Let Us Adore The Lord

In the love come from God
I now entreat you
Put away all our cares
And be free of every possession
Coming feely to love and to serve
And to honor the Lord

Let us adore the Lord
With a pure heart and mind
Let us adore the Lord our God

For He is the Lord God Almighty
For the indwelling Father
And the Son and Spirit we pray
We should keep for Him always
A dwelling place
Within our soul
Where the Lord always can stay

Let us adore the Lord
With a pure heart and mind
Let us adore the Lord our God


So let us abide as the people of Jesus
Holding fast to His life
Holding fast to His words
Holding fast to His love
Of the Good Shepherd
We must never lose heart
For His love has overcome all the world
So let us adore the Lord
With a pure heart and mind
Let us adore the Lord our God


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Let Us Adore The Lord Song Meaning

Let Us Adore The Lord by John Michael Talbot is a beautiful Christian song that encourages believers to worship and adore the Lord with a pure heart and mind. In this blog post, we will explore the main key messages of the song, its meaning, and analyze its biblical foundations.

Key Messages of the Song:

The song begins with the lines, “In the love come from God, I now entreat you, Put away all our cares, And be free of every possession.” These lines emphasize the importance of love as a gift from God and the need to let go of worldly concerns and possessions in order to fully worship and adore Him. It highlights the idea that true worship requires a heart that is completely surrendered to God, free from distractions and worldly attachments.

The next lines say, “Coming feely to love and to serve, And to honor the Lord.” Here, the song reminds us that worship is not just about singing songs or attending church services, but it is also about living a life of love and service to others. It encourages believers to come freely to love and serve, and to honor the Lord in all aspects of their lives.

The chorus of the song repeats the phrase, “Let us adore the Lord, With a pure heart and mind, Let us adore the Lord our God.” This is a call to worship, inviting believers to wholeheartedly adore the Lord with sincerity and purity of heart and mind. It reminds us that worship is not just a physical act, but a spiritual one that requires our full attention and devotion.

Meaning of the Song:

The overall message of “Let Us Adore The Lord” is to encourage believers to worship God with all their heart, mind, and soul. It emphasizes the importance of surrendering ourselves completely to God, putting aside worldly concerns, and living a life of love and service. The song reminds us that worship is not just a one-time event but a continuous act of adoration and honor to God.

Inspiration or Song Story:

While there is limited information available about the specific inspiration or story behind the song, John Michael Talbot is known for his deep spirituality and commitment to the Christian faith. His songs often reflect his personal journey with God and his desire to lead others into a deeper relationship with Him. It is likely that “Let Us Adore The Lord” was written as a result of his own experiences and reflections on worship and adoration.

Biblical Analysis:

To determine if the song is biblical, we need to examine the lyrics in light of biblical principles and teachings. The key messages of the song align with biblical principles of worship, love, and service to God.

The song encourages believers to worship the Lord with a pure heart and mind. This aligns with Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 22:37, where He says, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” Worshiping God with sincerity and purity of heart is a biblical commandment.

The song also emphasizes the importance of surrendering ourselves completely to God and putting away worldly concerns. This is in line with Jesus’ teachings in Matthew 6:24, where He says, “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.” The song encourages believers to let go of worldly possessions and distractions in order to fully worship and serve God.

Furthermore, the song emphasizes the importance of living a life of love and service to others. This is in line with Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 22:39, where He says, “And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’” The song reminds us that worship is not just about our relationship with God but also about how we treat and serve others.

Overall, “Let Us Adore The Lord” aligns with biblical teachings on worship, love, and service to God. Its messages are rooted in scripture and encourage believers to live out their faith in a way that honors and adores the Lord.

In conclusion, “Let Us Adore The Lord” by John Michael Talbot is a powerful Christian song that calls believers to worship and adore the Lord with a pure heart and mind. Its key messages emphasize the importance of surrendering ourselves to God, putting away worldly concerns, and living a life of love and service. The song is biblically grounded and aligns with teachings on worship, love, and service to God. May this song inspire and encourage believers to worship the Lord wholeheartedly and live out their faith in a way that brings honor and glory to Him.

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