Worthy Of It All

You are worthy of it all

You are worthy of it all

For from You are all things

And to You are all things

Know You deserve the glory, Jesus

You are worthy of it all

You are worthy of it all

For from You are all things

And to You are all things

I know You deserve the glory

Day and night, night and day, let incense arise

Day and night, night and day, let incense arise

And day and night, night and day, let incense arise

Day and night, night and day, let incense arise

And day and night, night and day, let incense arise

Day and night, night and day, oh, ohh

And day and night, night and day, let incense arise

And day and night, night and day, let incense, only Jesus

And day and night, night and day, let incense arise

Day and night, night and day let incense arise

You are worthy of it all

You are worthy of it all, Jesus

For from You are all things

And to You are all things

Oh come on, He’s worthy, worthy, worthy

You are worthy of it all

You are worthy of it all

For from You are all things

And to You are all things

I know You deserve the glory

We give You the glory 

We give You the glory 

We give You the glory 

Lord we give You the glory 

Yes we give glory 

We give You the glory 

Worthy Of It All Song Meaning

Title: Worthy Of It All – A Song of Adoration and Surrender


“Worthy Of It All” is a powerful worship anthem performed by Jeremy Riddle and Steffany Gretzinger. This song has touched the hearts of many believers around the world, inviting them into a place of deep adoration and surrender to God. With heartfelt lyrics and a captivating melody, the song invites us to recognize God’s worthiness and give Him the glory that He rightfully deserves.

Meaning of the Song

At its core, “Worthy Of It All” expresses the fundamental truth that God alone is worthy of all honor, praise, and adoration. It acknowledges that everything we have and everything we are is because of Him. The song encourages believers to offer their lives as a living sacrifice, wholly devoted to God’s purposes and His glory.

Inspiration and Story Behind the Song

While specific details about the inspiration behind “Worthy Of It All” are not readily available, it is important to note that Jeremy Riddle and Steffany Gretzinger are both accomplished worship leaders and songwriters associated with Bethel Music. The song was likely birthed out of their personal encounters with God and their desire to lead others into a deeper place of worship.

Biblical References

The lyrics of “Worthy Of It All” align with various biblical truths and references. Here are a few:

1. Revelation 4:11 – “You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will, they were created and have their being.”

This verse highlights God’s worthiness as the Creator of all things. It emphasizes that He alone deserves our worship and adoration.

2. Romans 12:1 – “Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.”

This verse emphasizes the call to surrender ourselves entirely to God, offering our lives as a living sacrifice. “Worthy Of It All” echoes this sentiment by inviting us to surrender our all to God in worship.

3. Psalm 96:4 – “For great is the LORD and most worthy of praise; he is to be feared above all gods.”

This verse highlights the greatness of the Lord and His worthiness to be praised above all else. The song echoes this truth by declaring that God is deserving of all honor and glory.

Exploring the Song’s Lyrics

Verse 1:
“You are worthy of it all
You are worthy of it all
For from You are all things
And to You are all things
You deserve the glory, Jesus”

This opening verse sets the tone for the song, proclaiming God’s worthiness of all things. It acknowledges that everything we have and all that we are comes from Him. The lyrics affirm that Jesus deserves all the glory.

“Day and night, night and day, let incense arise
Day and night, night and day, let incense arise
And day and night, night and day, let incense arise
Day and night, night and day, let incense arise”

The repetitive chorus emphasizes the continuous nature of worship. It calls for a constant offering of praise and adoration, likening it to the rising of incense before God’s throne. The repetition creates an atmosphere of surrender and devotion.

Verse 2:
“You are worthy of it all
You are worthy of it all
For from You are all things
And to You are all things
You deserve the glory, Jesus”

The second verse echoes the first, reinforcing the central theme of God’s worthiness. It reminds us that everything we have and everything we are is because of Him. The lyrics reiterate that Jesus deserves all the glory.

“We give You the glory
We give You the glory
We give You the glory
Lord, we give You the glory”

The bridge serves as a declaration of surrender and adoration. It affirms our desire to give God all the glory and honor that He deserves. The repetition reinforces the worshipful atmosphere, inviting listeners to join in the proclamation.


“Worthy Of It All” is a profound worship song that calls us to recognize God’s worthiness and give Him the glory that He rightly deserves. Its heartfelt lyrics and captivating melody create an atmosphere of surrender and adoration. The song’s core message aligns with biblical truths, reminding us of God’s greatness and our call to offer our lives as a living sacrifice. Through “Worthy Of It All,” Jeremy Riddle and Steffany Gretzinger have crafted a powerful anthem that invites believers worldwide to enter into a deep place of worship and surrender to the One who is truly worthy of it all.

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