Me and Becky

Becky has a house on Abundant Live Boulevard
A good name, good family, and butterflies in her yard
Becky loves Jesus and really wants to make Him proud
She tears up in church and she sings her harmonies loud
She’s got a Bible by the bed, a prayer journal, and a fish on her car
She makes sure to bow her head and give thanks in every restaurant
But is that enough?

C’mon Becky, let’s go for a ride
If I’m driving too fast then I apologize
But there’s a world out there that we left behind
Full of souls as important as yours and mine
Looks like a reckless road, and a sacrifice
And I’m crazy scared it may cost our lives
But then I remember Jesus died
So c’mon Becky
Let’s go for a ride

I’m rolling up to Becky’s house on my Sunday drive
I have to laugh to myself ’cause it looks exactly like mine
I smile and wave at all the happy people strolling by
We’ve got the same walk, same talk, and the same sparkle in our eyes
‘Cause we’re thankful for the blessings, but maybe we could lay ’em aside
I get a feeling we might be missin’ the time of our lives
So hop in and hold on tight

C’mon Becky, let’s go for a ride
If I’m driving too fast then I apologize
But there’s a world out there that we left behind
Full of souls as important as yours and mine
Looks like a reckless road, and a sacrifice
And I’m crazy scared it may cost our lives
But then I remember Jesus died
So c’mon Becky
Let’s go for a ride

‘Cause we’re thankful for the blessings, but maybe we could lay ’em aside?
I get a feeling we might be heading for the time of our lives

So hop in and hold on tight
C’mon Becky, let’s go for a ride
If I’m driving too fast then I apologize
But there’s a world out there that we left behind
Full of souls as important as yours and mine
Looks like a reckless road, and a sacrifice
And I’m crazy scared it may cost our lives
But then I remember Jesus died
So c’mon Becky
Let’s go for a ride

Me and Becky Video

Me and Becky Song Meaning

Title: Me and Becky by Chris Rice: A Journey of Faith and Sacrifice


In the world of Christian music, Chris Rice has made a significant impact with his heartfelt and thought-provoking songs. One such song is “Me and Becky,” a captivating composition that challenges believers to go beyond their comfortable lives and embrace a sacrificial journey of faith. This article will delve into the meaning of the song, explore its inspiration, and highlight the relevant Bible verses that resonate with its message.

Understanding the Meaning:

“Me and Becky” is a song that calls Christians to examine the depth of their faith and consider whether they are truly living a life fully surrendered to God. The song features the character of Becky, a devout believer who seemingly possesses all the external symbols of faith. She has a good name, a loving family, and is actively involved in church activities. However, the song questions whether these external expressions of faith are enough.

The song challenges Becky (and listeners) to embark on a journey beyond the familiar surroundings and comforts of her life. It urges her to embrace a life of sacrificial love and service, reaching out to a world that desperately needs the hope and salvation found in Jesus Christ. It highlights the tension between being grateful for blessings and feeling the call to lay them aside for the sake of expanding God’s kingdom.

Inspiration and Story Behind the Song:

While specific details about the inspiration and story behind “Me and Becky” are not readily available, Chris Rice’s songwriting is often influenced by his personal experiences and observations. It is likely that he drew inspiration from the common struggle many Christians face in reconciling their desire to live a comfortable life with the call to follow Jesus wholeheartedly.

Rice’s lyrics paint a picture of two individuals, Becky and the narrator, who resemble many believers in their pursuit of faith. They strive to honor God and express their gratitude for His blessings, but they also grapple with the realization that there is more they could be doing to impact the world around them. The song serves as a gentle nudge, encouraging Christians to step out of their comfort zones and actively engage with those who have yet to experience the transformative power of Christ’s love.

Bible Verses that Relate to the Song:

To fully grasp the message conveyed in “Me and Becky,” let’s explore some Bible verses that align with its themes and provide a biblical foundation for the call to sacrificial living.

1. Matthew 16:24-25 (ESV):
“Then Jesus told his disciples, ‘If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.’”

This verse echoes the lyrics of the song, emphasizing the need for believers to deny themselves and embrace a life of sacrifice for the sake of Christ. It underscores the paradox that true life is found in losing oneself for the sake of the Gospel.

2. James 1:27 (ESV):
“Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.”

This verse highlights the importance of practical expressions of faith. It calls believers to not only maintain personal holiness but also actively engage in acts of compassion and service to those in need.

3. Mark 10:45 (ESV):
“For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

Jesus Himself set the ultimate example of sacrificial living. He came not to be served but to serve, and He willingly gave His life as a ransom for humanity. This verse serves as a reminder that as followers of Christ, we are called to emulate His selflessness.

4. Romans 12:1-2 (ESV):
“I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”

This passage calls believers to offer themselves as living sacrifices, wholly devoted to God. It emphasizes the need to resist conformity to the world’s values and instead be transformed by the renewing of our minds. Such transformation enables us to discern and fulfill God’s will for our lives.

Analyzing the Song’s Structure and Melody:

“Me and Becky” is characterized by Chris Rice’s signature acoustic guitar-driven sound, which perfectly complements the contemplative and introspective nature of the lyrics. The melody is catchy yet gentle, allowing the listener to focus on the message being conveyed.

The song begins by introducing Becky, a believer who appears to have all the outward signs of a strong faith. However, as the song progresses, the lyrics challenge Becky (and listeners) to consider whether their faith extends beyond the surface-level expressions. The chorus acts as a rallying cry, inviting Becky (and us) to embark on a faith-filled journey that may involve sacrifice and risk.

The verses and chorus blend seamlessly, creating a cohesive narrative that highlights the tension between gratitude for blessings and the call to sacrificial living. The song’s structure and melody successfully convey the emotional depth of the lyrics and encourage listeners to reflect on their own faith journeys.


“Me and Becky” by Chris Rice is a powerful song that prompts believers to examine the depth of their faith and consider whether they are truly living a life surrendered to God. Inspired by the struggles many Christians face in reconciling their desire for comfort with the call to sacrificial living, this song challenges believers to embrace a journey of faith that extends beyond the familiar and into the lives of others.

By referencing relevant Bible verses, the song reinforces the importance of denying oneself, serving others, and following the example of Jesus Christ. It encourages believers to present their lives as living sacrifices, wholly devoted to God’s will and the advancement of His kingdom.

“Me and Becky” serves as a timely reminder that the Christian journey is not merely about personal blessings and comforts but also about reaching out to a hurting world. It calls believers to step out of their comfort zones, embrace sacrificial love, and actively engage with those around them.

Through its poignant lyrics, gentle melody, and thought-provoking message, “Me and Becky” challenges believers to live a life of faith that reflects the selfless love of Christ. It invites us to embark on a transformative journey, one that may require sacrifice but promises to bring us closer to the heart of God.

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