Help Me, Thank You

The two best prayers I know
Either one is always apropos
Like my oldest friends
They know just what to say

Some days my cup of blessing fills
Other days I trip and when it spills
I’m not guessing either way
I know just what to pray

Help me, help me
Thank you, thank you
Whether you’re riding high or feeling low
These are the two best prayers I know
“Help me” and “thank you”

The more life I live I find
The two prayers intertwine
Like my fingers do
When I bow my head to pray

Blessings can be so confusing
Winning when I think I’m losing
The wounds of yesterday
Might be my saving grace today

Help me, help me
Thank you, thank you
Whether you’re riding high or feeling low
These are the two best prayers I know
“Help me” and “thank you”

With eyes wide open at the wonder of it all
Or with broken wings
When I’m spinning in free fall
“Deliver me!”
They’re rising up inside of me
Rolling off my tongue,
Before I thought to bid them come

Help me, help me
Thank you, thank you
Whether you’re riding high or feeling low
These are the two best prayers I know
“Help me” and “thank you”

Help Me, Thank You Video

Help Me, Thank You Song Meaning

Help Me, Thank You by Jason Gray is a heartfelt and powerful song that captures the essence of our relationship with God. Through its poignant lyrics and melodious tune, the song beautifully conveys the main messages of seeking help from God and expressing gratitude to Him. In this blog post, we will explore the key messages of the song chronologically and delve into its meaning and inspiration. Furthermore, we will critically analyze the song’s biblical alignment by referencing relevant scripture passages.

Introduction to the Song

The song Help Me, Thank You begins with the acknowledgment that there are two prayers that are always appropriate in any situation – “Help me” and “Thank you.” These prayers are likened to old friends who know just what to say, reflecting the intimate and personal nature of our relationship with God. With this introduction, the song sets the stage for the importance of these two prayers in our daily lives.

The Prayer for Help

The first message conveyed in the song is the significance of seeking help from God. The lyrics emphasize that whether our cup of blessing is full or we are facing challenges and setbacks, we can always turn to God for assistance. The line “Some days my cup of blessing fills, other days I trip and when it spills” captures the unpredictable nature of life and the varying circumstances we find ourselves in. In these moments, we are not left guessing about what to pray because we know that we can cry out to God for help.

This message aligns with the biblical teaching that encourages believers to cast their burdens upon the Lord and seek His guidance and support. In Psalm 55:22, it says, “Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken.” Similarly, in 1 Peter 5:7, it states, “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” These scriptures affirm the idea that God is always ready and willing to help us when we call upon Him.

The Prayer of Gratitude

The second message conveyed in the song is the importance of expressing gratitude to God. The lyrics highlight that regardless of whether we are experiencing success or going through difficult times, we can always say “Thank you” to God. This idea is beautifully captured in the line “Blessings can be so confusing, winning when I think I’m losing.” It reminds us that even in the midst of challenges, there are still blessings to be grateful for.

The act of expressing gratitude to God is deeply rooted in biblical teachings. In 1 Thessalonians 5:18, it says, “Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” This verse encourages believers to have a heart of gratitude and to acknowledge God’s goodness in every situation. Additionally, in Psalm 107:1, it says, “Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.” This verse reminds us that gratitude should be a constant response to God’s faithfulness and love towards us.

The Interconnection of Help and Gratitude

The song beautifully illustrates the interconnection between the prayers for help and gratitude. It emphasizes that these two prayers are not separate entities but rather intertwined. The lyrics suggest that the wounds of the past might become the saving grace of the present day, highlighting the interconnectedness of our struggles and blessings. In this context, the line “The more life I live, I find the two prayers intertwine” encapsulates this profound truth.

This message is consistent with the biblical understanding that our trials and challenges can ultimately lead to blessings and growth. In Romans 8:28, it says, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” This verse assures us that God can turn our hardships into something good and that our prayers for help and gratitude are intricately connected.

Meaning and Inspiration of the Song

The song Help Me, Thank You carries a powerful and relatable message for believers. It reminds us that throughout our journey of faith, we can always turn to God for help and express our gratitude to Him. The lyrics capture the struggles and victories of life, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a close relationship with God through prayer.

While the specific inspiration or story behind the song is not mentioned, its universal message resonates with many individuals who have experienced the ups and downs of life. The song serves as a reminder that our relationship with God is dynamic and encompasses both our moments of vulnerability and our moments of joy.

Biblical Alignment and Analysis

In analyzing the biblical alignment of the song, it is evident that Help Me, Thank You strongly aligns with the teachings of the Bible. The messages conveyed throughout the song are consistent with the biblical principles of seeking God’s help and expressing gratitude to Him.

The importance of seeking help from God is emphasized in numerous passages of scripture. In Psalm 121:2, it says, “My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.” This verse highlights the belief that our ultimate source of help and strength is found in God alone. Additionally, in Matthew 7:7-8, Jesus encourages His followers to ask, seek, and knock, assuring them that they will receive what they ask for.

Similarly, the act of expressing gratitude to God is deeply rooted in biblical teachings. In Colossians 3:17, it says, “And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” This verse emphasizes the importance of gratitude in all aspects of our lives. Additionally, in Psalm 100:4, it says, “Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name.” This verse encourages believers to approach God with a heart of thanksgiving and praise.

Overall, Help Me, Thank You by Jason Gray aligns with biblical teachings and conveys a meaningful and relatable message to believers. The song serves as a reminder of the importance of seeking God’s help and expressing gratitude to Him in all circumstances, ultimately deepening our relationship with Him.

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