After While

I dedicate this song to those that have lost loved ones along the way
If we hold on, we’re goona see them again, After While

Verse 1
How could I forget, Uhm, How you held my hand
wiped the tears from my eyes
How could I forget, oh yeah, and when I needed someone
You where right by my side

I know you had to be an angel in disguise
Sent from God to bring joy to my life
And know your gone back home, and I want you to know
I still hear your voice, I still feel your touch
And when I close my eyes, I can see your smile
and though your gone away, to a better place
I can’t wait to be with you, After While, oh After While

Verse 2
Sometimes I’ll brake down, but I accept God’s will
In spite of the way I feel
Sometimes I wish that I, I wish that I
I could take your place, you should not have gone that way


Cause after while, I will see you once again in glory
After while, we will walk the streets of gold
Just you and me, and I’ll, I’ll be free
I’ll be free Oh, Oh, Oh, Just to see your face again, Oh
Hay, After While, Yeah, After While
Woh, After While, Ho, I, I will be with you
Woh, After While, I believe that, After While
I believe , After While, I will, I will be with you
After While, We’ll be together again, Yeah
Oh, And you may have lost a loved one in your life but
Your gonna see then again, Hay, After While
I believe, I’m gonna hold you one more time
After While, Ouh, AFTER WHILE…………

After While Video

After While Song Meaning

Title: After While by Deitrick Haddon: A Song of Hope and Reunion

“After While” is a captivating song by Deitrick Haddon that offers comfort and hope to those who have lost loved ones. This powerful ballad reminds us that even though we may experience the pain of separation, we will eventually be reunited with our loved ones in the presence of God.

I. Understanding the Meaning of “After While”:
The song “After While” speaks to the deep emotions and longing that arise when we lose someone we hold dear. It reminds us that although we may experience grief and sorrow in the present, there is hope for a brighter future. The phrase “After While” suggests that the separation we feel is only temporary, and we will be reunited with our loved ones in due time. It encourages us to hold on to our faith and trust in God’s plan for our lives.

II. The Inspiration behind “After While”:
While specific details about the inspiration or story behind “After While” are not readily available, it is clear that Deitrick Haddon drew from his personal experiences and observations of the pain people go through when they lose someone. The song serves as a source of comfort and encouragement for those who are grieving, reminding them that their loved ones are in a better place and that they will meet again.

III. Bible Verses that Relate to “After While”:
1. 1 Thessalonians 4:13-14: “Brothers and sisters, we do not want you to be uninformed about those who sleep in death so that you do not grieve like the rest of mankind, who have no hope. For we believe that Jesus died and rose again, and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him.” These verses assure us that death is not the end and that we can find hope in the promise of resurrection and reunion with our loved ones in Christ.

2. Revelation 21:4: “He will wipe away every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” This verse reminds us that in the eternal presence of God, there will be no more sorrow or separation. We can find solace in knowing that our tears will be wiped away, and we will experience eternal joy with our loved ones.

3. Psalm 30:5: “For his anger lasts only a moment, but his favor lasts a lifetime; weeping may stay for the night, but rejoicing comes in the morning.” This verse encourages us to endure the pain of loss, knowing that joy will come in due time. It reminds us that God’s favor and comfort will sustain us through our grief, leading us to a place of healing and eventual reunion.

IV. The Emotional Journey of “After While”:
The song “After While” takes listeners on an emotional journey, starting with a reflection on the memories and presence of the loved one who has passed away. It acknowledges the pain and sorrow experienced in the present, but also emphasizes the hope and assurance of reunion in the future.

The lyrics “How could I forget, Uhm, How you held my hand, wiped the tears from my eyes” express the deep connection and support we have experienced from our loved ones. It acknowledges their role in our lives and the impact they had on us.

The bridge of the song beautifully captures the idea that our loved ones were like angels sent from God, bringing joy and comfort into our lives. It acknowledges their return to the heavenly realm and our longing to be with them once again.

The chorus, with its repetition of the phrase “After While,” emphasizes the hope and anticipation of the future reunion. It assures us that we will see our loved ones again, walk the streets of gold together, and be free from pain and sorrow.

V. Conclusion:
“After While” by Deitrick Haddon is a song that resonates deeply with those who have experienced loss. Its message of hope and reunion provides comfort and assurance during times of grief and sorrow. By drawing from personal experiences and observations, Haddon has created a song that speaks to the universal longing for reunion with loved ones in the presence of God.

Through Bible verses that relate to the song’s message, we are reminded of God’s promises of resurrection, eternal joy, and the wiping away of tears. These verses strengthen our faith and offer solace during times of mourning.

Let the comforting words of “After While” remind you that although the pain of separation may be present now, there is hope for a future reunion with your loved ones. Hold on to your faith and trust in God’s plan, knowing that one day, you will be together again, in the eternal presence of our loving Heavenly Father.

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