Miracle Working God

I have a miracle working God
I have a miracle working God
He is the Alpha and Omega

we serve a miracle working God
We serve a miracle working God
He is the Alpha and Omega
We serve a miracle working God

He made the blind to see
He made the lame to walk
He made the the dump to talk

I have a miracle working God
I have a miracle working God
He is the Alpha and Omega

Jesus Christ the same today and Forever
He is the Alpha and Omega
I have a miracle working God

He walked upon the sea
He rose the Lazarus from dead
He is the Alpha and Omega
I serve a miracle working God

Yes with two fish and five loaves five thousand fed
He rose again from the dead
I have a miracle working God

Yes I remember the day
I will never forget the day
when Jesus washed my sins
Yes I praise Him for He is Alpha, Alpha and Omega
Yes I praise Him for He is Alpha, Alpha and Omega
Jesus is Alpha, Alpha and Omega
He’s alive Jesus is alive
Forever He’s alive AMEN

Miracle Working God Video

Miracle Working God Song Meaning

Title: Miracle Working God – A Song of Faith and Hope

The song “Miracle Working God” by Fenny West is a powerful anthem that celebrates the greatness and faithfulness of our God. With its uplifting lyrics and catchy melody, this song reminds believers of the miraculous power of God and encourages them to put their trust in Him. In this article, we will explore the meaning of the song, the inspiration behind it, and the Bible verses that relate to its message of faith and hope.

I. The Meaning of the Song:
The song “Miracle Working God” conveys the message that our God is a God of miracles. It emphasizes His ability to bring about supernatural interventions in our lives, such as healing the sick, restoring the broken, and providing for our needs. The lyrics affirm that God is not limited by time or circumstances, but rather, He is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever, and His power to perform miracles remains unchanged.

II. The Inspiration Behind the Song:
While the specific inspiration behind the song “Miracle Working God” by Fenny West is not available, we can assume that it stems from a deep personal experience of God’s miraculous work in the songwriter’s life or in the lives of those around them. Many songwriters often draw from their own encounters with God or the stories of others to create songs that express their faith and gratitude. It is likely that Fenny West penned this song to testify to the goodness and power of God, encouraging others to trust in Him for their miracles as well.

III. Bible Verses Related to the Song:
The lyrics of “Miracle Working God” align with several Bible verses that affirm God’s ability to perform miracles. Here are a few examples:

1. Matthew 9:35 (NIV):
“Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness.”

This verse showcases Jesus’ ministry of healing and performing miracles. It reflects the message of the song, affirming that God is indeed a miracle worker.

2. Hebrews 13:8 (NIV):
“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”

This powerful verse emphasizes the unchanging nature of Jesus Christ. It reinforces the message that the God who performed miracles in the past is the same God who is capable of working miracles in our lives today.

3. Mark 10:27 (NIV):
“Jesus looked at them and said, ‘With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God.’”

This verse highlights the limitless power of God. It serves as a reminder that no matter how dire our circumstances may seem, God is able to intervene and perform miracles beyond human understanding.

IV. The Power of Worship:
The song “Miracle Working God” serves as a powerful tool of worship. Through uplifting lyrics and a captivating melody, it invites listeners to join in praise and adoration of our God. Worshipping God through music allows us to connect with Him on a deeper level, expressing our gratitude and surrendering our lives to Him. It creates an atmosphere of faith and hope, reminding us of the miracles God has performed and inspiring us to believe for more.

V. Conclusion:
In conclusion, the song “Miracle Working God” by Fenny West is a beautiful expression of faith and hope. Its lyrics remind us of the miraculous power of our God and encourage us to put our trust in Him. Drawing inspiration from Bible verses that attest to God’s ability to perform miracles, this song serves as a powerful worship anthem that invites believers to celebrate and testify to the greatness of our God. May we always remember that we serve a miracle-working God who is faithful and able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we can ask or think.

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