John Saw

John saw jasper walls; oh my, oh my, what a vision
John told of shining streets of gold
Where all God’s saints shall forever stroll
I’ve wondered time and again; how could it have been
To gaze upon that heavenly throne
But I’ll wonder no more when I step on that shore
To walk upon the golden ground that John saw

Verse 1
John saw a land I know I’ll share
He saw a river, flowing there.
John tell me more, John tell me more, John tell it all
John saw a throne so bright and fair; he saw the gate with beauty rare
Some day I want to walk the golden ground that John saw

John saw jasper walls; oh my, oh my, what a vision
John told of shining streets of gold
Where all God’s saints shall forever stroll
I’ve wondered time and again; how could it have been
To gaze upon that heavenly throne
But I’ll wonder no more when I step on that shore
To walk upon the golden ground that John saw

Verse 2
John heard a voice from heaven say
“I’ll brush the tears, all tears away!”
John tell me more, John tell me more, John tell it all
He said, “No death shall enter there, no grief or pain for us to bear”
Oh, how I long to walk the golden ground that John saw

Verse 3
Just in the midst of paradise, John saw a tree, a tree of life
John tell me more, John tell me more, John tell it all
The sun and moon no longer shine; the Lamb of God shall be the light
Forever shining on the golden ground that John saw.

John saw jasper walls; oh my, oh my, what a vision
John told of shining streets of gold
Where all God’s saints shall forever stroll
I’ve wondered time and again; how could it have been
To gaze upon that heavenly throne
But I’ll wonder no more when I step on that shore
To walk upon the golden ground that John saw

John saw jasper walls; oh my, oh my, what a vision
John told of shining streets of gold
Where all God’s saints shall forever stroll
I’ve wondered time and again; how could it have been
To gaze upon that heavenly throne
But I’ll wonder no more when I step on that shore
To walk upon the golden ground that John saw.

John Saw Video

John Saw Song Meaning

Title: John Saw by Gold City: A Heavenly Vision of Hope and Anticipation

John Saw is a powerful song performed by Gold City, a renowned Gospel quartet. This inspiring composition takes its inspiration from the biblical account of John’s vision of heaven in the book of Revelation. The lyrics vividly describe the beauty and wonders of the heavenly realm that John witnessed, capturing the awe and anticipation that believers have for their eternal home.

Meaning of the Song:
John Saw reflects the longing and anticipation that Christians have for heaven, a place where they will experience the fullness of God’s glory and be reunited with their loved ones who have gone before them. The song portrays heaven as a place of eternal joy, peace, and perfection, with its dazzling jasper walls and streets of gold. Through the lyrics, listeners are encouraged to imagine what it will be like to walk on that golden ground, free from pain, grief, and tears.

Story Behind the Song:
While information about the specific inspiration or story behind the song John Saw by Gold City is not readily available, it is clear that the lyrics are based on the biblical account of John’s vision in the book of Revelation. This vision, recorded in Revelation 21 and 22, provides a glimpse into the future glory that awaits believers in heaven. It is likely that the songwriters were moved by this powerful imagery and sought to capture the essence of John’s vision in their composition.

Relevant Bible Verses:
1. Revelation 21:18-21 (NIV):
“The wall was made of jasper, and the city of pure gold, as pure as glass. The foundations of the city walls were decorated with every kind of precious stone. The first foundation was jasper, the second sapphire, the third agate, the fourth emerald, the fifth onyx, the sixth ruby, the seventh chrysolite, the eighth beryl, the ninth topaz, the tenth turquoise, the eleventh jacinth, and the twelfth amethyst. The twelve gates were twelve pearls, each gate made of a single pearl. The great street of the city was of gold, as pure as transparent glass.”

This verse describes the magnificent beauty of the heavenly city with its jasper walls, foundations adorned with precious stones, and streets made of pure gold. The song John Saw draws from this imagery to paint a vivid picture of the heavenly realm.

