Psalm 51

Psalm 51
Have mercy, Lord, in Your kindness,
In Your compassion blot out my offences.
O wash me more and more from all of my guilt,
Wash me and cleanse me from all of my sin.
Truly I know then all my offences
My sin is ever before me, O Lord.
Against You alone have I sinned.
Glorify me, then I shall be clean.
Wash me and I shall be whiter than snow.
Lord, let me hear rejoicing and gladness.
Turn away Your face from all of my sin.
A pure heart create for me, O Lord.
Put a steadfast spirit deep within me,
Nor cast me away from Your presence.
Deprive me not of Your Spirit, O Lord.
O rescue me, God my Helper,
And my tongue shall declare all of Your goodness.
Open my lips, open my lips, O Lord,
And my mouth shall proclaim all of Your praise.
For in sacrifice You take no delight in;
Burnt offerings from me You would refuse.
My sacrifice is a contrite spirit,
My humble heart You will not spurn.
My sacrifice is a contrite spirit,
My humble heart You will not spurn.
Have mercy, Lord, in Your kindness,
In Your compassion blot out my offences.

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