I Have A Father That Will Never Ever Fail Me

I have a Father who will never, ever fail me.
I have a Father who will never, ever fail me.
Jesus is my father,
He will never ever fail me.
Rock of ages, never ever fail me. .

I have a Father who will never, ever fail me.
I have a Father who will never, ever fail me.
Jesus is my father,
He will never ever fail me.
Rock of ages, never ever fail me. .

I have a Father who will never, ever fail me.
I have a Father who will never, ever fail me.
Jesus is my father,
He will never ever fail me.
Rock of ages, never ever fail me. .

Also watch video of I have a Father by Jason Providence

I Have A Father That Will Never Ever Fail Me Video

I Have A Father That Will Never Ever Fail Me Song Meaning

I Have A Father That Will Never Ever Fail Me: A Song of Faith

Jason Providence’s song “I Have A Father That Will Never Ever Fail Me” is a powerful declaration of faith that resonates deeply with Christians around the world. The lyrics are simple yet profound, and the melody is uplifting and inspiring.

The Meaning of the Song

The title of the song, “I Have A Father That Will Never Ever Fail Me,” is a statement of faith in God’s unfailing love and care for His children. The lyrics of the song reinforce this message, with lines such as “I have a Father who will never, ever fail me” and “Jesus is my father, He will never ever fail me.” The song reminds us that no matter what challenges we may face in life, we can trust in God’s faithfulness and love.

The Inspiration Behind the Song

The inspiration behind “I Have A Father That Will Never Ever Fail Me” is not clear, but it is likely that Jason Providence drew from his own experiences of faith and trust in God. The song’s message is one that resonates with many Christians, who have found comfort and strength in their relationship with God.

Bible Verses Related to the Song

The message of “I Have A Father That Will Never Ever Fail Me” is rooted in the Bible, where we find numerous verses that speak of God’s faithfulness and love for His children. Here are just a few examples:

– Psalm 23:6 – “Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.”
– Isaiah 41:10 – “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”
– Romans 8:38-39 – “For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

These verses and many others like them remind us that God’s love for us is unfailing and unchanging, no matter what circumstances we may face.

Practical Application of the Song

The message of “I Have A Father That Will Never Ever Fail Me” is one that can be applied to many areas of Christian living. Here are a few practical ways we can live out the message of the song:

– Trust in God’s faithfulness: When we face challenges or difficulties in life, it can be easy to feel discouraged or overwhelmed. However, we can take comfort in knowing that God is always with us and will never leave us. We can trust in His faithfulness and love, even when things seem uncertain.
– Declare our faith: “I Have A Father That Will Never Ever Fail Me” is a declaration of faith in God’s love and care for us. We can use this song as a reminder to declare our faith in God, both in our personal lives and in our interactions with others.
– Encourage others: The message of the song is one that can encourage and uplift others who may be going through difficult times. We can share the song with others or simply use its message as a source of encouragement in our interactions with those around us.


“I Have A Father That Will Never Ever Fail Me” is a powerful song of faith that reminds us of God’s unfailing love and care for His children. The message of the song is rooted in the Bible, and its simple yet profound lyrics have inspired Christians around the world. As we live out the message of this song, may we be reminded of God’s faithfulness and love in all areas of our lives.

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