Let God Arise

Let God arise
And let His enemies
Be scattered
And let those who hate Him
Flee before Him
Let God arise
And let His enemies
Be scattered
And let those who hate Him
Flee away

But let the righteous be glad
Let them exult before God
Let them rejoice with gladness
Building up a highway for the King
We go in the name of the Lord
Let the shout go up
In the name of the Lord

The righteous be glad
Let them exult before God
O let them rejoice
For the King
In the name of the Lord

Let God Arise Video

Let God Arise Song Meaning

Title: Let God Arise by Graham Kendrick: A Powerful Anthem of Victory


“Let God Arise” is a powerful Christian worship song written by Graham Kendrick. It is a song that resonates with believers, declaring the victory and power of God over His enemies. With its uplifting melody and profound lyrics, this song has become a favorite in churches around the world.

1. The Meaning of “Let God Arise”:

The central theme of “Let God Arise” is the triumph of God over His enemies. It is a declaration of faith, proclaiming that when God rises up, His enemies are scattered, and those who hate Him flee before Him. The song emphasizes the sovereignty and power of God, encouraging believers to trust in His victorious nature.

2. The Inspiration behind “Let God Arise”:

While specific information about the inspiration behind the song is not readily available, it is evident that Graham Kendrick drew inspiration from the biblical text. The lyrics of “Let God Arise” closely mirror passages from the Book of Psalms, which speak of God’s triumph over His enemies.

3. Biblical References:

a) Psalm 68:1-3 – “Let God arise, let his enemies be scattered: let them also that hate him flee before him. As smoke is driven away, so drive them away: as wax melteth before the fire, so let the wicked perish at the presence of God. But let the righteous be glad; let them rejoice before God: yea, let them exceedingly rejoice.”

This passage from Psalm 68 serves as the primary inspiration for the song. It reflects the concept of God’s enemies being scattered and His people rejoicing in His victory.

b) Psalm 24:7-10 – “Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in. Who is this King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle. Lift up your heads, O ye gates; even lift them up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in. Who is this King of glory? The Lord of hosts, he is the King of glory.”

These verses highlight the triumphant nature of God and His authority over all. The song echoes this sentiment, recognizing God as the King of glory.

4. Analysis of the Lyrics:

a) “But let the righteous be glad, let them exult before God” – These lyrics express the joy and gratitude of the righteous, who find solace in God’s victory. It encourages believers to celebrate and rejoice in God’s triumph.

b) “Building up a highway for the King, we go in the name of the Lord” – This line suggests that believers have a role to play in preparing the way for God’s kingdom. It calls for active participation in spreading the good news and advancing God’s purposes.

c) “Let the shout go up in the name of the Lord” – This phrase encourages believers to vocalize their praise and worship to God. It signifies the power of proclamation and the importance of declaring God’s greatness.

5. The Significance of “Let God Arise” in Worship:

“Let God Arise” holds significant importance in Christian worship for several reasons:

a) Declaration of God’s Sovereignty: The song serves as a reminder of God’s sovereignty and power over all things. It encourages believers to trust in Him, knowing that He reigns supreme.

b) Encourages Praise and Thanksgiving: By exhorting the righteous to be glad and rejoice before God, the song fosters an atmosphere of praise and thanksgiving. It uplifts the spirits of believers and reminds them of the goodness and victory of God.

c) Fosters Unity: The repetitive nature of the song’s lyrics and melody allows for participation and unity within the congregation. As believers sing together, they are reminded of their shared faith and the commonality of their worship.

d) Inspiration for Spiritual Warfare: “Let God Arise” can also serve as a source of inspiration and encouragement during times of spiritual warfare. The lyrics remind believers that God is on their side and that He will fight for them.

6. Conclusion:

“Let God Arise” by Graham Kendrick is a powerful anthem of victory that declares the sovereignty and triumph of God over His enemies. Its biblical foundation and uplifting lyrics make it a popular choice for worship in churches worldwide. As believers sing this song, they are reminded of God’s power and encouraged to rejoice in His victory. May this song continue to inspire and uplift the hearts of believers as they declare the greatness of our God.

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