The Call – Almighty God We Need You Now

Almighty God, We need you right now
Reveal your Glory, and pour your spirit out

Almighty God, We need you right now
Reveal your Glory, and pour your spirit out

We need you, We need you
We need you, Lord Let your Glory fall

We need you, We need you
We need you, Lord Let your Glory fall

We need you yeah, Let it fall
Lord let your Glory fall
Lead-Let it fall like rain
Lord let your Glory Fall

We want more of your presence,
More of your Spirit
More of your Love
and your Mercy and Healing (repeat)

Come down holy Spirit
Come down Holy Spirit (repeat)

The Call – Almighty God We Need You Now Video

The Call – Almighty God We Need You Now Song Meaning

The Call – Almighty God We Need You Now by Isabel Davis: A Cry for Divine Intervention


“The Call – Almighty God We Need You Now” is a powerful and heartfelt song by gospel artist Isabel Davis. With its stirring lyrics and soulful melody, this song serves as a cry for divine intervention and a reminder of our constant need for God’s presence in our lives. In this blog post, we will explore the main key messages of the song, analyze its biblical foundation, and discuss the possible inspiration or story behind it.

Key Messages of the Song:

The Call – Almighty God We Need You Now is a song that conveys a sense of urgency and desperation for God’s intervention. The lyrics express a deep longing for God’s presence and a recognition of our dependence on Him. Let’s examine the main key messages of the song chronologically, starting from the opening lines.

Verse 1:
“Almighty God, we need You right now
Reveal Your glory, pour Your Spirit out”

The song begins with a call to God, acknowledging His sovereignty and our desperate need for Him. The lyrics emphasize the desire for God to reveal His glory and pour out His Spirit upon us. It reflects a longing for a tangible experience of God’s presence and power.

“Let Your glory fall, let Your glory fall
We need You, we need You”

The chorus reiterates the plea for God’s glory to fall upon us. It emphasizes the urgency and sincerity of our need for Him. The repetition of the phrase “we need You” emphasizes the dependence and desperation for God’s intervention.

Verse 2:
“Heal our land, heal our hearts
Revive us again, let Your love restart”

In the second verse, the focus shifts to a cry for healing and revival. The lyrics acknowledge the brokenness of our land and hearts and call upon God to bring restoration. It expresses a desire for God’s love to reignite and bring transformation to our lives and communities.

“We’ve come before You, humbled by Your grace
Desperate for Your presence, seeking Your face”

The bridge serves as a moment of surrender and humility before God. It acknowledges His grace and our desperate need for His presence. The lyrics reflect a deep longing to encounter God and seek His face.

Meaning of the Song:

The Call – Almighty God We Need You Now is a heartfelt plea for God’s intervention and a recognition of our constant need for Him. It encapsulates the idea that true transformation and healing can only come from God. The song serves as a reminder that our reliance should be on God alone, and it is only through His presence that we can experience true restoration and revival.

Inspiration and Story Behind the Song:

While specific details about the inspiration or story behind The Call – Almighty God We Need You Now are not readily available, the song’s lyrics and themes align with biblical teachings and universal experiences of believers. The cry for God’s intervention, healing, and revival is a common theme found throughout the Bible and in the hearts of believers.

Biblical Analysis:

The Call – Almighty God We Need You Now aligns with many biblical principles and teachings. It reflects the biblical truth that we are dependent on God for our every need and that He is the source of true healing and revival. Let’s explore a few biblical references that support the main messages of the song:

1. Psalm 121:1-2:
“I lift up my eyes to the mountains—
where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord,
the Maker of heaven and earth.”

This verse emphasizes the need for God’s help and intervention. It reminds us that our reliance should be on God alone, as He is the ultimate source of help and strength.

2. Psalm 85:6:
“Will You not revive us again,
that Your people may rejoice in You?”

This verse speaks directly to the cry for revival expressed in The Call – Almighty God We Need You Now. It acknowledges the need for God to revive our spirits and bring about a renewed joy and rejoicing in Him.

3. 2 Chronicles 7:14:
“…if My people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”

This verse highlights the importance of humbling ourselves before God, seeking His face, and turning away from sin. It offers a promise of forgiveness and healing for those who sincerely seek God.

Critically Analyzing the Song:

The Call – Almighty God We Need You Now is a powerful and emotionally charged song that resonates with believers who recognize their need for God’s intervention. The lyrics express a genuine cry for healing, revival, and a tangible experience of God’s presence. The biblical references provided support the main messages of the song and validate its alignment with biblical teachings.


The Call – Almighty God We Need You Now by Isabel Davis is a heartfelt cry for divine intervention and a recognition of our constant need for God. The song’s lyrics convey a sense of urgency and desperation for God’s presence, healing, and revival. It serves as a reminder of our dependence on God and the transformative power of His love. Through its biblical foundation and powerful message, The Call – Almighty God We Need You Now encourages believers to seek God’s face and invite His glory to fall upon them.

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