You Are My Champion

Verse 1
I’ve tried so hard to see it
Took me so long to believe it
That You’d choose someone like me
To carry Your victory

Verse 2
Perfection could never earn it
You give what we don’t deserve and
You take the broken things
And raise them to glory

Chorus 1
You are my champion
Giants fall when you stand
Every battle You’ve won
I am who You say I am
You crown me with confidence
I am seated, in the heavenly place
Undefeated, with the
One who has conquered it all
Verse 3
Now I can finally see it
You’re teaching me how to receive
So let all the striving cease
This is my victory

When I lift my voice and shout
Every wall comes crashing down
I have the authority
Jesus has given me
When I open up my mouth
Miracles start breaking out
I have the authority
Jesus has given me

Chorus 2
You are my champion
Giants fall when you stand
Every battle You’ve won
I am who You say I am
You crown me with confidence
I am seated, in the heavenly place
Undefeated, by the power of Your name
I am seating, in the heavenly place
Undefeated, with the One you has conquered it all

You Are My Champion Video

You Are My Champion Song Meaning

Title: You Are My Champion: A Song of Victory and Confidence in God


“You Are My Champion” is an uplifting song by Dante Bowe and Bethel Music that celebrates the victory and confidence we have in God. With powerful lyrics and a dynamic melody, this song resonates with believers, reminding them of God’s faithfulness, power, and authority.

I. The Meaning behind “You Are My Champion”:

1. Triumph over adversity: The song acknowledges the struggles and challenges we face in life but affirms that God is our ultimate champion. It declares that no matter what giants we encounter, they will fall when God stands with us. This song serves as a reminder that we are not alone in our battles and that victory is already assured through Christ.

2. Embracing our identity in Christ: “You Are My Champion” emphasizes the truth that we are who God says we are. The lyrics remind us that we are crowned with confidence, seated in heavenly places, and undefeated by the power and authority given to us by Jesus. It encourages us to step into our true identity as children of God, filled with His strength and equipped to overcome any obstacle.

3. The power of proclamation: The bridge of the song highlights the authority we have in Jesus. It emphasizes that when we lift our voices and proclaim the name of Jesus, walls come crashing down, and miracles start breaking out. This section of the song reminds us of the transformative power of speaking God’s truth and promises over our lives.

II. The Inspiration and Story behind “You Are My Champion”:

While the specific inspiration or story behind “You Are My Champion” is not widely available, it is evident that the song draws its themes and lyrics from the Bible. The lyrics reflect the biblical truth that God is our ultimate champion, and through Him, we have the victory over every battle we face.

III. Biblical References in “You Are My Champion”:

1. 1 Samuel 17:45-47 – The story of David and Goliath is referenced in the lyrics, where David, a young shepherd boy, defeats the giant Goliath with God’s help. This story serves as a powerful reminder that God can help us conquer the giants in our own lives.

2. Ephesians 2:6 – The lyrics mention being seated in the heavenly place, which is a reference to our spiritual position in Christ. As believers, we are united with Christ and share in His victory over sin and death.

3. Matthew 16:19 – The bridge of the song emphasizes the authority given to us by Jesus. This verse speaks of the authority to bind and loose, indicating the power we have in the name of Jesus.

4. Romans 8:37 – The lyrics speak of being more than conquerors, which is a direct reference to this verse. It reminds us that, through Christ, we are not just conquerors but overwhelmingly victorious in all circumstances.

IV. The Impact of “You Are My Champion”:

This song has resonated with countless individuals, offering hope, encouragement, and a renewed sense of faith in God. It reminds believers that they can face any challenge with confidence, knowing that God is their champion. The powerful and uplifting melody, along with the lyrics, stirs the spirit and strengthens faith.

V. Conclusion:

“You Are My Champion” is more than just a song; it is a declaration of faith and victory in God. Its lyrics remind us of the triumph we have in Christ and the authority we possess as His children. This song encourages believers to embrace their identity in Christ, to proclaim His name, and to walk in the confidence of knowing that God is with them in every battle. As we sing and meditate on the lyrics of this song, may we be reminded of God’s faithfulness and the assurance of victory we have in Him.

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