
Verse 1
All of my hope has been founded in You
I’m hidden inside of Your hands
This light will not flicker, I’m burning for You
I trust You with all that I am

All I can do is sing
So worthy and true
I’m hidden inside of Your hands

Verse 2
And all of my weakness is met by Your grace
The empowering presence to change
In every season more scales fall away
I’m catching new sides of Your face

All I can do is sing
So worthy and true
I’m hidden inside of Your hands
All I can do is sing
So worthy and true
I’m hidden inside of Your hands

I bow low
At the feet of my Savior
Saying Yes
To the process of changing
Falling in
To the arms of my Father
All my soul
Will sing out You are glorious

All I can do is sing
So worthy and true
I’m hidden inside of Your hands


I bow low
At the feet of my Savior
Saying Yes
To the process of changing
Falling in
To the arms of my Father
All my soul
Will sing out You are glorious

Glorious Video

Glorious Song Meaning

Title: Glorious by Cageless Birds: A Song Exalting the Majesty of God

“Glorious” by Cageless Birds is a powerful Christian worship song that magnifies the greatness, majesty, and glory of God. This captivating song evokes a sense of awe and reverence, reminding us of the incredible love and power of our Heavenly Father. With its heartfelt lyrics and captivating melody, “Glorious” invites believers to lift their voices in praise and worship to the One who is truly worthy.

Meaning and Inspiration:
The song “Glorious” is an anthem of praise and adoration, expressing the deep desire to honor and glorify God. It speaks of the hope and trust that believers have in Him, acknowledging that He is the source of all strength and light. The lyrics convey a sense of surrender and humility, recognizing that our weakness is met by God’s grace and that He empowers us to change and grow.

The inspiration behind the song may vary for each individual. However, it is evident that the song draws from the biblical truths found throughout the Scriptures. It echoes the themes of God’s glory, His faithfulness, and our response of worship, which are prominent throughout the Bible. The songwriters may have been inspired by their personal encounters with God, their study of Scripture, or their desire to lead others into a deeper experience of worship.

Biblical References:
“Glorious” by Cageless Birds aligns with several Bible verses that speak of God’s glory and our response to Him. Here are a few references that relate to the themes of the song:

1. Psalm 86:12 – “I will praise you, Lord my God, with all my heart; I will glorify your name forever.” This verse echoes the sentiment of surrender and wholehearted praise found in the song. It emphasizes the desire to glorify God in every aspect of our lives.

2. Psalm 29:2 – “Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name; worship the Lord in the splendor of his holiness.” This verse calls believers to ascribe glory to God and worship Him in His majestic holiness. It resonates with the idea of God’s worthiness and our response of worship in the song.

3. Romans 11:36 – “For from him and through him and for him are all things. To him be the glory forever! Amen.” This verse highlights the truth that everything exists for God’s glory. It reminds us that our lives should ultimately be oriented towards bringing glory to Him.

4. 1 Chronicles 16:29 – “Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name; bring an offering and come before him. Worship the Lord in the splendor of his holiness.” This verse encourages believers to bring offerings of praise and worship to God. It reflects the heart behind “Glorious” – to honor God and worship Him in His holiness.

The lyrics of “Glorious” beautifully capture these biblical truths and provide a vehicle for believers to express their reverence and adoration for God.

Analysis of Lyrics:
The lyrics of “Glorious” are filled with rich imagery and heartfelt expressions of worship. Let’s explore the main sections of the song:

1. Verse 1:
“All of my hope has been founded in You
I’m hidden inside of Your hands
This light will not flicker, I’m burning for You
I trust You with all that I am”

The first verse emphasizes the foundation of our hope in God. It speaks of our security and refuge in Him, being hidden in His hands. The lyrics convey a sense of unwavering trust in God’s faithfulness and a commitment to wholehearted devotion.

2. Chorus:
All I can do is sing
So worthy and true
I’m hidden inside of Your hands”

The chorus serves as the anthem of the song, declaring the glory and worthiness of God. It acknowledges that our response to His glory is to sing praises to Him. The lyrics also reinforce the idea of finding security and shelter in God’s hands, highlighting His loving care and protection.

3. Verse 2:
“And all of my weakness is met by Your grace
The empowering presence to change
In every season, more scales fall away
I’m catching new sides of Your face”

The second verse explores the transformative power of God’s grace. It acknowledges our weakness and the continuous process of growth and change that occurs in our relationship with Him. The lyrics express a sense of wonder and awe as believers encounter new aspects of God’s character and experience His transforming presence.

4. Bridge:
“I bow low
At the feet of my Savior
Saying Yes
To the process of changing
Falling in
To the arms of my Father
All my soul
Will sing out You are glorious”

The bridge section of the song emphasizes humility and surrender. It speaks of bowing before our Savior, embracing the process of transformation, and finding comfort and security in the loving arms of our Heavenly Father. The lyrics affirm our commitment to proclaim God’s glory with our entire being.

“Glorious” by Cageless Birds is a soul-stirring worship song that exalts the greatness and majesty of God. It encapsulates the desire of believers to honor and glorify Him, surrendering their lives to His transformative power. The song’s lyrics are rooted in biblical truths and resonate with the hearts of worshipers who long to encounter God’s glory. As we sing “Glorious,” may our voices join the chorus of countless believers throughout history, proclaiming the matchless worth and splendor of our Heavenly Father.

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