You See

I see a mountain, you see a miracle
I see a wasteland, you see a garden
I see dry bones, you see an army
I see impossible, you see everything

I see a seed, you see a harvest
I see the water, you see the wine
I see the broken, you see your body
I see my enemy, you see your footstool

You are I AM, but I’ve been so blind all this time
My God, touch me, I want to see the way that you see

I see my sins, you see your blood
I see a baby, you see a savior
I see my failures, you see redemption
I see a beggar, you see a son

I see my Father, you see your son
I see my shepherd, you see your lamb
I see my Savior, you see your joy
I see your eyes staring at mine

You See Video

You See Song Meaning

Title: Unveiling the Divine Perspective: The Profound Meaning of “You See” by Jonathan Helser

Jonathan Helser’s soul-stirring song, “You See,” encapsulates the profound truth that God sees beyond our limited human perspective. Join us on this transformative journey as we delve into the heart of “You See” and uncover the divine perspective it imparts.

I. The Inspiration Behind “You See”:
Jonathan Helser, a renowned Christian artist and worship leader, draws his inspiration from personal experiences and encounters with God. While specific details about the inspiration behind “You See” are not readily available, it is evident that the song emerges from a place of deep intimacy with God. Helser’s desire to convey God’s perspective and how it contrasts with our limited understanding intensifies the connection between the artist and his audience.

II. Unveiling the Meaning:
“You See” offers a refreshing perspective on how God perceives our circumstances, struggles, and potential. It invites listeners to embrace the truth that God’s vision transcends our human limitations. By exploring the lyrics, we can gain a deeper understanding of the profound meaning behind the song.

a) Recognizing God’s Omnipotence:
The song begins by highlighting the contrasting perspectives between God and humanity. While we may perceive a mountain as an insurmountable obstacle, God sees it as an opportunity for a miracle. In the same vein, what we consider a wasteland, God envisions as a garden of transformation. This juxtaposition reveals God’s omnipotence and His ability to bring forth beauty from the most unexpected places.

b) Embracing God’s Restoration:
The lyrics also emphasize God’s power to restore and revive. While we may see dry bones, symbolizing hopelessness and desolation, God sees an army that He can resurrect and empower. This narrative echoes the biblical account of the Valley of Dry Bones in Ezekiel 37, where God breathes life into what was once dead. “You See” encourages believers to trust in God’s ability to bring restoration and renewal to every aspect of their lives.

c) Embracing God’s Sovereignty:
The song continues to unveil God’s divine perspective by highlighting His ability to transform the impossible into reality. Our limited vision may perceive a situation as impossible, but God sees it as an opportunity to display His power and glory. By acknowledging God’s sovereignty, we can surrender our doubts and fears, embracing His ability to turn impossibilities into possibilities.

III. Biblical References:
The profound message conveyed in “You See” finds its roots in various biblical passages. These verses serve as a foundation for the song’s lyrical content and inspire listeners to view their circumstances through the lens of faith.

a) Ezekiel 37:1-14:
The imagery of dry bones being brought back to life in “You See” directly relates to the account of the Valley of Dry Bones in Ezekiel. This passage vividly illustrates God’s power to restore and resurrect what seems lifeless. It serves as a reminder that even in our darkest moments, God can breathe new life and purpose into our lives.

b) Psalm 23:1-6:
The lyrics of “You See” also resonate with Psalm 23, often referred to as the Shepherd’s Psalm. This passage portrays God as our loving and caring shepherd who guides us through the valleys of life. The song’s depiction of God’s perspective sees our brokenness as an opportunity for Him to demonstrate His faithfulness, just as the psalmist acknowledges that God leads us beside still waters and restores our souls.

c) Romans 8:28:
The concept of God working all things together for good, even in the midst of our challenges, finds its inspiration in Romans 8:28. “You See” beautifully captures this truth by reminding us that what we perceive as our failures, God sees as an opportunity for redemption. This verse encourages believers to trust God’s higher plan, even when our understanding falls short.

Jonathan Helser’s “You See” provides a transformative perspective on how God perceives our lives and circumstances. By highlighting God’s omnipotence, restoration, and sovereignty, the song invites listeners to embrace His divine perspective. Drawing inspiration from biblical passages such as Ezekiel 37, Psalm 23, and Romans 8:28, “You See” encourages believers to trust in God’s ability to bring beauty out of ashes and turn the impossible into reality. As we surrender our limited perspective and align our hearts with God’s, we can experience a profound transformation, enabling us to see the world through His eyes.

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