One With You

Make me one with You oh God
Make me one with You oh God

I’ll die to my will, my flesh I’ll daily give.
Cause it’s in Your presence I want to live.
It’s your presence I’ve got to feel make me one with You. Oh, oh God

Make me one with You oh God
Make me one with You oh God

I’ll die to my will, my flesh I’ll daily give.
Cause it’s in Your presence I want to live.
God It’s your presence I’ve got to feel make me one with You.

Draw me close never let me go, I don’t want to be separated.
From You anymore my soul is crying for more and more of You Lord.

Lord, want You draw me close never let me go, I don’t want to be separated.
From You anymore my soul is crying for more and more of You Lord.Yes…

Make me one with You, oh Daddy
Make me one with You

Make me one with You
Make me one with You, Lord
Make me one with You
Oh, make me one with You, Jesus
Make me one with You

Oh, God if there sacrifices that have to be made Lord
Make me one with You
Oh, God I just want to be like You Jesus
Make me one with You
Oh, make me one with You Lord
Make me one with You
Oh, that’s my hearts cry
Make me one with You
Lord make me one with You
Make me one with You
Oh, God make me one with You
Make me one with You
Oh, Lord make me one with You, Jesus
Make me one with You
Make me one with You, Lord
make me one with You
Make me one with You, Jesus
Make me one with You

I need a deeper revelation
Another encounter with You
Fill me with Your Spirit
Create in me a new

Till my heart says yes
Yes, yes Lord, yes, yes
Yes, yes
I wanna do Your will, yes
I wanna do Your will, yes
My mind says yes, yes
My spirit says yes, yes
Whatever You wanna do, yes
Whatever You gotta do, yes
I just wanna be like You Lord, yes
I just wanna be like You, yes
My heart says yes Lord, yes
Yes Lord, yes
My heart says yes. yes
Oh yea…

Deeper revelation another encounter with You.
I wanna go to another dimension in Your love.
Oh, give me a deeper revelation.
Another encounter with You.
Feel me with Your Spirit and create in me a new, Jesus.

I’m talking about something that’s gonna cause my life to change.
I’m talking about something Lord, that’s gonna cause my life to change, Lord….

Make me one with You, oh..
Make me one with You
Oh, make me one Lord
Make me one with You
I wanna be like You Lord
Make me one with you
I wanna be made one with You Jesus
Make me one with You
God I wanna live like You Lord….
Make me one with You
I want my life to please You Jesus
Make me one with You
I want my life’s song to sing to You
Make me one with you

Cause it’s in Your presence I want to live.
It’s your presence I’ve got to feel make me one with You.

One with You, one with You Lord
Oh, make me one with You

One With You Video

One With You Song Meaning

One With You by Jekalyn Carr is a powerful song that speaks to the desire of believers to be united with God. The lyrics of the song express the longing of the singer to be completely immersed in God’s presence and to live a life that is pleasing to Him. The song is a call to surrender, to die to self, and to be made one with God.

We will also look at some of the key Bible verses that the song is based on and provide practical applications for Christian living.

The Inspiration Behind One With You

Jekalyn Carr is a gospel singer, songwriter, and speaker who has been making waves in the music industry since she was a teenager. She is known for her powerful voice and her ability to connect with her audience through her music. One With You is one of her most popular songs, and it has touched the hearts of many believers around the world.

According to Jekalyn, the inspiration for the song came from her own personal relationship with God. She says that she has always had a deep desire to be one with God and to live a life that is pleasing to Him. “I wanted to write a song that would express that desire and that would encourage others to seek that same kind of intimacy with God,” she says.

Jekalyn believes that we were created to be in relationship with God, and that our lives are meant to be a reflection of His glory. “When we are one with God, we are able to live in the fullness of His love and grace,” she says. “We are able to experience His peace, His joy, and His power in our lives.”

The Meaning Behind One With You

The lyrics of One With You are a powerful expression of the desire that many believers have to be completely united with God. The song speaks to the longing of the human heart to be in relationship with our Creator, and to experience the fullness of His love.

The first verse of the song says:

“I’ll die to my will, my flesh I’ll daily give.
Cause it’s in Your presence I want to live.
It’s your presence I’ve got to feel make me one with You. Oh, oh God”

This verse speaks to the idea of surrendering our own will and desires to God, and allowing Him to take control of our lives. It is a reminder that we must die to self in order to live for Christ. When we surrender our will to God, we are able to experience His presence in a deeper way, and we are able to be made one with Him.

The chorus of the song repeats the phrase “Make me one with You”, emphasizing the longing of the singer to be united with God. The second verse of the song says:

“Draw me close never let me go, I don’t want to be separated.
From You anymore my soul is crying for more and more of You Lord.”

This verse speaks to the idea of intimacy with God, and the desire to be in His presence continually. It is a reminder that we were created for relationship with God, and that our souls will never be fully satisfied until we are united with Him.

The bridge of the song says:

“Till my heart says yes
Yes, yes Lord, yes, yes
Yes, yes
I wanna do Your will, yes
I wanna do Your will, yes
My mind says yes, yes
My spirit says yes, yes
Whatever You wanna do, yes
Whatever You gotta do, yes
I just wanna be like You Lord, yes
I just wanna be like You, yes
My heart says yes Lord, yes
Yes Lord, yes
My heart says yes. yes
Oh yea…”

This bridge is a powerful declaration of surrender, and a reminder that our hearts should always be saying “yes” to God. It is a call to obedience, and a reminder that we should strive to be like Christ in everything that we do.

Bible Verses Referenced in One With You

One With You is based on several key Bible verses that speak to the idea of unity with God. Here are a few of the verses that the song is based on:

1 Corinthians 6:17 – “But whoever is united with the Lord is one with him in spirit.”

John 17:21 – “that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me.”

Romans 6:11 – “In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus.”

These verses speak to the idea of being united with God in spirit, and the importance of surrendering our lives to Him. They remind us that we are created for relationship with God, and that our lives should be a reflection of His glory.

Practical Applications for Christian Living

One With You is a powerful song that speaks to the desire of believers to be united with God. Here are a few practical applications that we can take away from this song:

1. Surrender your will to God. In order to be one with God, we must be willing to surrender our own desires and will to Him. We must die to self in order to live for Christ.

2. Seek intimacy with God. Just as the singer in the song longs to be in God’s presence continually, we should also seek to be in His presence as much as possible. We should strive to cultivate a deep and intimate relationship with God through prayer, worship, and Bible study.

3. Declare your surrender to God. The bridge of the song is a powerful declaration of surrender, and we too should declare our surrender to God on a regular basis. We should strive to say “yes” to God in everything that we do, and to live a life that is pleasing to Him.

4. Live a life that reflects God’s glory. When we are one with God, our lives become a reflection of His glory. We should strive to live a life that is pleasing to Him, and to be a light to the world around us.

In conclusion, One With You is a powerful song that speaks to the desire of believers to be united with God. The lyrics of the song express the longing of the singer to be completely immersed in God’s presence and to live a life that is pleasing to Him. The song is a call to surrender, to die to self, and to be made one with God. May this song inspire us to seek a deeper relationship with God and to live a life that is pleasing to Him.

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