City Called Heaven

Good things come outta Detroit, I was born there
And the summer time in Chicago is beautiful as anywhere
And I like shopping in New York, hanging out in Time Square
Then I take a train to Philly, brotherly lover is in the air

Now if all of these cool cities exist
Why is it so hard for you to be convinced

There’s a city called heaven somewhere
There’s a city called heaven somewhere
Oh I wanna go, I hope I see you there
City called heaven somewhere

City called heaven
City called heaven
City called heaven
City called heaven somewhere

They say that there are mansions as far as you can see
They say the streets of gold surrounded by the crystal sea
I say they in despair if you don’t believe
I ain’t gon’ argue with ya ’cause it’s a place I never seen
Just because you never seen it doesn’t mean that it’s not there
You don’t see the air you breathin’ but you can’t live without it

All I’m trying to tell you is
There’s got to be a better place than this

There’s a city called heaven somewhere
A city called heaven somewhere
Oh I wanna go, I hope I see you there
City called heaven somewhere

City called heaven
City called heaven
City called heaven
City called heaven somewhere

I got a whole lot of loved ones that I can’t wait to see
My grandmother’s over there she go by the name of Jimmy Lee
But I ain’t in no hurry I’ll get there one day
If I keep walking on the narrow way
Gonna share a few laughs with my momma Faye
When I make it to the city called heaven one day

City called heaven
City called heaven
City called heaven
City called heaven
City called heaven
City called heaven
City called heaven
City called heaven

See my cousin David, see my uncle James
Gonna see Jesus one day, oh

City Called Heaven Video

City Called Heaven Song Meaning

City Called Heaven: A Journey to the Promised Land


“City Called Heaven” is a powerful gospel song by Deitrick Haddon that takes listeners on a spiritual journey to a place beyond this world. The song’s main message revolves around the existence of a heavenly city, a place of eternal joy and peace. In this blog post, we will delve deeper into the lyrics of the song, exploring its key messages, meaning, and biblical references.

Verse 1: Good things come outta Detroit, I was born there
And the summer time in Chicago is beautiful as anywhere
And I like shopping in New York, hanging out in Time Square
Then I take a train to Philly, brotherly lover is in the air

The song begins by highlighting the beauty and significance of various cities. Deitrick Haddon mentions Detroit, Chicago, New York, and Philadelphia, emphasizing that these cities have their own unique qualities and attractions. However, he suggests that there is a place beyond these earthly cities, a heavenly city that surpasses them all.

Chorus: There’s a city called heaven somewhere
There’s a city called heaven somewhere
Oh, I wanna go, I hope I see you there
City called heaven somewhere

The chorus reiterates the main message of the song – the existence of a heavenly city. Haddon expresses his desire to reach this city and hopes to see others there as well. It serves as a reminder that there is a higher purpose and destination beyond the earthly realm we currently reside in.

Verse 2: They say that there are mansions as far as you can see
They say the streets of gold surrounded by the crystal sea
I say they in despair if you don’t believe
I ain’t gon’ argue with ya ’cause it’s a place I never seen

In the second verse, Haddon describes the heavenly city as a place of abundance and beauty. He mentions the concept of mansions, streets of gold, and a crystal sea, drawing imagery from biblical descriptions of heaven. However, he acknowledges that some may doubt the existence of such a place. Haddon respects their skepticism, recognizing that faith is required to believe in something unseen.

Bridge: Just because you never seen it doesn’t mean that it’s not there
You don’t see the air you breathin’ but you can’t live without it

The bridge emphasizes the idea that just because something is unseen doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. Haddon draws a parallel between the unseen heavenly city and the air we breathe. We cannot physically see the air, but we know it is essential for our survival. Similarly, the heavenly city may be unseen, but faith tells us it is real and worth longing for.

Verse 3: All I’m trying to tell you is
There’s got to be a better place than this

In the final verse, Haddon expresses his conviction that there must be a better place than the earthly world we currently inhabit. He implies that our earthly existence is flawed and imperfect, and the heavenly city represents a place of ultimate perfection and fulfillment.

Meaning and Inspiration:

The song “City Called Heaven” carries a profound message of hope and faith. It serves as a reminder that our earthly lives are temporary and that there is a greater purpose beyond what we can see. The longing for a heavenly city resonates with the human desire for eternal peace, joy, and fulfillment.

The inspiration for the song may come from various sources, including biblical teachings on heaven, personal experiences, and a desire to encourage believers to hold onto their faith. Many gospel artists, including Deitrick Haddon, draw inspiration from their own spiritual journeys and encounters with God. While the specific inspiration for “City Called Heaven” may not be documented, it aligns with the broader themes of hope and eternal life found in the gospel genre.

Biblical Analysis:

The concept of a heavenly city is deeply rooted in biblical teachings. In the book of Revelation, the apostle John describes the New Jerusalem, a heavenly city prepared by God for His people. Revelation 21:2-3 states, “I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, ‘Look! God’s dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God.’”

The description of mansions, streets of gold, and a crystal sea mentioned in the song aligns with the imagery used in Revelation 21:18-21. However, it is essential to note that biblical descriptions of heaven are often symbolic and meant to convey the beauty and glory of God’s eternal dwelling place rather than provide precise details.

The song’s emphasis on faith and the unseen mirrors the biblical teaching found in Hebrews 11:1, which states, “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” It encourages believers to trust in the existence of a heavenly city beyond what our physical eyes can perceive.

Critically analyzing the song, we can conclude that “City Called Heaven” aligns with biblical teachings on heaven and the believer’s hope in a future eternal dwelling place. It conveys the message of faith and encourages listeners to long for a place where all the imperfections and struggles of this world will be overcome.


“City Called Heaven” by Deitrick Haddon is a powerful gospel song that explores the existence of a heavenly city beyond this earthly realm. Through its lyrics, the song conveys a message of hope, faith, and longing for a place of eternal peace and joy. The biblical references to the New Jerusalem and the emphasis on unseen faith align with the teachings of the Bible. Ultimately, the song serves as a reminder that our earthly lives are temporary, and there is a greater destination awaiting believers in a heavenly city called heaven.

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