Able To Do Anything

You can do anything 

When we take limits off You

You are God You are able 

You can do anything 

When we take limits off You

You are God You are able

You are able to do anything

We will not be shaken 

We will not be moved 

Even in the trial 

We’re gonna trust in You 

Standing on Your promise 

The just shall live by faith 

You can do anything 

When we take limits off You

You are God You are able

Oh oh oh oh 

You can do anything 

When we take limits off You

You are God You are able

You are able to do anything

So we will praise You in advance 

Like the victory is here 

Knowing that You are not a man 

That You would lie 

If You say victory will come 

By faith we believe it’s done 

We receive it, we receive it 

You can do anything 

When we take limits off You

You are God You are able

You are able to do anything

Able To Do Anything Video

Able To Do Anything Song Meaning

The song “Able To Do Anything” by James Wilson is a powerful and uplifting anthem that highlights the limitless power and faithfulness of God. With its inspiring lyrics and captivating melody, this song encourages listeners to trust in God’s ability to overcome any obstacle and bring victory into their lives.

1. Understanding the Meaning of “Able To Do Anything”:
The song “Able To Do Anything” is a declaration of faith in God’s omnipotence and His ability to exceed human expectations. It reminds us that when we remove our limitations and trust in God’s unlimited power, He can accomplish anything in our lives. The lyrics convey a deep sense of confidence and assurance that God is capable of transforming any situation and bringing about miraculous breakthroughs.

2. The Inspiration Behind the Song:
While the specific inspiration behind “Able To Do Anything” by James Wilson is not readily available, the song’s lyrics mirror the biblical teachings on the power of faith and the unlimited capabilities of God. Numerous Bible verses emphasize the idea that with God, all things are possible, and this truth may have served as a foundation for the creation of this anthem.

3. Bible Verses that Align with the Song’s Message:
a) Matthew 19:26 – “But Jesus looked at them and said, ‘With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.’” This verse reassures us that God’s power surpasses human limitations and that nothing is beyond His reach.

b) Mark 10:27 – “Jesus looked at them and said, ‘With man it is impossible, but not with God. For all things are possible with God.’” Similarly, this verse emphasizes the limitless possibilities that exist when we place our trust in God and His ability to work miracles in our lives.

c) Ephesians 3:20 – “Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.” This verse reminds us that God’s power transcends our own understanding and that He can do far more than we could ever imagine or ask for.

d) Jeremiah 32:27 – “Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh. Is anything too hard for me?” This verse serves as a powerful reminder that there is nothing too difficult for God to accomplish. His power knows no bounds, and we can confidently trust in Him to bring about the impossible.

4. The Impact of “Able To Do Anything”:
The song “Able To Do Anything” has the potential to make a profound impact on individuals who are facing challenges, uncertainties, or limitations in their lives. It offers hope and encouragement, reminding listeners that God is greater than any obstacle or circumstance they may be facing. By declaring their trust in God’s ability to do the impossible, this song empowers believers to step out in faith and experience the transformative power of God in their lives.

In conclusion, “Able To Do Anything” by James Wilson is a remarkable song that captures the essence of unwavering faith in God’s limitless power. Its lyrics remind us that when we remove our limitations and trust in God’s ability to work miracles, we can experience victory in any circumstance. Drawing inspiration from relevant Bible verses, this song encourages believers to embrace a mindset of faith and confidently declare God’s ability to do the impossible. As we internalize the message of this song, may we be inspired to trust in God’s unlimited power and witness the miraculous transformations He brings into our lives.

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