Strong Tower

The name of the Lord

Is a strong tower

Strong tower for me

That I run to and I’m safe

There is no other name

There is a place

Where freedom can be found

It’s in the name

It’s in the name

There is a shelter

Where joy and peace abound

It’s in the name

It’s in the name

The name of the Lord

Is a strong tower

A strong tower for me

The name of the Lord

Is a strong tower

A strong tower for me

That I run to and I’m safe

There is no other name

There is a place

Where freedom can be found

It’s in the name

It’s in the name

There is a shelter

Where joy and peace abound

It’s in the name

It’s in the name

The name of the Lord

Is a strong tower

A strong tower for me

The name of the Lord

Is a strong tower

A strong tower for me

That I run to and I’m safe

There is no other name

When I speak your name

The atmosphere changes

Your presence comes in

When I speak

When I speak your name

Something happens

Miracles happen when I speak

When I speak your name

Captives are set free

Deliverance is released

When I speak

When I speak your name

Demons tremble

Mountains crumble when I speak

I’m running in, so I’m running in

So I’m running in

Into the strong tower

So I’m running in, I’m running in

So I’m running in

Into the strong tower

Jesus is (Jesus is)

Jesus is a strong tower (Jesus is)

No other name

But the name of Jesus (Jesus is)

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus

Is a strong tower

Jesus is, Jesus is

Jesus is, is a strong tower

So I’m running in, I’m running in

So I’m running in

Into the strong tower

So I’m running in, I’m running in

So I’m running in

Into the strong tower

I’m running in,

I’m running in

Strong Tower Video

Strong Tower Song Meaning

Strong Tower by James Wilson: A Song of Hope and Refuge in God


In this blog post, we will delve into the powerful Christian song titled “Strong Tower” by James Wilson. This song has resonated with many believers and has become a source of encouragement and hope. We will analyze the main key messages of the song chronologically from the lines, explore the meaning of the song, and discuss its biblical foundation. So let’s dive in and discover the beauty and significance of “Strong Tower.”

Verse 1: The Name of the Lord is a Strong Tower

The song begins with the affirmation that “The name of the Lord is a strong tower.” This line highlights the central theme of the song, which is finding refuge and safety in the name of the Lord. The concept of a strong tower is often associated with protection and security, and here it represents the unshakable strength and reliability of God.

The lyrics emphasize the personal nature of this strong tower, stating that it is a strong tower “for me.” This suggests that every individual can find solace and protection in God’s name, regardless of their circumstances or struggles. It speaks to the universal nature of God’s love and care for His creation.

Chorus: Running to the Strong Tower

The chorus continues the theme of seeking refuge in God’s strong tower. It proclaims, “That I run to and I’m safe, there is no other name.” This line emphasizes the action of running to God for safety and security. It speaks of the trust and reliance we can place in Him, knowing that He will provide a place of refuge.

The repetition of the phrase “There is no other name” reinforces the idea that God alone is the source of true protection and salvation. This echoes the words of the apostle Peter in Acts 4:12, where he declares, “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.” It is a powerful reminder of the unique and incomparable nature of God’s name.

Verse 2: Finding Freedom and Joy in God’s Name

The second verse explores the transformative power of God’s name. It speaks of a place where “freedom can be found” and a shelter where “joy and peace abound.” This suggests that not only does God provide physical protection and safety, but He also offers spiritual liberation and emotional well-being.

The lyrics highlight the all-encompassing nature of God’s name, stating that freedom, joy, and peace can be found “in the name.” This implies that by seeking God and embracing His name, we can experience a profound transformation in our lives. It aligns with the teachings of Jesus, who said in John 8:36, “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.”

Bridge: The Power of Speaking God’s Name

The bridge of the song focuses on the power of speaking God’s name. It proclaims, “When I speak your name, the atmosphere changes, your presence comes in.” Here, the lyrics suggest that the mere utterance of God’s name can bring about a shift in the spiritual atmosphere and invite His presence into our lives.

This concept is reminiscent of the biblical idea that there is power in the spoken word. In Proverbs 18:21, it is written, “The tongue has the power of life and death.” By speaking God’s name, we acknowledge His authority and invite His divine intervention into our circumstances.

Critically Analyzing the Biblical Foundation of “Strong Tower”

Now let us critically analyze the biblical foundation of “Strong Tower” by James Wilson. The song’s main message aligns with the teachings of the Bible regarding God’s name as a source of refuge, protection, and salvation.

In the book of Proverbs, it is written, “The name of the Lord is a fortified tower; the righteous run to it and are safe” (Proverbs 18:10). This verse echoes the sentiment expressed in the song, affirming that God’s name is a place of safety and security for those who seek Him.

Furthermore, the emphasis on the uniqueness and exclusivity of God’s name aligns with biblical teachings. In Exodus 20:3, God commands His people, “You shall have no other gods before me.” This commandment underscores the idea that there is no other name or deity that can offer the same level of protection and salvation as the Lord.

Moreover, the song’s emphasis on finding freedom, joy, and peace in God’s name reflects biblical teachings. In John 8:32, Jesus says, “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” This liberation is not only from sin but also from the burdens and worries of life.


“Strong Tower” by James Wilson is a powerful Christian song that resonates with believers by highlighting the refuge and strength found in God’s name. Its main messages of seeking safety, freedom, and joy in God’s name are supported by biblical teachings. The song encourages believers to run to God as their strong tower and find solace in His unwavering love and protection. As we embrace the truth of this song, may we be reminded of the unchanging nature of our God and find hope in His name, knowing that He is our strong tower.

– BibleGateway:

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