Everything Is Possible

At first we trusted anyone who said they had a cure
But with every disappointment it grew harder to be sure
Still, when we heard of Jesus, we went looking for this man
They said he broke the grip of demons by the power of His command.

We found His close disciples in the foothills where He’d been
But as I tried to talk to them the devil struck again
And my son began to scream and then his eyes rolled back inside
He fell and moaned and he stiffened out and I turned to them and cried.

Cast it out of him, I beg you, but it was all to no avail
And as each one made excuses all my hopes began to fail
But then I heard excited voices calling out ?The Master’s here?
And as Jesus walked right toward me, hope rose up above my fear.

I cried out ?Rabbi help us, he’s my son my only son?
Your men have tried to cast it out but nothing could be done
He’s been like this since childhood; no one can tell us why
Oh but Sir, if you can help at all, I beg of You please to try.

If You can, He thundered, you asked me if I can
Everything is possible when there’s faith inside a man
I cried ?Oh Lord forgive me please, I’ve lived so long with grief
And I do believe You can oh Lord, oh please, please help my unbelief.

He told the spirit leave the boy, enter him no more
It screamed and threw him on the ground, worse than all the times before
Until at last he laid just like a corpse and I thought it was the end
But Jesus raised him up and said ?Here’s your son my friend?

When we got back to our little town, somehow they all had heard
That Jesus cast the devil out by the power of His word
So He told them all again about the healing we received
And that everything is possible to someone who believed.

Everything is possible to someone who believes
It is Your Father’s joy to give to all who will receive
Those who strive may trip and fall in the tangled webs they weave
But everything is possible to someone who believes.

Everything is possible to someone who believes
It is Your Father’s joy to give to all who will receive
Those who strive may trip and fall in the tangled webs they weave
But everything is possible to someone who believes.

Everything is possible to someone who believes
It is Your Father’s joy to give to all who will receive
Those who strive may trip and fall in the tangled webs they weave
But everything is possible to someone who believes.

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