
Omere mu mma (You have done me well) 

Omere mu mma (You have done me well) 

Omere mu mma (You have done me well) 

Jesus omere mu mma ah

Omere mu mma (You have done me well) 

Omere mu mma (You have done me well) 

Omere mu mma (You have done me well) 

Jesus omere mu mma eh

Omere mu mma (You have done me well) 

Omere mu mma (You have done me well) 

Omere mu mma (You have done me well) 

Jesus omere mu mma eh

Omere mu mma (You have done me well) 

Omere mu mma (You have done me well) 

Omere mu mma (You have done me well) 

Jesus the owner of my life

With you, all things are made possible

Oh oh oh Jesus anyaleluwa

If you do nothing else for me

You have done enough oh

Omemma, omemma (The doer of good things) 

Omemma, omemma (The doer of good things) 

Omemma, omemma (The doer of good things) 

You have done enough oh

Omemma, omemma (The doer of good things) 

Omemma, omemma (The doer of good things) 

Omemma, omemma (The doer of good things) 

You have done enough oh

Omere mu mma (You have done me well) 

Omere mu mma (You have done me well) 

Omere mu mma (You have done me well) 

Jesus omere mu mma ah

Omere mu mma (You have done me well) 

Omere mu mma (You have done me well) 

Omere mu mma (You have done me well) 

Jesus omere mu mma eh

Omere mu mma (You have done me well) 

Omere mu mma (You have done me well) 

Omere mu mma (You have done me well) 

Jesus omere mu mma eh

Omere mu mma (You have done me well) 

Omere mu mma (You have done me well) 

Omere mu mma (You have done me well) 

This your mercy

This your grace oh

(Obaruba nebeano)

This your love oh

This your goodness

(Obaruba nebeano)

Your finished work on Calvary

How you love me so

If you do nothing else for me

You have done enough oh

If you do nothing else for me

You have done enough oh

Omemma, omemma (The doer of good things) 

Omemma, omemma (The doer of good things) 

Omemma, omemma (The doer of good things) 

You have done enough oh

Omemma, omemma (The doer of good things) 

Omemma, omemma (The doer of good things) 

Omemma, omemma (The doer of good things) 

You have done enough oh

Omere mu mma (You have done me well) 

Omere mu mma (You have done me well) 

Omere mu mma (You have done me well) 

Jesus omere mu mma ah

Omere mu mma (You have done me well) 

Omere mu mma (You have done me well) 

Omere mu mma (You have done me well) 

Jesus omere mu mma eh

Omere mu mma (You have done me well) 

Omere mu mma (You have done me well) 

Omere mu mma (You have done me well) 

Jesus omere mu mma eh

Omere mu mma (You have done me well) 

Omere mu mma (You have done me well) 

Omere mu mma (You have done me well) 

Jesus you are good

You have done it all, you are good

Jesus you are good

You have done it all, you are good

Jesus you are good

You have done it all, you are good

Jesus you are good

You have done it all, you are good

Jesus Jesus, you are good

You have done it all, you are good

Jesus Jesus, you are good

Omemma Video

Omemma Song Meaning

Title: Omemma by Judikay: A Powerful Song of Thanksgiving and Adoration

Omemma, a captivating song by Nigerian gospel artist Judikay, has gained immense popularity and touched the hearts of many believers around the world. The word “Omemma” is derived from the Igbo language of Nigeria, which means “The Doer of Good Things” in English. This song beautifully expresses gratitude and adoration to Jesus Christ, acknowledging His goodness and faithfulness in the lives of His people. In this article, we will explore the meaning of the song, the inspiration behind it, and the Bible verses that resonate with its message of thanksgiving and praise.

1. The Meaning of Omemma:
Omemma is a song that highlights the goodness and faithfulness of God in the lives of His children. It acknowledges that Jesus is the source of all blessings and that His love and grace are more than sufficient. The repetitive chorus, “Omere mu mma” means “You have done me well” in English, emphasizing the personal experiences and testimonies of the songwriter and believers who have encountered the goodness of God.

2. The Inspiration behind Omemma:
While there isn’t specific information available about the inspiration behind Omemma, it is clear that the song draws from personal encounters with God’s goodness and the desire to express gratitude for His faithfulness. Many gospel songs are birthed from personal experiences, and it is likely that Judikay’s personal encounters with God’s goodness and faithfulness inspired her to write this powerful song.

3. Omemma and Bible Verses:
Omemma resonates with various Bible verses that emphasize the goodness and faithfulness of God. Here are a few relevant scriptures that align with the message of the song:

a) Psalm 34:8 (NIV):
“Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.”

This verse encourages believers to experience God’s goodness firsthand and find refuge in Him. Omemma reflects this sentiment by acknowledging that Jesus has done well in the lives of His people.

b) Psalm 107:1 (NIV):
“Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.”

The song Omemma is a powerful expression of thanksgiving to the Lord for His enduring love and goodness. It echoes the psalmist’s call to give thanks to God for His goodness and faithfulness.

c) James 1:17 (NIV):
“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.”

Omemma recognizes that every good thing in our lives comes from God, the Father of lights. It acknowledges Him as the source of all blessings and gives Him all the glory.

d) Ephesians 2:8-9 (NIV):
“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast.”

The song Omemma reflects the understanding that salvation and all good things in life are gifts from God, received by His grace and not earned through our own efforts. It emphasizes that Jesus has done well for His children, highlighting the unmerited favor and blessings received through faith in Him.

4. The Impact of Omemma:
Omemma has made a significant impact in the lives of believers worldwide. Its powerful and uplifting message resonates with those who have experienced the goodness and faithfulness of God firsthand. The song serves as a reminder to continually express gratitude to God for His blessings and to acknowledge His faithfulness in all circumstances.

The melodious tune and heartfelt lyrics of Omemma have also made it a favorite in worship gatherings, where believers come together to praise and adore God for His goodness. The song’s repetitive chorus creates an atmosphere of thanksgiving and adoration, allowing worshippers to connect with the message on a deep level.

Omemma by Judikay is a powerful song of thanksgiving and adoration that has touched the hearts of many believers worldwide. Its message of gratitude for God’s goodness and faithfulness resonates with the personal testimonies of those who have encountered His love and grace. The song aligns with various Bible verses that emphasize God’s goodness and serves as a reminder to continually give thanks to Him for His blessings. Omemma is a beautiful expression of worship and a powerful reminder of God’s faithfulness in the lives of His people. As we listen to this song, may our hearts overflow with gratitude and adoration for the One who has done us well, Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.

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