Wakupewa Sifa

Wakupewa Sifa ni wewe – Haleluyah

[You alone are to be praised – Hallelujah]

Wakuabudiwa ni wewe – Haleluyah

[You are alone are to be worshipped – Hallelujah]

Uliumba lakini haukuumbwa – Haleluyah

[You created but were not created – Hallelujah]

Nchi na vyote ni vyako Bwana – Haleluyah

[The earth and all in it are yours oh Lord – Hallelujah]


Pokea ibada, Pokea Bwana

[Receive worship, Receive Lord]

Manukato ya sifa Pokea Bwana

[The Incense of praise Receive Lord]

Wakupewa Sifa Video

Wakupewa Sifa Song Meaning

Title: Wakupewa Sifa by Jane Aller: A Song of Worship and Praise


Wakupewa Sifa is a powerful Christian worship song by Jane Aller that has captivated the hearts of believers across the globe. This song, which translates to “You alone are to be praised,” resonates with the core essence of worship – exalting God and giving Him all the glory. In this article, we will explore the meaning behind the song, delve into the inspiration or story behind it, and discover Bible verses that relate to its message of praise and adoration.

1. The Meaning of Wakupewa Sifa:

Wakupewa Sifa, with its repetitive and uplifting lyrics, emphasizes the centrality of God’s worthiness of praise. The song reminds us that God alone deserves our adoration and worship. It speaks to the biblical truth that our praise is not just an expression of gratitude, but a profound acknowledgment of God’s supremacy and majesty. By proclaiming that “You alone are to be praised,” we are aligning our hearts with the heavenly hosts, who continually worship and adore God day and night (Revelation 4:8).

2. The Inspiration or Story Behind Wakupewa Sifa:

While specific information about the inspiration or story behind Wakupewa Sifa by Jane Aller may not be readily available, we can imagine that it was birthed out of a deep desire to magnify God’s name and lead others into a place of intimate worship. Many worship songs are often inspired by personal experiences, encounters with God, or reflections on scriptural truths. Regardless of the specific inspiration, Wakupewa Sifa has undoubtedly become a powerful tool for believers to engage in heartfelt worship.

3. Bible Verses that Relate to Wakupewa Sifa:

a) Psalm 150:6 – “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord!” This verse encapsulates the essence of Wakupewa Sifa, as it calls for universal praise and worship. The song echoes this call, urging believers to lift their voices in adoration and declare that God alone is worthy of praise.

b) Revelation 4:11 – “You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will, they were created and have their being.” This verse highlights the truth that God is the Creator of all things and, therefore, deserves our worship and adoration. Wakupewa Sifa echoes this sentiment, proclaiming that God is the ultimate Creator who was not created Himself.

c) Psalm 96:4 – “For great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; he is to be feared above all gods.” This verse emphasizes the greatness of the Lord and the fact that He is most worthy of our praise. Wakupewa Sifa aligns with this truth, exalting God’s name above all else and declaring that He alone deserves our worship.

4. The Power of Worship and Praise:

Wakupewa Sifa serves as a reminder of the power of worship and praise in the life of a believer. Worship is not just a routine or a religious duty; it is a transformative act that allows us to connect with God on a deep level. When we enter into a place of genuine worship, we are positioning ourselves to encounter God’s presence, experience His love, and be transformed by His glory.

Praising God through songs like Wakupewa Sifa enables us to express our gratitude, declare His goodness, and align our hearts with His will. It is a powerful weapon against discouragement, fear, and doubt, as it shifts our focus from our circumstances to the greatness of our God. As we lift up our voices in worship, we invite the Holy Spirit to work in our lives and bring about spiritual breakthroughs.


Wakupewa Sifa by Jane Aller is more than just a song. It is a heartfelt expression of adoration and praise to our Lord and Savior. Through its powerful lyrics and captivating melody, the song reminds us of the biblical truth that God alone is to be praised. It calls us to a place of worship, where we can encounter God’s presence, declare His greatness, and experience His transformative power.

As we engage in worship and praise, let us remember that it is not just a momentary activity but a lifestyle that should permeate every aspect of our lives. May Wakupewa Sifa inspire us to continually exalt God’s name and give Him the honor and glory He deserves. Let this song be a catalyst for deepening our relationship with God and drawing closer to His heart.

So, let us join our voices together and declare, “Wakupewa Sifa, Haleluyah! You alone are to be praised, Hallelujah!”

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