksen that explores the themes of redemption, forgiveness, and the longing for restoration. This Christian ballad delves into the emotions and struggles of two individuals, the younger son and the elder son, as they grapple with their brokenness and seek reconciliation. Through its heartfelt lyrics and poignant melody, “No Return” offers a message of hope and emphasizes the transformative power of God’s love.

1. The Story Behind “No Return”:
The inspiration behind “No Return” can be traced back to the well-known parable of the prodigal son found in the Bible, specifically in Luke 15:11-32. This parable tells the story of a younger son who asks his father for his share of the inheritance, then squanders it all in wild living. When he finds himself destitute, the son decides to return home, hoping for forgiveness and acceptance. The father, filled with compassion, welcomes him with open arms and celebrates his return.

Brian Doerksen, inspired by this parable, crafted the song “No Return” to capture the essence of the prodigal son’s journey and the father’s unconditional love. The lyrics beautifully express the longing of the younger son to go back to a time of innocence and the elder son’s struggle with bitterness and unforgiveness.

2. The Meaning of “No Return”:
The song “No Return” explores the concept of redemption and the desire for reconciliation. It portrays the younger son’s realization of the mistakes he has made and his yearning to return to the love and grace of his father. At the same time, it highlights the elder son’s struggle with resentment and the need for forgiveness and transformation.

The title “No Return” signifies the sense of hopelessness and despair that both sons feel initially. They believe they have gone too far astray to find their way back to a place of acceptance and love. However, as the song progresses, it reveals the power of God’s forgiveness and the possibility of restoration.

3. The Lyrics and Their Message:
The lyrics of “No Return” are filled with emotions and meaningful reflections on the human condition. Let’s delve into some key verses and analyze their underlying message:

“I want to journey back, before I turned away
From sweet todays of innocence and youth
I long to travel back, to life within these walls
Back to the simplicity of a father’s love
And a brother’s company.”

These lines encapsulate the deep longing felt by the younger son to return to a time when life was simpler and his relationships were intact. It reflects the universal desire for a fresh start and the yearning for the love and acceptance we may have taken for granted.

“There is no return, the past is blown away
I am too far gone, your tears are much too late.”

In contrast, the elder son’s response highlights his bitterness and lack of forgiveness. He believes that the damage done is irreparable and that the opportunity for reconciliation has passed. These verses remind us of the consequences of holding onto resentment and the importance of seeking forgiveness before it’s too late.

4. Biblical References and Themes:
“No Return” draws heavily from the parable of the prodigal son, as well as other biblical themes of redemption, forgiveness, and reconciliation. Here are some Bible verses that relate to the song:

– Luke 15:20-24: This passage describes the father’s reaction when the prodigal son returns home. It showcases the father’s unconditional love and forgiveness, mirroring the message of “No Return.”

– Psalm 51:10: “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.” This verse expresses the desire for transformation and restoration, which echoes the song’s theme of redemption.

– Matthew 6:14-15: “For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.” This verse emphasizes the importance of forgiveness, highlighting the elder son’s struggle and the need for his heart to change.

5. The Message of Hope:
Despite the initial despair conveyed in the song, “No Return” ultimately offers a message of hope and redemption. It reminds us that no matter how far we may have strayed or how deeply we may have been hurt, God’s love has the power to bring healing and restoration.

The younger son’s longing for a second chance and the elder son’s plea for freedom from bitterness exemplify the universal human desire for forgiveness and a fresh start. The song encourages us to reflect on our own hearts and relationships, urging us to embrace the transformative power of God’s love.

“No Return” by Brian Doerksen is a poignant song that explores themes of redemption, forgiveness, and the longing for restoration. Inspired by the parable of the prodigal son, this song reminds us of the unconditional love and forgiveness that God offers to all who seek Him. Through its heartfelt lyrics and powerful message, “No Return” encourages us to reflect on our own lives and relationships, reminding us that no matter how broken or lost we may feel, there is always hope for redemption and restoration in God’s love.

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