The First Noel

Well Christafari ‘pon the riddim

Don’t you know we’ve got to give them 

The true message of Christmas, yeah…

We wish you a merry Christmas

It’s a Christmas miracle, merry Christmas, ho ho ho, merry Christmas!

The first Noel the angels did say

Was to certain poor shepherds 

In fields as they lay

In fields where they 

Lay keeping their sheep

On a cold winter’s night 

That was so deep

Noel, noel, noel, noel

Born is the King of Israel

Well this one’s for my Lord

For the One who departed 

From the heavens to the earth 

He’s filled up my heart with so much love I got to chant it 

Until everyone has heard 

Well here come the kings with the gifts that they bring

Here come the kings with the gifts that they bring

Gold, frankincense, and myrrh a them bring 

A me say give them to the King, to the King of all Kings

This star drew nigh 

Straight to the northwest

Over Bethlehem 

It took its rest

And there it did 

Both stop and stay

Right over the place 

Where Jesus lay

Noel, noel, noel, noel

Born is the King of Israel

Well this one’s for my Lord 

Christ Jesus me chanting

Him give me new birth

He’s filled up my heart

With so much Joy 

I’ve got to shout it!

And go win some converts 

Well this one’s for the King 

For the King of all Kings 

Give them to the King 

For the King of all Kings

Gold, frankincense, and myrrh a them bring 

A me say give them to the King, for the King of all Kings

Then let us all 

With one accord

Sing praises to our 

Heavenly Lord

That has made Heaven 

And earth of nought

And with His blood 

Mankind hath bought

Noel, noel, noel, noel

Born is the King of Israel

The first Noel is a riddim

That had come straight from heaven

To the town of Bethlehem 

You see the shepherds gather 

When them hear about the Savior 

And the birth of the Son of Man 

So sound up the trumpets 

The King of Kings is coming

Woe-eh, yes

Yes sound up the trumpets 

A new day is dawning 

Well this one isn’t 2nd hand or 3rd rate

For when received His grace 

I had to give Him 1st place 

In every single way

A 2nd act, a 2nd chance 

A 2nd birth, I’m born again

And so I’m singing for the King now every single day

Noel, noel, noel, noel

Born is the King of Israel, 

Of Israel

Of Israel

Merry Christmas

The First Noel Video

The First Noel Song Meaning

The First Noel by Christafari: Spreading the Christmas Message


The Christmas season is a time of joy, celebration, and reflection on the birth of Jesus Christ. It is a time when Christians all over the world come together to commemorate the arrival of the Savior. One song that beautifully captures the essence of this season is “The First Noel” by Christafari, a reggae band known for their unique blend of Caribbean rhythms and Christian lyrics. In this blog post, we will explore the main messages of the song, its meaning, and analyze its biblical accuracy.

I. The First Noel: A Journey to Bethlehem

The song begins by recounting the biblical story of the first Christmas. The opening lines say, “The first Noel the angels did say, was to certain poor shepherds in fields as they lay.” This references the biblical account in the Gospel of Luke, where angels appeared to shepherds in the fields, announcing the birth of Jesus. The song takes the listener on a journey to Bethlehem, where the shepherds were keeping watch over their flocks.

II. A Cold Winter’s Night

The lyrics continue, “On a cold winter’s night that was so deep.” This line emphasizes the humble and ordinary conditions in which Jesus was born. It highlights the contrast between the grandeur of heaven and the simplicity of the stable where Jesus entered the world. It reminds us that the birth of Jesus was not marked by extravagant ceremonies, but rather by humility and simplicity.

III. The Arrival of the Kings

The next verse introduces the arrival of the three kings, or wise men, who followed a star to find the newborn King. The lyrics say, “Well, here come the kings with the gifts that they bring, gold, frankincense, and myrrh, they bring to the King.” This references the biblical account in the Gospel of Matthew, where the wise men from the East came bearing gifts for Jesus. The mention of gold, frankincense, and myrrh symbolizes the honor and reverence they bestowed upon the newborn King.

IV. The Star and the Birthplace

The song then mentions the star that guided the wise men to Jesus. The lyrics say, “This star drew nigh straight to the northwest, over Bethlehem it took its rest.” This references the biblical account where the star appeared in the sky, leading the wise men to the exact location of Jesus’ birth. The mention of Bethlehem as the resting place of the star reaffirms the significance of this small town as the birthplace of the Messiah.

V. The Message of Christmas

Throughout the song, the main message of Christmas is emphasized – the birth of Jesus, the King of Israel. The repeated chorus of “Noel, noel, noel, noel, born is the King of Israel” reminds listeners of the central focus of Christmas. It celebrates the arrival of the long-awaited Messiah, who came to bring salvation and redemption to all humanity.

Meaning and Inspiration:

“The First Noel” holds deep meaning for Christians as it retells the biblical story of Jesus’ birth in a poetic and melodic manner. It serves as a reminder of the humble circumstances surrounding the birth of Jesus and the significance of his arrival for all humanity. The song inspires believers to reflect on the true meaning of Christmas, which is not found in materialistic pursuits but in the gift of God’s love and grace through Jesus Christ.

The inspiration behind the song can be traced back to the traditional English carol “The First Noel,” which dates back to the 17th century. Christafari, known for their unique reggae style, added their own musical interpretation to the classic carol, infusing it with their signature Caribbean rhythms and vocal harmonies. By combining the timeless message of the original carol with their distinctive sound, Christafari brings a fresh perspective to the song, making it accessible to a wider audience.

Biblical Accuracy and Analysis:

When analyzing the biblical accuracy of “The First Noel” by Christafari, it is important to consider the source material – the original traditional carol. The lyrics of the song align closely with the biblical accounts of Jesus’ birth found in the Gospels of Luke and Matthew. The references to the angels appearing to the shepherds, the arrival of the wise men, and the guiding star are all consistent with the biblical narratives.

Moreover, the central message of the song – the birth of Jesus as the King of Israel – is grounded in biblical truth. The Bible repeatedly affirms Jesus as the long-awaited Messiah and the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies. The mention of gold, frankincense, and myrrh as gifts brought by the wise men also aligns with the biblical account in Matthew 2:11.

In conclusion, “The First Noel” by Christafari beautifully captures the spirit and message of Christmas. The song retells the biblical story of Jesus’ birth, emphasizing the humble circumstances and the central role of Jesus as the King of Israel. It inspires believers to reflect on the true meaning of Christmas and the gift of God’s love through Jesus Christ. With its reggae-infused melodies and heartfelt lyrics, this rendition of “The First Noel” is a powerful and uplifting addition to the Christmas music repertoire.

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