2. Revelation 21:4 (NIV):
“He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.”

This verse highlights the promise of a future without suffering and sorrow. The lyrics of John Saw echo this verse, conveying the hope that believers have for a time when all tears will be wiped away and pain will be no more.

3. Revelation 22:1-2 (NIV):
“Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb down the middle of the great street of the city. On each side of the river stood the tree of life, bearing twelve crops of fruit, yielding its fruit every month. And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations.”

This verse describes the river of life and the tree of life in the heavenly city. These elements are also referenced in the lyrics of John Saw, emphasizing the eternal life and healing that believers will experience in heaven.

Creative Relevant Subheadings:
1. The Heavenly Vision of John: A Glimpse into Paradise
2. The Beauty of Jasper Walls and Streets of Gold: Symbolism and Significance
3. Walking on the Golden Ground: Anticipating an End to Pain and Sorrow
4. A Place of Eternal Joy: Hope in the Midst of Trials
5. The Voice from Heaven: Promises of Comfort and Healing
6. The Tree of Life and the River of Life: Symbols of Eternal Blessings
7. Stepping on the Shore: Embracing the Promise of Heaven

The Heavenly Vision of John: A Glimpse into Paradise:
The song John Saw by Gold City beautifully captures the essence of John’s vision in the book of Revelation. John, the apostle, was exiled on the island of Patmos when he received a revelation from God. In this vision, he was transported to a heavenly realm where he witnessed the glory and majesty of God’s eternal kingdom.

The Beauty of Jasper Walls and Streets of Gold: Symbolism and Significance:
The lyrics of John Saw highlight the striking imagery of jasper walls and streets of gold. These elements symbolize the perfection, purity, and preciousness of the heavenly city. Jasper, a semi-precious stone, is often associated with royalty and divine presence. The streets of gold represent the unparalleled beauty and opulence that await believers in heaven.

Walking on the Golden Ground: Anticipating an End to Pain and Sorrow:
The anticipation of walking on the golden ground that John saw is a central theme in the song. The lyrics convey the longing to be free from earthly trials, pain, and sorrow. By referencing the heavenly vision, the song encourages listeners to fix their eyes on the eternal hope that awaits them, providing comfort and assurance in the midst of life’s challenges.

A Place of Eternal Joy: Hope in the Midst of Trials:
The song John Saw reminds believers that heaven is a place of eternal joy and happiness. It offers a glimmer of hope in the midst of earthly trials and tribulations. By describing the heavenly realm as a place where there will be no more death, mourning, crying, or pain, the song instills a sense of hope and reassurance in the hearts of those who listen.

The Voice from Heaven: Promises of Comfort and Healing:
The lyrics of John Saw also reference the voice from heaven that John heard in his vision. This voice assured him that God would wipe away every tear and bring an end to all forms of suffering. This promise of comfort and healing is a source of encouragement and strength for believers, reminding them that their current struggles are temporary, and a glorious future awaits them.

The Tree of Life and the River of Life: Symbols of Eternal Blessings:
In Revelation 22, John saw the tree of life and the river of life in the heavenly city. These elements signify the eternal blessings that believers will experience in heaven. The tree of life, which bore twelve crops of fruit and had leaves for the healing of the nations, represents the abundance of life and the continuous provision of God. The river of life symbolizes the divine source of nourishment and spiritual sustenance.

Stepping on the Shore: Embracing the Promise of Heaven:
The lyrics of John Saw express the anticipation of stepping on the shore of heaven, walking on the golden ground that John saw. This imagery signifies the moment when believers will finally enter into their eternal home and experience the fullness of God’s glory. It represents the culmination of their faith journey and the fulfillment of God’s promises.

John Saw by Gold City is a powerful song that captures the essence of John’s heavenly vision in the book of Revelation. The lyrics inspire hope, anticipation, and a longing for the eternal joy and perfection that await believers in heaven. By referencing the breathtaking imagery of jasper walls, streets of

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