Draw Near

Draw near to me

For I have drawn near to You

Pull on the strings of my heart

For I long to respond to You

All my love is for You, all my love is Yours

All my love is for You, all my love is Yours

Draw near to me

For I have drawn near to You

Pull on the strings of my heart

For I long to respond to You

All my love is for You, all my love is Yours

All my love is for You, all my love is Yours

I have made a place for You here

So come on, come on

All things are possible here

So come on, come on

I have made a place for You here

So come on, come on

All things are possible here

So come on, come on

Draw near to me

For I have drawn near to You

Pull on the strings of my heart

For I long to respond to You

Draw Near Video

Draw Near Song Meaning

“Draw Near” is a beautiful song by Jeremy Riddle that encourages believers to draw close to God. The song is a call to worship, a plea for God’s presence, and an expression of love for Him. The song’s lyrics and melody create an atmosphere of intimacy with God, inviting listeners to draw near and experience His love and grace.

The Meaning of “Draw Near”
The central theme of “Draw Near” is the invitation to come closer to God. The song’s lyrics use imagery and metaphor to describe the longing for God’s presence and the desire to be near Him. The chorus of the song repeats the phrase, “All my love is for You, all my love is Yours,” emphasizing the devotion and surrender of the worshiper to God.

The verses of the song describe the various ways in which the worshiper seeks God’s presence. They include the plea to “pull on the strings of my heart,” the assurance that God has already drawn near to us, and the invitation to come and make a place for Him. The song’s lyrics also express the idea that all things are possible in God’s presence and that He is capable of doing anything.

The Inspiration Behind “Draw Near”
Jeremy Riddle, the songwriter and worship leader behind “Draw Near,” has cited his personal experience with God’s presence as the inspiration for the song. In an interview, Riddle shared that the song was born out of a place of deep intimacy with God, where he felt a strong desire to draw near to Him and express his love and devotion.

Riddle also shared that the song was written during a season of personal struggle, where he felt distant from God and was seeking to reconnect with Him. The song’s lyrics, therefore, reflect a genuine longing for God’s presence and a desire to draw near to Him, which is something that many believers can relate to.

Bible Verses That Relate to “Draw Near”
The message of “Draw Near” is rooted in the Bible, and there are several verses that relate to its central theme. One of the most significant is James 4:8, which says, “Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded.” This verse emphasizes the importance of seeking God’s presence and the promise that He will respond to our efforts to draw near to Him.

Another verse that relates to the song is Psalm 73:28, which says, “But for me, it is good to be near God; I have made the Lord God my refuge, that I may tell of all your works.” This verse highlights the benefits of being close to God, including finding refuge in Him and being able to testify about His goodness.

A third verse that relates to the song is Hebrews 10:22, which says, “Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, with our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water.” This verse emphasizes the importance of approaching God with sincerity and faith, and the assurance that we can do so because of the cleansing power of Jesus’ sacrifice.

Practical Application of “Draw Near” to Christian Living
The message of “Draw Near” has several practical applications to Christian living. First, the song reminds us of the importance of seeking God’s presence and drawing near to Him. In our busy lives, it can be easy to neglect our relationship with God, but the song encourages us to prioritize Him above all else.

Second, the song reminds us of the importance of surrendering our hearts and lives to God. The lyrics, “All my love is for You, all my love is Yours,” express a complete devotion to God, which is something that all believers should strive for.

Third, the song reminds us of the power of worship in drawing us closer to God. When we worship, we are acknowledging God’s greatness and expressing our love and adoration for Him. This act of worship creates an atmosphere of intimacy with God, where we can experience His presence and be transformed by Him.

“Draw Near” is a beautiful song that invites believers to draw closer to God. The song’s lyrics and melody create an atmosphere of intimacy with God, inviting listeners to experience His love and grace. The inspiration behind the song, the Bible verses that relate to it, and its practical application to Christian living all serve to reinforce the importance of seeking God’s presence and surrendering our hearts to Him. So let us draw near to God with sincerity and faith, knowing that He is always waiting for us with open arms.

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