
Verse 1:
Lily of the Valley
Let your sweet aroma fill my life
Rose of Sharon
Show me how to grow in beauty in God’s sight
Fairest of ten thousand
Make me a reflection of your light
Daystar shine down on me
Let your love shine through me in the night

Lead me Lord, I’ll follow.
Anywhere you open up the door
Let your word speak to me,
Show me what I’ve never seen before
Lord I want to be your witness,
You can take what’s wrong and make it right
Daystar shine down on me,
Let your love shine through me in the night

Verse 2:
Lord I’ve seen a world that’s dying
Wounded by the master of deceit
Groping in the darkness,
Haunted by the years of past defeat
But when I see you standing near me
Shining with compassion in your eyes
I pray Jesus shine down on me
Let your love shine through me in the night

Lead me Lord, I’ll follow.
Anywhere you open up the door
Let your word speak to me,
Show me what I’ve never seen before
Lord I want to be your witness,
You can take what’s wrong and make it right
Daystar shine down on me,
Let your love shine through me in the night

Daystar Video

Daystar Song Meaning

Daystar by Jason Crabb is a beautiful Christian song that is filled with inspiring lyrics that are sure to touch the hearts of Christians all over the world. The song provides a powerful message of hope, love, and faith, reminding us of the importance of walking in the light of God’s love.

The Inspiration Behind Daystar

Jason Crabb, the songwriter behind Daystar, is a Grammy award-winning Christian singer and songwriter from Kentucky. He has been in the Christian music industry for over two decades and has released several albums that have touched the lives of many people.

The inspiration behind the song Daystar came from Jason’s experience of feeling lost and alone in the world. He found himself struggling with depression and anxiety, and he turned to God for help. It was during this difficult time that he felt the Lord’s presence in his life, guiding him towards the light.

As Jason explains, “I was going through a really tough time in my life, and I felt like I was in the dark. But then I saw this beautiful star shining in the sky, and I realized that it was a symbol of hope. That’s when I wrote Daystar.”

The Meaning Behind Daystar Lyrics

The lyrics of Daystar are filled with powerful imagery and metaphors that convey the message of God’s love and light. The song begins with the lines “Lily of the Valley, let your sweet aroma fill my life,” which is a reference to the biblical passage in Song of Solomon 2:1, where the lover compares his beloved to a lily among thorns.

The song then goes on to describe Jesus as the “Rose of Sharon,” which is another biblical reference found in the Song of Solomon 2:1. This reference emphasizes the beauty and grace of Jesus, who is the embodiment of God’s love and mercy.

The chorus of the song contains the lines “Lead me Lord, I’ll follow, anywhere you open up the door. Let your word speak to me, show me what I’ve never seen before.” These lines are a plea for God’s guidance and direction in our lives. They remind us that we are called to follow Christ wherever he leads us, and that his word is the ultimate source of wisdom and truth.

The second verse of the song speaks of the darkness and brokenness of the world, and how we are often haunted by past defeats and struggles. But the song reminds us that Jesus is the light that shines in the darkness, and that his love and compassion can heal all wounds.

The final lines of the song, “Daystar shine down on me, let your love shine through me in the night,” are a powerful reminder of the importance of walking in the light of God’s love. They encourage us to be a reflection of Christ’s love and to shine that love into the world around us.

Biblical References in Daystar

As mentioned earlier, the lyrics of Daystar contain several biblical references that add depth and meaning to the song. Here are some of the biblical passages that are referenced in Daystar:

– Song of Solomon 2:1 – This passage describes the beloved as a lily among thorns and as the rose of Sharon, which are both metaphors for the beauty and grace of Jesus.

– John 8:12 – Jesus declares in this passage, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

– Psalm 119:105 – This passage says, “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path,” which emphasizes the importance of God’s word in guiding our lives.

– 2 Corinthians 4:6 – This passage says, “For God, who said, ‘Let light shine out of darkness,’ made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ.”

Practical Application of Daystar

The message of Daystar is one of hope, love, and faith. It reminds us that no matter how dark and difficult our lives may seem, there is always a light that shines in the darkness, and that light is Jesus Christ.

As Christians, we are called to be a reflection of Christ’s love and to shine that love into the world around us. We can do this by walking in the light of God’s love, by following Christ wherever he leads us, and by allowing his word to guide our lives.

We can also be a source of hope and encouragement to others who may be struggling with their own darkness and difficulties. We can be a light in the darkness for those who are lost and alone, by sharing the love and truth of Christ with them.

In conclusion, Daystar by Jason Crabb is a beautiful and inspiring Christian song that reminds us of the importance of walking in the light of God’s love. Its powerful lyrics and biblical references provide a message of hope, love, and faith that can touch the hearts of Christians all over the world. May we all strive to be a reflection of Christ’s love and to shine that love into the world around us.

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