Prince of Peace

Prince of peace 

And Lord of all 

Creator of all things 

Mighty one the sovereign God 

Whose kingdom never ends 

Worthy worthy 

Worthy is the Lamb 

Worthy Worthy 

is the lamb that was slain 

Prince of peace 

And Lord of all 

Creator of all things 

Mighty one the sovereign God 

Whose kingdom never ends 

Worthy worthy 

Worthy is the Lamb 

Worthy Worthy 

is the lamb that was slain 

Worthy worthy 

Worthy is the Lamb 

Worthy Worthy 

is the lamb that was slain 

Prince of Peace Video

Prince of Peace Song Meaning

Title: Prince of Peace by EBEN: A Worship Anthem Reflecting God’s Sovereignty


“Prince of Peace” is a powerful worship song by the Nigerian gospel artist, EBEN. This spirit-filled anthem exalts Jesus Christ as the Prince of Peace and the Lord of all. With its captivating melody and heartfelt lyrics, the song invites believers to worship and declare the worthiness of the Lamb that was slain.

Meaning of the Song:

“Prince of Peace” is a song that celebrates Jesus Christ as the embodiment of peace and the one who has the power to bring peace to our lives. The lyrics remind us that Jesus is the ultimate source of peace, and through His sacrifice, He has made a way for us to experience His peace in every aspect of our lives.

Inspiration and Story Behind the Song:

While information regarding the specific inspiration or story behind the song “Prince of Peace” by EBEN is not readily available, the lyrics themselves convey a deep sense of reverence and adoration for Jesus Christ. It is evident that the song was birthed from a place of worship and a desire to exalt the name of Jesus as the Prince of Peace.

Bible Verses that Relate to the Song:

1. Isaiah 9:6 (NIV):
“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”

This verse from Isaiah prophesies about the birth of Jesus Christ, who would be known as the Prince of Peace. It highlights His divine nature and the authority that rests upon Him.

2. John 14:27 (NIV):
“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”

In this verse, Jesus Himself assures His disciples of the peace that He brings. His peace is not like the world’s peace, which is temporary and conditional. Instead, it is a lasting peace that transcends circumstances and brings comfort to troubled hearts.

3. Ephesians 2:14 (NIV):
“For he himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility.”

This verse emphasizes that Jesus is our ultimate peace. Through His sacrifice on the cross, He has broken down the barriers of hostility and division, bringing reconciliation and peace between God and humanity.

Explanation of the Song’s Lyrics:

Verse 1:
“Prince of Peace and Lord of all,
Creator of all things,
Mighty One, the Sovereign God,
Whose kingdom never ends.”

These lyrics establish the identity and authority of Jesus Christ. He is acknowledged as the Prince of Peace and the Lord of all creation. This verse also highlights His sovereignty and eternal reign as the Almighty God.

“Worthy, worthy, worthy is the Lamb,
Worthy, worthy is the Lamb that was slain.”

The chorus magnifies the worthiness of Jesus Christ, the Lamb that was slain for our sins. It echoes the heavenly praise found in Revelation 5:12, where the Lamb is declared worthy to receive power, wealth, wisdom, strength, honor, glory, and praise.

Verse 2:
“Prince of Peace and Lord of all,
Creator of all things,
Mighty One, the Sovereign God,
Whose kingdom never ends.”

This verse echoes the first verse, reiterating the exalted position and eternal reign of Jesus Christ.

“Worthy, worthy, worthy is the Lamb,
Worthy, worthy is the Lamb that was slain.”

The bridge reiterates the chorus, emphasizing the worthiness of Jesus Christ, the Lamb that was slain. It serves as a powerful declaration of praise and adoration for His sacrificial love and redeeming work.


“Prince of Peace” by EBEN is a worship anthem that exalts Jesus Christ as the Prince of Peace and the Lord of all. The song’s lyrics reflect the biblical truth that Jesus is the ultimate source of peace and the one who has the power to bring peace to our lives. Through His sacrifice, He has made a way for us to experience His peace in every aspect of our lives. As we worship and declare the worthiness of the Lamb that was slain, we are reminded of His sovereignty, His eternal reign, and His unmatched love for humanity.

Incorporating this powerful worship song into our personal devotion or corporate worship can serve as a reminder of the peace that Jesus offers and as an expression of our adoration and gratitude for His saving grace. May “Prince of Peace” inspire us to seek His peace, trust in His sovereignty, and proclaim His worthiness to all the nations.

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