Shining Bright

Oh God! Life is a journey filled with hills and turns.

Lord, you don’t fail me; brought me through the worst.

honestly feel like the road is long.

Give me the strength, Lord, to carry on.

Sometimes I’m weak, but I must be strong.

That’s why I decided to sing this song.

In my life mi nah give up no doubt oh I will rise im gonna shine.


Second verse

No, it’s not easy. Dont back down in adversity.

Oh, I’ve got to push on; I must stay strong.

Fighting with my mind, and I must move on Hey!

Every day, you’ve got to write those plans.

At the end of the day, you’ve got to say, “Lord, thanks.”

Say Don’t worry your head; you’ve got live by faith.

Cause I’m running the race, endurance


In my life mi nah give up no doubt oh I will rise im gonna shine.



Oh I’m shining bright , I’m shining bright, i thought I would have died but I made it.

Shining bright I’m shining bright.

Brighter and brighter and brighter

I’m shining bright , i’m shining bright, not giving up no I’m not turning back yeah.

Brighter and brighter yeah

Oh God! Life is a journey filled with hills and turns.

Lord, you don’t fail me; brought me through the worst.

honestly feel like the road is long.

Give me the strength, Lord, to carry on.

Sometimes I’m weak, but I must be strong.

That’s why I decided to sing this song.

In my life mi nah give up no doubt oh I will rise im gonna shine.


Second verse

No, it’s not easy. Dont back down in adversity.

Oh, I’ve got to push on; I must stay strong.

Fighting with my mind, and I must move on Hey!

Every day, you’ve got to write those plans.

At the end of the day, you’ve got to say, “Lord, thanks.”

Say Don’t worry your head; you’ve got live by faith.

Cause I’m running the race, endurance


In my life mi nah give up no doubt oh I will rise im gonna shine.



Oh I’m shining bright , I’m shining bright, i thought I would have died but I made it.

Shining bright I’m shining bright.

Brighter and brighter and brighter

I’m shining bright , i’m shining bright, not giving up no I’m not turning back yeah.

Brighter and brighter yeah

Shining Bright Video

Shining Bright Song Meaning

Title: Shining Bright by Jermaine Edwards: Embracing Strength in Adversity

Introduction (100 words):
Shining Bright, performed by Jermaine Edwards, is a powerful Christian song that resonates with believers who have faced challenges and adversity in their lives. This uplifting and inspiring track reminds us of the strength and faith we possess to overcome obstacles and shine brightly, even in the darkest of times.

Meaning of Shining Bright (250 words):
Shining Bright is a song filled with hope and determination. It encourages listeners to embrace their inner strength and trust in God’s guidance, even when faced with difficult circumstances. The lyrics speak of a journey filled with hills and turns, acknowledging that life can be challenging. However, the song reminds us that God never fails us and has brought us through the worst.

Jermaine Edwards delivers a powerful message of resilience and perseverance, encouraging listeners to never give up. He acknowledges that the road may seem long and that we may feel weak at times, but the key is to remain strong and carry on. Shining Bright reminds us that we have the ability to rise above our circumstances and shine brightly, even when faced with adversity.

Inspiration or Story Behind Shining Bright (300 words):
While specific information about the inspiration or story behind Shining Bright is not readily available, it is evident that the song was crafted with the intention of uplifting and empowering individuals who have faced challenges in their lives. The lyrics resonate with many believers who have experienced trials and tribulations, reminding them of the strength they possess through their faith in God.

Jermaine Edwards’ personal experiences and encounters with adversity may have influenced the creation of this song. As a Christian artist, he likely drew inspiration from his own journey and the struggles he has overcome along the way. Shining Bright serves as a testament to his faith and serves as a source of encouragement for others.

Bible Verses Related to Shining Bright (500 words):
Several Bible verses come to mind when reflecting on the message conveyed in Shining Bright. These verses provide additional insight and support for the themes of triumph and perseverance found in the song. Here are a few relevant references:

1. Philippians 4:13 (NIV): “I can do all this through him who gives me strength.”
This verse affirms that our strength comes from God. It reminds us that we can overcome any obstacle with His help, even when we feel weak or discouraged. Shining Bright echoes this sentiment by encouraging listeners to tap into their God-given strength and carry on.

2. Isaiah 41:10 (NIV): “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”
This verse serves as a powerful reminder that God is always with us, providing us with the strength we need to face challenges. Shining Bright echoes this promise of God’s presence and His unwavering support, even in the midst of adversity.

3. James 1:12 (NIV): “Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.”
This verse highlights the importance of perseverance and the rewards that come from remaining steadfast in our faith. Shining Bright encourages listeners to keep pushing forward, knowing that their perseverance will be rewarded.

4. Romans 8:37 (NIV): “No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.”
This verse reminds us that as believers, we are not just conquerors but more than conquerors through Christ. Shining Bright carries a similar message of triumph, urging listeners to rise above their circumstances and shine brightly.

As we embrace the message of Shining Bright, let us be reminded of these verses and draw strength from the promises they hold. Through God’s strength and guidance, we have the ability to overcome any challenge and shine brightly in every aspect of our lives.

Conclusion (150 words):
Shining Bright by Jermaine Edwards is a powerful Christian song that encourages listeners to embrace their inner strength and trust in God’s guidance, even when faced with adversity. The lyrics resonate with believers who have experienced challenges and tribulations, reminding them of the importance of perseverance and the rewards that come from remaining steadfast in their faith. Through Bible verses that speak of triumph and God’s provision of strength, we are reminded of the source of our resilience and encouraged to shine brightly in all areas of our lives. Let Shining Bright serve as a reminder that, with God’s help, we can overcome any obstacle and rise above our circumstances, shining brightly for His glory.

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