Say, With What Salutations

1 Say with what salutations

Shall I Thine advent greet?

Desire of all the nations,

My Joy and Refuge meet!

O Jesus, Jesus! lead me

On by Thy blessed light,

Teach me whate’er delights Thee

To understand aright.

2 With palms doth Zion meet Thee,

Spreads branches in the way;

To raise my soul to greet Thee

Glad psalms I’ll sing to-day.

My heart shall bloom forever

With joys and praises new,

And from Thy Name shall never

Withhold the honor due.

3 What hast Thou e’er neglected

For my good here below?

When heart and soul dejected,

Were sunk in deepest woe,

When from Thy presence hidden,

Where peace and pleasures are,

Thou camest, and hast bidden

Me joy again, my Star!

4 In bitter bondage lying,

Thou com’st and sett’st me free,

’Neath scorn and shame when sighing,

Thou com’st and raisest me.

Thy grace high honor gives me,

Abundance doth bestow,

That wastes not, nor deceives me

As earthly riches do.

5 No other impulse led Thee

To leave Thy throne above,

Upon Thine errand sped Thee,

But world-embracing love!

A love that deeply feeleth

The wants and woes of men,

No tongue its fulness telleth,

It passeth human ken.

6 Sin’s debt and mighty burden,

Let not Thy heart affright;

The Lord will freely pardon,

His grace will cover quite.

He comes! He comes! salvation

Proclaiming everywhere,

Secures His chosen nation

Their heritage so fair.

7 Thy foes, why should they move Thee?

Their wiles and rage are vain,

Thy Savior, who doth love thee,

Will scatter them again.

O come, Thou Son, and lead us

To everlasting light,

Up to Thy mansions guide us

Of glory and delight.

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