By Faith

I walk (I walk) 

by faith (by faith)

Each day (each day) 

by faith (by faith)

Everyday I put my trust in You

I put my trust in You oh God

It is impossible to go through life without thee Lord

I trust in God and it come with ease

Father Lead me the way you want me to serve Lord Jesus

I trust in God

I will make it by your promise

I got faith now 

I put my trust in You 

(I put my trust in You)

I got my money (By faith) 

I’ve got wealth (By faith)

I’ve got a house (By faith) 

I’ve got Jesus (By faith) 

I am the head (By faith)

And not the tail (By faith) 

I am blessed (By faith)

And not cursed (By faith) 

why ? (By faith)

I put my trust in You

By Faith Video

By Faith Song Meaning

By Faith – A Song of Trust and Assurance

In this blog post, we will explore the powerful Christian song titled “By Faith” by Godwin Omighale. This uplifting song encourages believers to put their trust in God in every aspect of their lives. We will analyze the main key messages of the song, discuss its meaning, and critically analyze its biblical foundation. Let us delve into the lyrics of this inspiring song and uncover its depth and significance.

Verse 1:
“I walk (I walk)
by faith (by faith)
Each day (each day)
by faith (by faith)”
The opening lines of the song emphasize the importance of walking by faith each day. It reminds us that as Christians, our faith should guide our steps and decisions. The repetition of “by faith” emphasizes the reliance on God’s promises and guidance in our daily lives.

“I put my trust in You oh God
It is impossible to go through life without thee Lord
I trust in God and it comes with ease
Father lead me the way you want me to serve Lord Jesus”
The chorus highlights the central theme of the song – trust in God. It acknowledges the impossibility of navigating life without God’s presence and guidance. The lyrics express the ease and confidence that comes with trusting in God, and the desire to be led by Him in service to Jesus.

Verse 2:
“I got my money (By faith)
I’ve got wealth (By faith)
I’ve got a house (By faith)
I’ve got Jesus (By faith)”
These lines emphasize that all blessings, including material possessions, come by faith. It reminds us that our trust in God extends to every aspect of our lives, including our financial and material well-being. The mention of having Jesus by faith reinforces the idea that He is the ultimate source of our blessings and security.

“I am the head (By faith)
And not the tail (By faith)
I am blessed (By faith)
And not cursed (By faith)”
The bridge of the song echoes the promises found in the Bible. It proclaims the believer’s identity as a child of God who is blessed and favored. These lyrics are reminiscent of Deuteronomy 28:13 which states, “The Lord will make you the head and not the tail; you shall be above only, and not be beneath.” The bridge reinforces the message of trust and faith in God’s promises for a blessed and victorious life.

Meaning and Inspiration:
The song “By Faith” carries a powerful message of trust and reliance on God. It reminds believers that faith is not an abstract concept but a practical way of living. The lyrics inspire listeners to put their trust in God in every area of their lives, recognizing that all blessings come from Him. The song encourages believers to have confidence in God’s guidance and to serve Him wholeheartedly.

The inspiration behind the song may vary depending on the songwriter’s personal experiences and encounters with God. It is possible that the songwriter drew inspiration from their own journey of faith and the realization of the transformative power of trusting in God. The song may also have been inspired by biblical teachings on faith and the promises of God to His people.

Biblical Analysis:
In analyzing the biblical foundation of the song “By Faith,” we can reference several key passages that emphasize the importance of faith and trust in God.

Hebrews 11:1 defines faith as “the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” The song echoes this definition by encouraging believers to trust in God even when they cannot see the outcome.

Proverbs 3:5-6 advises, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.” This verse aligns with the central message of the song, which is to put our trust in God and allow Him to lead us.

Another relevant passage is Matthew 6:25-34, where Jesus teaches about the futility of worrying and encourages His followers to seek first the kingdom of God. The song echoes this teaching by reminding listeners to trust in God for their provision and to prioritize their service to Him.

Overall, the song “By Faith” aligns with biblical teachings on trust, reliance on God, and the importance of faith in the life of a believer. It encourages listeners to embrace faith as a way of life and to trust in God’s promises.

The song “By Faith” by Godwin Omighale is a powerful expression of trust and reliance on God. Its lyrics inspire believers to put their trust in God in every aspect of their lives and to serve Him wholeheartedly. The song’s meaning and inspiration can be found in biblical teachings on faith, trust, and the promises of God. Through its uplifting message, “By Faith” encourages listeners to walk by faith and experience the blessings and guidance of a life surrendered to God.

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