
You’re more real than

The ground I’m standing on

You’re more real than

The wind in my lungs

Your thoughts define me

You’re inside me

You’re my reality

Abba, I belong to you

Abba, I belong to you

You’re closer than the

Skin on my bones

You’re closer than the

Song on my tongue

Your thoughts define me

You’re inside me

You’re my reality

Abba, I belong to you

Abba, I belong to you

Abba, I belong to you


Abba Video

Abba Song Meaning

**Title: Abba by Dante Bowe + Bethel Music: A Song of Intimate Connection with God**


In the realm of Christian music, few songs capture the essence of intimacy with God as powerfully as “Abba” by Dante Bowe, featuring Bethel Music. With its heartfelt lyrics and soul-stirring melody, this worship anthem has resonated with believers around the world. Let us embark on this journey of spiritual connection and devotion.

**1. The Meaning of “Abba”**

The very title of the song, “Abba,” holds great significance. Derived from the Aramaic language, “Abba” means “Father” or “Daddy.” It is an intimate term of endearment, reflecting a close, personal relationship with God. The use of this word in the song underscores the desire for a deep, emotional connection with the Heavenly Father.

**2. The Inspiration or Story Behind “Abba”**

While it is challenging to pinpoint the exact inspiration or story behind the song “Abba,” we can surmise that it stems from the longing for an intimate relationship with God. The songwriters, Dante Bowe and the team at Bethel Music, are known for their passion for worship and their desire to lead others into encounters with God’s presence. It is likely that their own personal experiences of encountering God’s love and grace influenced the creation of this powerful song.

**3. Bible Verses Related to “Abba”**

The lyrics of “Abba” find their roots in several Bible verses that emphasize our connection with God as His beloved children. Here are a few scriptures that resonate with the themes of the song:

– Romans 8:15 (ESV): “For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, ‘Abba! Father!’”

This verse highlights our adoption as children of God and our ability to approach Him with the intimate term “Abba.” It reminds us that we have been set free from fear and can confidently cry out to God as our loving Father.

– Galatians 4:6 (NIV): “Because you are his sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, ‘Abba, Father.’”

Here, the Apostle Paul reinforces the concept of our adoption as sons and daughters of God. Through the indwelling Holy Spirit, we can experience a profound connection with God, crying out to Him as our loving Father.

These verses serve as a biblical foundation for the song “Abba” and provide a deeper understanding of the lyrics’ meaning and significance.

**4. Exploring the Lyrics of “Abba”**

Now, let us dive into the lyrics of “Abba” and explore their profound message of intimacy and connection with God:

“You’re more real than
The ground I’m standing on
You’re more real than
The wind in my lungs”

These opening lines emphasize the surpassing reality of God’s presence in our lives. The comparison to the ground we stand on and the air we breathe signifies that God’s reality transcends our physical surroundings. It conveys the idea that God’s presence is more tangible and powerful than anything we can perceive with our senses.

“Your thoughts define me
You’re inside me
You’re my reality”

These lines speak of the transformative power of God’s thoughts and presence in our lives. As we align our thoughts and desires with His, we discover our true identity and purpose. The mention of God being inside us reflects the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, who guides and shapes our lives. Ultimately, God’s reality becomes our reality as we surrender to His will.

“Abba, I belong to you
Abba, I belong to you”

The repetition of the phrase “Abba, I belong to you” reinforces the deep sense of belonging and identity we find in our relationship with God. By using the term “Abba,” the songwriters convey a childlike trust and dependency on the Heavenly Father, acknowledging His authority and love in their lives.

“You’re closer than
The skin on my bones
You’re closer than
The song on my tongue”

These lines express the closeness and proximity of God’s presence in our lives. The comparison to the skin on our bones and the song on our tongues highlights the intimate connection we have with God. He is not a distant deity but a loving Father who is intimately acquainted with every aspect of our being.

**5. The Power of “Abba” in Worship**

The song “Abba” has become a powerful tool for believers to enter into a place of worship and communion with God. Its heartfelt lyrics and melodic progression create an atmosphere of surrender and vulnerability before the Heavenly Father. As we sing these words, we are reminded of our identity as beloved children of God and are invited to draw closer to Him.


“Abba” by Dante Bowe and Bethel Music is a song that encapsulates the yearning for an intimate connection with God. Its lyrics, inspired by biblical truths and personal experiences, speak to the deep desire within every believer to know God as their loving Father. Through the repetition of the term “Abba,” the song invites us to embrace our identity as God’s children and to draw closer to Him in worship and surrender. May this powerful anthem continue to inspire and lead believers into deeper encounters with the Heavenly Father, where true intimacy and connection are found.

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