Holy Ground

Verse 1

We’re letting go tonight

We’re leaving earth behind

With praise we touch the sky

We’re soaring towards Your eyes


Holy, Holy, You are Holy

We are standing on Holy ground

Verse 2

Up with the stars, outside of time

Held in the brightness of Your light

All of the saints and angels cry

And all of creation testifies


Holy, Holy, Holy

We’re standing on Holy ground

We feel You all around

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Holy Ground Song Meaning

Holy Ground by Jeremy Riddle: A Deeply Worshipful Song

Holy Ground is a beautiful worship song by Jeremy Riddle that has captured the hearts of many Christians. The song is born out of a deep desire to worship God and acknowledge His holiness. Jeremy Riddle is a renowned Christian artist and songwriter who is known for his passion for God and his unique sound.

The Meaning of Holy Ground by Jeremy Riddle

At the heart of Holy Ground is the recognition of God’s holiness and the invitation to enter into His presence. The song is an invitation to worship and to experience the glory of God. It is a reminder that we are standing on holy ground whenever we enter into His presence. The lyrics of the song draw from biblical imagery and language, which adds a layer of depth and meaning to the song.

The song opens with the lines “We’re letting go tonight, We’re leaving earth behind, With praise we touch the sky, We’re soaring towards Your eyes.” These lines set the tone for the rest of the song, as they express a desire to leave behind the distractions of the world and focus on God. The next lines declare the holiness of God, “Holy, Holy, You are Holy, We are standing on Holy ground.”

The chorus of the song repeats the declaration of God’s holiness, “Holy, Holy, You are Holy, We are standing on Holy ground.” This repetition reinforces the central message of the song, which is the invitation to worship God and to acknowledge His holiness.

The second verse of the song continues the theme of worship, “Up with the stars, outside of time, Held in the brightness of Your light, All of the saints and angels cry, And all of creation testifies.” These lines paint a picture of the heavens and all of creation worshipping God. The use of imagery and language from the Bible adds a layer of depth to the song and invites the listener to participate in this worship.

The song ends with a bridge that repeats the declaration of God’s holiness, “Holy, Holy, Holy, We’re standing on Holy ground, We feel You all around.” This repetition brings the song full circle and reinforces the central message of the song.

The Inspiration and Story Behind Holy Ground

The inspiration behind Holy Ground is the desire to worship God and to acknowledge His holiness. Jeremy Riddle has shared that the idea for the song came to him during a time of personal worship. He was struck by the realization that whenever we enter into God’s presence, we are standing on holy ground. This realization inspired him to write a song that would invite others to worship God and to acknowledge His holiness.

In an interview, Riddle shared that the song is meant to be a reminder that God’s presence is always with us, and that we can enter into His presence at any time. He explained that the song is an invitation to worship and to experience the glory of God.

Bible Verses Referenced in Holy Ground

The lyrics of Holy Ground draw from biblical imagery and language. Here are some Bible verses that the song references:

– “Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come.” – Revelation 4:8
– “Do not come any closer,” God said. “Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy ground.” – Exodus 3:5
– “Let them praise your great and awesome name— he is holy.” – Psalm 99:3

These verses reinforce the central message of the song, which is the acknowledgement of God’s holiness and the invitation to worship Him.

Practical Application of Holy Ground to Christian Living

The message of Holy Ground is deeply relevant to Christian living. The song invites us to acknowledge God’s holiness and to enter into His presence. Here are some practical ways that we can apply this message to our lives:

1. Make time for personal worship – Just as Jeremy Riddle was inspired to write Holy Ground during a time of personal worship, we too can find inspiration and deepen our relationship with God through personal worship. Set aside time each day to worship God and to acknowledge His holiness.

2. Prioritize time in God’s presence – The song reminds us that we are standing on holy ground whenever we enter into God’s presence. Make time to be in God’s presence through prayer, meditation, and reading the Bible.

3. Live a life of worship – The message of Holy Ground is not just about singing a song, but about living a life of worship. Let every aspect of your life be an act of worship to God, whether it’s at work, at home, or in your community.

4. Remember God’s holiness – The song reminds us that God is holy and worthy of our worship. Let this truth guide our thoughts, actions, and attitudes.

In conclusion, Holy Ground is a deeply worshipful song that invites us to acknowledge God’s holiness and to enter into His presence. The song draws from biblical imagery and language, adding a layer of depth and meaning to the lyrics. The inspiration behind the song is the desire to worship God and to invite others to do the same. As we apply the message of Holy Ground to our lives, we can deepen our relationship with God and live a life of worship.

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