The Perfect Gift

Have we forgotten
With all the rushing around
With all the shops and the cars and the chaos in this town
Have we forgotten
We need some sorting out
Clear our minds we will find what the story is all about

Ooh, He was the perfect gift
Ooh, He came to bring us peace
Ooh, holy child, our King

Do we remember
The wonders of his love
Will our voices join with the chorus up above
Do we remember how on the silent night
There was a baby who came to recall us back to life

Ooh, He was the perfect gift
Ooh, He came to bring us peace
Ooh, holy child, our king

Fill our hearts with wonders, eternal winter into summer
Fill our lungs with laughter, peace and joy
Peace and you
Perfect gift
Bringing peace

Ooh, He was the perfect gift
He came to bring us peace
Holy child, our king
Holy child, our king

The Perfect Gift Video

The Perfect Gift Song Meaning

The Perfect Gift by JJ Heller: A Message of Hope and Peace


The song titled “The Perfect Gift” by JJ Heller is a beautiful and heartfelt Christmas song that reminds us of the true meaning of the holiday season. With its soothing melody and powerful lyrics, the song captures the essence of Christmas – the birth of Jesus Christ, who came to bring us peace and salvation. In this blog post, we will explore the main key messages of the song, its meaning and inspiration, and critically analyze its biblical references.

Key Messages of the Song

The Perfect Gift has several key messages that are conveyed through its lyrics. Let’s examine each message chronologically from the lines:

1. Have we forgotten?
The song begins by posing a thought-provoking question, asking if we have forgotten the true significance of Christmas amidst the hustle and bustle of our busy lives. It serves as a gentle reminder to pause and reflect on the deeper meaning behind the holiday season.

2. We need some sorting out
The next line acknowledges the need for introspection and reflection. It suggests that we need to clear our minds and prioritize what truly matters in life.

3. Ooh, He was the perfect gift
This line introduces the central message of the song – Jesus Christ, who is referred to as “the perfect gift.” It emphasizes the divinity and significance of Jesus’ birth, highlighting that He is the ultimate gift of love and salvation to humanity.

4. Ooh, He came to bring us peace
Building on the previous message, this line highlights one of the primary purposes of Jesus’ coming – to bring peace to our lives. It reminds us that true peace can only be found in Him.

5. Ooh, holy child, our King
The final line of the chorus acknowledges the divinity of Jesus as the holy child and recognizes Him as our King. It emphasizes His authority and sovereignty over our lives.

6. Do we remember?
The second verse of the song begins with another thought-provoking question, asking if we remember the wonders of God’s love and if our voices will join in praising Him. It encourages us to recall the miraculous events of Jesus’ birth and the joy it brings.

7. The wonders of His love
This line emphasizes the incredible and awe-inspiring nature of God’s love, particularly demonstrated through the birth of Jesus. It invites us to marvel at the depth of His love for humanity.

8. We need to recall us back to life
The following line suggests that the birth of Jesus serves as a reminder to return to a life centered on Him. It implies that Jesus’ coming has the power to revive and renew our spirits.

Meaning and Inspiration of the Song

“The Perfect Gift” is a song that encapsulates the true meaning of Christmas – the birth of Jesus Christ. It serves as a reminder to pause amidst the chaos of the holiday season and reflect on the miraculous gift of love and salvation that Jesus brings. The song encourages us to remember the significance of Jesus’ birth and to allow His presence to bring peace and joy into our lives.

While the specific inspiration or story behind the song is not provided, it draws from the biblical narrative of Jesus’ birth found in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke. The song captures the essence of the Christmas story, focusing on the central message of Jesus’ birth and the hope and peace He brings to the world.

Biblical Analysis

The Perfect Gift aligns with the biblical teachings and themes surrounding the birth of Jesus Christ. Let’s critically analyze the song’s biblical references and examine their alignment with Scripture:

1. Jesus as the perfect gift: The song portrays Jesus as the perfect gift, which is consistent with Scripture. In the Bible, Jesus is referred to as the “indescribable gift” (2 Corinthians 9:15) and the “unspeakable gift” (2 Corinthians 9:15, KJV). He is the ultimate expression of God’s love for humanity (John 3:16) and the fulfillment of God’s promise of a Savior (Isaiah 9:6).

2. Jesus bringing peace: The song emphasizes Jesus’ role in bringing peace to our lives. This aligns with biblical teachings, as Jesus is described as the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6). Through His sacrifice on the cross, Jesus made peace between God and humanity possible (Romans 5:1, Colossians 1:20).

3. Jesus as our King: The song acknowledges Jesus as our King, which is in line with biblical teachings. In the New Testament, Jesus is referred to as the King of Kings (Revelation 19:16) and the Lord of lords (Revelation 17:14). He has authority and sovereignty over our lives.

Overall, The Perfect Gift by JJ Heller resonates with biblical themes and teachings surrounding the birth of Jesus Christ. It captures the essence of the Christmas story and reminds listeners of the true meaning of the holiday season.


In conclusion, The Perfect Gift by JJ Heller is a beautiful and meaningful Christmas song that reminds us of the true significance of Christmas – the birth of Jesus Christ. Through its powerful lyrics and soothing melody, the song conveys messages of hope, peace, and the transformative power of Jesus’ love. It aligns with biblical teachings and invites listeners to reflect on the miraculous gift of salvation that Jesus brings. As we celebrate Christmas, let us remember the perfect gift that God has given us in Jesus and allow His presence to bring peace and joy into our lives.

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